The Once and Future King

By MaddyLib_21

13.6K 703 34

Hello! This is my Merlin fanfiction. Since I know I will never get over how Merlin ended, I made this in mode... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The End

Chapter 11

516 31 3
By MaddyLib_21

I continue to watch her sitting there. It looks like she's waiting for someone. She keeps looking around every time someone walks by. After a few minutes of this she seems to have found who she was looking for. She stands up and smiles and waves at someone I cannot see. When the girl does come into view I can only see the back of her. Morgana embraces her in a hug. From the back I can see the girl is shorter than Morgana, has short and dark wavy hair, and darker skin. As they release each other they sit down and start talking. I still can't see the other girl very well though. She is facing the other direction.
While I'm looking on I consider everything I know about Morgana. When I first met her she was so kind and compassionate. She cared so much about others even before herself. We were friends, I think sadly. Then everything changed. She disappeared for a year and when she came back she was completely changed. She became corrupt, and I blame a lot of that on myself. I poisoned her, I didn't tell her about my magic, I judged her based on what I thought she was going to be rather than she was at the moment. I could've saved her, but I pushed her away.
Wait, I stop myself. What does this have anything to do with what's going on right now? I don't know anything about this Morgana. I assume that she has the same or a very similar personality as she used to have. Looking at her from a distance she seems happy and peaceful. So I messed up before but maybe this is a chance to start over. It all depends on whether she remembers or not, and I would assume she does not.
I really ought to go over and find out more. But on the other hand, she is talking to someone. I think I'll just wait a while, but I should probably stop hiding behind a tree. I've been getting some pretty weird looks from people. So I look around and find a bench I can sit on and still have a pretty good view. I go over and sit.
I still can't fully see Morgana's friend. Although there's something vaguely familiar about her. I mean I've met a lot of people over the years so she probably reminds me of one of them. Yet at the same time, there's something that gives me a weird feeling about those two. Kind of a déjà vu feeling. I look down at my watch and realize, I been here for an hour! That other girl has to walk away at some point, and then I'll be able to see her.
I sit there a few more minutes I continue to wonder why seeing those two together gives me a weird feeling. Then the girl with short dark hair starts to move. She looks like she's about to stand up. I make sure to watch intently so I don't miss it. She gets up and waves to Morgana and starts to walk in my direction.
When she turns to face my way I nearly fall out of my seat. I would know that face anywhere. How could I have been so stupid? I didn't even suspect...

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