Heart & Soul Forever (Book 3...

By NickNemiDemi

225K 3.2K 1K

PART 3 OF FOREVER SERIES: Demi Lovato & Nick Jonas have had a relationship like no other, as friends & as lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 18

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By NickNemiDemi


When the Grammy Awards were over, we went to a few of the hottest after parties. We rubbed elbows with the biggest names in the business. It was an amazing night & I couldn't believe the conversations I was having with people. We were respected as musicians & it felt incredible. Demi was smiling every time I looked at her from across the room. She looked so radiant, I couldn't help but to smile & fall in love with her over & over again that night. I would undress her in my mind & imagine her doing naughty things. She would laugh & turn her back to me & that just made me more crazy. Did she do it on purpose? She knew how much I loved her ass.

Near the end of the evening, I saw Demi talking to a few of the guys from One Direction & the way she smiled & batted her lashes at Niall made me a little jealous. I knew they were friends, but still I watched them & I couldn't help the feelings I had. I hardly ever got jealous like that when Demi talked with other guys, but something about tonight brought out my little green monster. Niall leaned into Demi as he laughed like she was the funniest person he'd ever met. Demi touched his arm & the way her hand lingered on his bicep made me crazy. I headed in their direction.

Louis was standing next to Niall & smiled as I approached, sticking out his hand to shake mine. "Hi, sir. Congrats on your wins this evening." Louis said.

Demi put her arm around my waist as I took my place beside her. Niall congratulated me as well & I thanked them both. "You guys making moves on my girl?" I asked, trying to sound as if I was kidding.

Niall & Louis laughed as they glanced at each other. Niall spoke first. "Just moves in the musical direction. We want Demi to sing on our next album. She is golden now."

I raised my eyebrows & grinned at him. "She is." I laughed under my breath.

"You are, too, ya know?" Louis added. "We may have to see about having you co-producing our album. Or writing some songs or both."

"I'd be honored. Just let me know." I smiled. I was fine with me working with them, but for some reason I didn't want Demi singing with them. What was my problem? I felt like I had no right to feel this way & she wasn't mine to control. It was weird that now I felt like I didn't want her to sing with anyone besides me.

On our way home later, Demi leaned on my shoulder in the limo & I heard her sigh. "You had a long night. I bet you're tired." I said in a low voice, leaning my cheek on the top of her head.

Demi tilted her head up to look at me. "This day was incredible. I can't believe we won & I can't believe all the music legends I met tonight. I mean Celine Dion congratulated me & told me she would love to do a duet sometime. Can you believe it?"

"That's amazing." I responded. I felt Demi's hand on my chest. I put my hand over hers & kissed her head. "I feel a bit stupid for feeling this way, but I really don't want you singing with the One D guys."

Demi chuckled as she leaned her head back to look at me with her mouth open. "What? Why?"

I shrugged, looking away. "I think I just don't want you singing with other guys." I looked down at her & she had the cutest grin on her face. "I know. I don't own you. You can do whatever you like." I kissed her forehead.

Demi giggled as she covered her mouth. "You're so adorable." Demi snuggled into me. "Can I tell you a secret?" she whispered.


"I don't want you singing with other girls." she said, just above a whisper. I smiled, but said nothing. I just pulled her closer to me. After several minutes of silence, she sighed again. "Is that wrong of me?"

"If it's wrong of you, then it's wrong of me to think the same thing." I chuckled, quietly. "I think it's because we work so well with each other & if we sang with someone else & did just as well with that collaboration, the other one might feel resentful."

"I guess that makes sense. I wouldn't want you winning other awards with other girls. It would feel like cheating."

"Exactly." I rubbed Demi's arm. "Maybe one day we will be okay with it."

Demi moaned, slightly. "Maybe. Not making any promises."

I laughed. "I have to admit. I didn't even like seeing you talking & flirting with Niall."

Demi laughed as she sat up straighter to look into my eyes. "I wasn't flirting."

"Uh yea you were. You were laughing & rubbing his arm."

Demi threw her head back in laughter again. "It's called schmoozing. I was schmoozing with fellow musicians."

"Whatever you want to call it. I got jealous. Maybe it's because of the rumor you two were dating back in 2012 or maybe it's because of how often I heard about his crush on you."

"I only have eyes for you." Demi put her arm around my shoulder. "And I did see you talking to Lorde. I didn't like that."

I laughed again. "That girl is crazy talented."

"Yea yea." She kissed me, softly. "I still got a little jealous."

"Just a little?" I asked.

Demi smiled, playfully, then leaned on me again, ignoring my question. "We have a few weeks before Jonas Ever After starts taping. We could do a road trip. It's on my bucket list."

"Where would we go?"

"I don't know. Somewhere not too far."

"We could drive up the coast & then through Nevada to Arizona to go to the Grand Canyon. I haven't been there since I was a kid."

"I've never been there, except to drive through it. Never got out to take in the view."

"Are you serious? Oh my God, you have to stand there for a bit & really take it in. You have to see it at sunset. It's breathtaking." She looked up at me again & I smiled down at her. "That's where we're going. Clear our schedules for the next week." I said as the driver opened the door of the limo to let us out.

Demi & I took two days to plan our trip. We got packed & I rented a car. We cleared our schedules & made arrangements with Joe & Blanda to check on the house for us, while we were gone. The day before we were leaving, our Grammy awards were delivered to us. We were like two kids on Christmas morning as we opened them & then tried to figure out where to put them. We finally decided to put them in our family room on a bookshelf until we bought a glass display case for them.

We left early in the morning on the Wednesday, after the Grammy Awards, to head up the coast. It was amazing to watch the sunrise as we headed to Monterey. The Pebble Beach PGA Pro-Am event was going on & I had contacted a few of my friends in the golf world & they added me to the celebrity roster for their charity event. I was excited, having dreamt of playing at Pebble Beach since I was a teenager. Demi seemed happy for me, even though golf bored her. She was looking forward to seeing which celebrities were going to be there.

On the ride up to Monterey, Demi stayed awake & she had a few car ride games we played. We stopped along the way to do some site seeing or get a bite to eat. Demi did a little shopping along the way, too. We arrived at our hotel in Monterey that evening, had dinner & mingled at the PGA party. The event, the next day, was so fun. Even Demi had fun & I could hear her cheering me on, which excited me. We went to a party after the event & socialized with all the celebrities. The next morning we were back on the road again.

As Demi & I drove through California we sang at the top of our lungs along with the radio, but also had some interesting & revealing conversations. We decided to take a detour to Yosemite National Park & as we got closer to the park, Demi asked, "Is there anything I don't know about you?"

I couldn't help but to laugh as I glanced at her quickly. "I'm pretty sure you know everything."

"That can not be true. There has to be some things about you that I don't know."

"I can't think of anything. Is there something you want to ask?" I was curious as to why she asked this question.

"How often did you think of me during the two years we were apart?" Demi scooted closer to me & her hand was on my thigh, rubbing it gently.

I chuckled. "Pretty much once a day."

I heard Demi sigh. "No, you didn't." She said, quietly.

I didn't look at her, but I could see her in my peripheral view. She was looking out the window, her hand still resting on my leg. "Do not tell Olivia, but I most certainly did." I said in a low voice.

Demi turned her head, quickly, to look at me & I was pulling into a parking spot at the park. She was smiling & her eyes were wide. "Did you really?"

I turned the car off & faced her. "Yes. And I have a confession." I grinned, sheepishly, looking down.

Demi's smile turned devilish. "Ooooh a confession. What is it?"

I took a deep breath. "When I took that shirtless selfie, I actually originally intended to send it to you to show you what you were missing."

Her smile got bigger & then she busted out laughing. "Are you serious?" she asked in between bouts of laughter.

"You don't have to laugh so hard. I ended up showing Joe & he said I should post it so you could see what you were missing & also so Olivia could see what she was getting."

Demi stopped laughing & made a face of disgust. "Yuck. I don't need to hear that."

Now it was my turn to laugh out loud. "Sorry. What about you? Do you have any confessions?"

Demi bit her lip as her eyes shifted away, looking as if she was thinking hard. "I was pissed at you often during that time."

I was surprised to hear this. "What? Why? What did I do?"

"I thought your public displays of affection toward Olivia were a little over the top & were meant to rub the fact that you were together in my face. I was really pissed when you posted a pic of you looking at her picture & you quoted that Drake song." Demi clicked her tongue & rolled her eyes. "I'm getting mad now, thinking about it again."

I shook my head. "What are you talking about? Why would that make you mad? She was my girlfriend."

Demi unbuckled her seat belt & turned to face me. "First of all, I felt like you were being overly out there with your relationship because I wanted to keep ours a secret. It was like you were trying to show me what we could have been. Second of all, that Drake song was our song."

I laughed again, not understanding what she was talking about. "How was that our song?"

"It was playing while we made love in Canada."

My eyebrows came together & I was suddenly afraid to speak. I sighed. "I don't remember that song playing while we made love." I said slowly & quietly.

Demi's mouth fell open & she smacked my leg. "Are you serious?" She turned & opened the car door. "You're unbelievable." She said over her shoulder as she got out & slammed the door.

I got out of the car & went to her as she headed into the building we were parked in front of. I grabbed her hand & she turned. "I remember a lot of things about making love to you, but I am sorry that I don't remember that song. If it means anything, it always reminded me of you when I heard it. I remember you tweeted the lyrics to it, so I always thought of you after that." I flashed a sexy smile at her. Of course I remembered making love to her in Canada, while that song played. I didn't want to admit it to her. Not now anyway. I wanted her to sweat a little.

Demi's mouth turned into a smile & her head tilted. "Yea yea. It's okay, babe. I know that sex is just about how good it feels for guys. For women it's about the intimacy & the tenderness & the feelings you have for that person. Women love deeper than men." She shrugged her shoulders in a cute little way to drive me nuts.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I have a lot of feelings when I'm making love to you. And I love you just as deeply as you love me. Maybe more." I winked at her, giving her a big smile.

Demi smiled as she turned & pulled me with her to go inside the building. We wanted to do some hiking or see some beautiful scenery, so we went in to the visitor's center to see a map & see where we should go. I was checking things out on a table near the front door, when I heard Demi talking to a man that worked at the park. I couldn't hear what they were saying but they were looking at some photos. Demi came up to me & reached in my pocket for the car keys.

"Let's go. I'm driving." she announced.

I followed her to the car & got in, not saying a word. I just watched her as she drove, seeming to concentrate on her driving & where she was going. We arrived at a lodge a little while later. Demi turned off the car, got out & I followed.

"This place is supposed to have an awesome view of the mountains. I thought maybe we could take a walk." Demi said, heading inside. I followed her, since she seemed to know where she was going.

We ended up outside & I walked just behind Demi, mostly watching her ass. Demi stopped dead in her tracks. I nearly bumped into her. Demi's gaze was that of someone in awe. I looked to see what she was looking at & it was a set up for what appeared to be a wedding. There was a decorated archway set up & hundreds of chairs covered with white cloths & a red sash. The flowers on & around the archway were in various shades of red to match the sashes. The backdrop was breathtaking, with rolling mountains & gorgeous color.

Demi's hand went up to her mouth & I heard a tiny gasp. "Oh my God, Nick. This is it."

I put my hand on her back. "What, love?"

"This is where I want us to get married." Her eyes glistened with a few tears.

I kissed her cheek & pulled her close to me. "Then let's go talk to someone." I murmured in her ear.

Demi looked at me, a soft smile on her lips. "Really?"

"Of course. If it makes you this emotional, then it has to be it. I want you to have everything your heart desires & everything you ever dreamed of." I looked around. "This place will look beautiful in the fall."

Her arms wrapped around me & her cheek pressed into my shoulder. "Thank you."

Demi & I talked to the people who handled the weddings & I gave them a deposit & that was it. We found our location. The date was open, thankfully & I felt like it was meant to be. The manager told us they had a cancellation for that date just the previous week. Otherwise they were booked for the year. It was fate. We were getting married at the Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite. Demi was so excited as we drove through Nevada.

Before we got to the border of Nevada & Arizona, we decided to get a hotel in Vegas for the night. We gambled a bit & went to a show & then spent an amazing night in our hotel room. We headed toward the border the next day after we had a late lunch. At Hoover Dam, we stopped to take a photo of us by the border. With one foot on the Nevada side & one on the Arizona side, Demi could cross 'be in two places at once' off her bucket list. Check.

We got to the Grand Canyon in the early evening. We got some dinner, walked over the sky walk & then stood at one of the overlooks to watch the sunset. Demi & I were sitting on a blanket in a grassy spot & she was laying with her head in my lap. The view was spectacular, so we weren't really talking. We were just taking it all in.

"I want to take dance lessons for our wedding dance." Demi said in a quiet voice, not looking at me.

I looked down at her face in profile as she looked out at the view. I brushed her hair off her neck & touched her jawline, softly. It was amazing how beautiful she was. Her skin was flawless & her neck made my mouth water. "Okay." was all I said in response.

She smiled up at me, her eyes twinkling. "Really? You'll take lessons with me?"

"Of course. It's on your bucket list."
She giggled & looked back at the sunset. After several moments, she sat up, throwing one leg over my lap & putting the other leg around me from behind. I watched her with a smile on my face. "I'm cold."

I wrapped my arms around her. "We can go sit in the car." I suggested.

"I can't sit this close to you in the car." She mumbled.

"We can go get a room somewhere & then you can get even closer." I murmured as I stroked her hair.

She got up, quickly. "Okay. Sounds good."

I laughed as I got up, too. I pulled her into my arms to hug her & then I planted a lingering kiss on her lips, making her sigh. "I love you." I whispered, embracing her again.

Her arms tightened around me. "I love you, too."

Demi & I enjoyed the rest of our road trip. We had fun playing games, singing, talking & siteseeing as we made our way back to L.A. The week after we got back, the camera crews would arrive to start shooting 'Jonas Ever After.' In early March, Dallas was getting married, so Demi & I were going to be pretty busy.

Filming wasn't too bad. The crew would give us a schedule of when they were shooting & we had to figure out how to work in what we had planned that day. They filmed Demi & I working separately & then they filmed us interacting at home. They filmed us having dinner with Joe & Blanda & they filmed us going to Dallas's wedding. They didn't come to the wedding, but they were there when we were frantically getting ready & they filmed us getting frisky before we left. It was easy to forget the cameras were there after awhile.

The film crews did manage to get a tiny fight on camera. Demi & I had just got home one evening after having dinner with Sean & Naya, which was also filmed. I walked in the kitchen to get something to drink after we returned home & Demi followed.

"Next Tuesday, we have an appointment to sample wedding cakes." Demi said as she leaned on the counter.

"I booked studio time Tuesday, so you'll have to pick the cake. I trust you." I was on my phone checking my calendar, to make sure I had the day right.

"I'm not picking it myself. I'll just reschedule."

"Don't do that." I looked up at her. A cameraman was nearby, but I barely noticed him. "I trust you. Any kind of cake is fine. I probably won't eat it anyway."

"What do you mean you probably won't eat it?" Demi crossed her arms now.

"I've been to a lot of weddings over the years & hardly ever have I seen the bride or groom eat their own cake. They're too busy."

Demi rolled her eyes. "We have to at least save the top tier for our anniversary."

I chuckled. "Then make the top tier a flavor we both like." I kissed her nose, then walked to the family room to sit down & turn on the tv. A few minutes later, Demi sat on the couch but on the opposite end that I was on. "You don't want to cuddle with me?" I stuck my bottom lip out.

She looked at the tv, leaning on her hand. "No."

I knew she was mad about something. I put the remote on the table in front of me & watched Demi, closely. "What's wrong?" I probably shouldn't have asked until the camera guys had left & we were alone, but I forgot that they were there.

Demi glared at me. "You just don't seem like you care about planning our wedding."

I wanted to laugh but I stifled it. "I do care, but I don't care about the minor details. It's your day, so you should make the important decisions."

Demi turned, angrily, to face me. "It's our day!" she said in a loud voice. "We are getting married. Not just me. I want you to act like this day is important to you."

"It is important. I can not wait to marry you, but I won't care about the flowers or the cake or what kind of food is served. All I will care about is what you look like & that my family & friends are there to share the day with us."

"I want you to care. Why can't you pretend to care?" Demi whined.

I moved closer to her on the couch. "Baby, I do care because it's important to you. That's why I am letting you decide. These details mean more to you. If you need my opinion, I am happy to give it to you. I will taste cakes with you. Reschedule the appointment." I smiled at her as my arm went around her.

Demi stood up, grunting. "Never mind. I'll just let you know when to show up." She snapped as she stomped up the stairs & I was left sitting alone with the cameraman.
I heard our bedroom door shut & I looked into the camera. "This could be a long night." I sighed & then the light on the camera went off.

"I think that's enough for tonight." The camera guy said. His name was Ron.

"Thanks Ron. See ya tomorrow."

"Good luck, Nick." Ron laughed as he put his camera away & I headed upstairs.

Demi was in bed, leaning on the headboard, reading a magazine. She didn't look up when I came in the room. I could tell by her expression that she was mad. Her forehead was wrinkled, slightly & her lips were pursed intensely. Her breathing was quick. I stripped down to just my boxers, all the while, watching Demi's face. Not once did she divert her attention away from her magazine. I wasn't even sure she was really reading. I think she was pretending, but I wasn't about to accuse her.

I climbed into bed & laid down, facing the ceiling as I stared up at it. After a moment, I turned my head toward Demi just a bit so I could see her. She hadn't changed anything. I cleared my throat & still she stared at the magazine. She didn't flinch at all & now I was a little scared. I had to make this right, so I sighed, turning on my side to face her.

I leaned on my elbow & watched her for a few minutes to see if she would look at me. She didn't & still she didn't move, even a bit. "I'm sorry I upset you." I finally said.

Demi stared at her magazine, her eyes only blinked. After a few moments, she finally closed her eyes & took a deep breath. "Okay." That was all she said. She turned the page of the magazine & still didn't look at me.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

Demi shook her head, still pretending to be reading her magazine.

"Can I get a kiss before I fall asleep?"

Demi let out an annoying sigh & kissed my forehead, quickly.

I let out a quiet laugh. "Wow. Thanks." I watched Demi's face & she still looked angry. Demi had her legs up & the magazine was resting on her thighs. I moved my hand so it went under her thigh & went around to slip between her legs. They felt warm on my hand. I watched Demi's face for a reaction & got nothing. I moved my body so it was pressed up against her & she still didn't change her expression. My mouth was next to the exposed skin of her arm so I kissed it, softly. I brought my hand up to the top of her thigh, rubbing it gently, then moved it to her breast.

Finally, Demi reacted, by pushing my hand away & sighing loudly. "I'm not in the mood to be touched."

"I knew you were still mad." I grumbled before lying flat on my back.

I heard the magazine close & then saw her toss it on the nightstand beside the bed. She reached up & turned off the light. I hadn't turned off the light next to my side of the bed, so it wasn't dark. I could see Demi out of the corner of my eye. She was on her back, one arm under her head & the other hand rested on her stomach. Her breathing was more rapid now. "Yea, I guess I am still mad. I don't even think you really want to get married. I think the only reason you asked me was for the publicity."

Did I hear her right? I sat up with a start & stared at her, my mouth open slightly. "Did you really just say that?" Her eyes met mine & they were wide with fear. She didn't say anything, she only looked into my eyes as I blinked away the anger in my head right now. I wanted to scream at her & shake her, I was so mad. I can't ever remember being this angry at her before. I got out of bed & angrily pulled a tshirt on over my head. I turned to look at her as she sat up in the bed now. "If you really believe that then we have no business getting married. Or even being together for that matter." I headed for the door to leave.

"What are you saying?" Demi yelled at me. I turned, holding the door handle, to see her sitting on the edge of the bed now. "You don't want to marry me?" Her eyes were filled with tears.

"I said what I meant. Don't go reading into it more than I actually meant. Go over what I said in your head again & again until you can figure out what I was saying." I sneered at her before I left the room, slamming the door behind me. I practically ran downstairs, regretting that I hadn't put more clothes on. I really wanted to go for a drive to clear my head. I wanted to walk to Joe's to vent to him & have him make me laugh. I could feel my heart racing in my chest as I paced in the kitchen. I sucked down a beer, then grabbed another. As I calmed down a little, I leaned on the counter, taking swigs of my third beer. I got mad again that I left my phone up in my bedroom. I couldn't even call Joe to vent or tell him to come over. My heart started to beat at a normal pace, but I still felt myself being angry. I felt my heart hurting. How could I be with someone who thought I would marry her for publicity? How could the Demi I have known for nearly a decade even think that? Did she say it to get a rise out of me? Did she really think that? I could feel angry tears burning the back of my eyes, but I drank my beer to keep them at bay. I got a fourth beer & downed that. I got another beer & realized it was my last one. That made me mad again. The beer was calming me. I could suddenly see why people got addicted to alcohol or drugs. If you had a crappy life, you may need to feel better & this was helping me feel better now. I leaned on the counter, holding the beer in one hand as my other hand rested on the counter beside me. I know I had been down here for twenty minutes or so at this point & I was getting upset now. Demi still hadn't come down. Was she upstairs packing? Was she on the phone venting to her friends? Do I go back upstairs or do I stay down here? I took another drink of my beer as I contemplated in my head. I hung my head, deciding I would stay here a little while longer. I wanted to calm down more & I wanted her to do some thinking. I also needed to finish my beer.

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