The Secret Dolan sister...

By LittleMissLoverx1

80.6K 1.4K 229

On Hold- currently re writing😁I started this book back in 2015. My writing has improved since then Name: Sta... More

Chapter 10; Bye life... Bye California...
Chapter 11; One Day...
Chapter 12; Betrayal...Hurt...Goodbye...
Chapter 13; Trouble...Trouble...
Chapter 14; Caught?!
Chapter 15; NO!
Chapter 16; I miss you..
Chapter 17; More....
Chapter 19; Im here baby!
Chapter 20:No reply
Chapter 21; Sorry isnt good enough
Chapter 22; solved but not how i wanted...
Chapter 23; Trust is important!
Chapter24; Wheres she gone
Chapter 25; lost and found

chapter 18-ANSWER?

2.2K 44 18
By LittleMissLoverx1

Note! Hey guys I never normally write a note at the beginning I just wanted to say sorry for not updating I've been going through a lot of stuff at the moment and as well as being on holiday. I will try and update regally xox

Stacey's POV

I've been waiting forever for my "AMAZING" Tutor to give out the letter about the LA trip. I've done everything what my parents want. I've not been going out as much as I used to. Dani and Blake are always busy so there is no point in me trying.

I've been putting so much effort into my work I want to show my parents that's I am capable to look after myself. Me and Cameron speak everyday he's so sweet and I do trust him but ever since I saw them comments im not going to lie my heart stopped.

Your probably thinking what Comments? On his recent Instagram photo somebody put that they saw him with another girl. This made me very self conscious because I thought for hours on end about it. He could have anybody he could be cheating on me. How do I know? This has made me want to go to LA even more to find out for myself.

Today is a Friday and I have English, today I hope I receive the letter about the trip because I have been waiting for ever. When I walk into Class I walked over to Dani and Blake.

Good Morning...

"Morning grumpy pants, any news?" Blake askes

No, I wish she hurried up and gave them to us, I'm going out my mind! I laugh while rubbing my head

"Oh Stacey, she will give them too us soon and then you can see Cameron. Well Hopefully." Dani tells me

I know, I know.

"SO class I've been holiday these letters for 2weeks and I was double thinking about this trip. But seeing as most of you have put effort Into your course work you deserve this trip." Tutor L said


"So come and pick the...."



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