You And I: On Tour

By Stalia_Tronnor

18.4K 448 97

Troye and Connor on world tour. Does everything go as planned? *Read my other story You And I before readin... More

Troye I
Connor I
Troye II
Connor II
Connor III
Troye IV
Connor IV
Troye V
Connor V
Troye VI
Connor VI
Troye VII
Connor VII
Troye VIII
Connor VIII
Troye IX
Connor IX
Troye X
Connor X
Troye XI
Connor XI
Troye XII
Connor XII
Another Sequel!!

Troye III

771 19 2
By Stalia_Tronnor

Somehow, I managed to get through the show in Rome. I had a lot of help from Connor who ran onstage every now and then to help me out if it looked like I wasn't doing to well. The crowd went crazy every time and it definitely made for good publicity when we started seeing tweets about the show, minutes after it ended.

We'd gone straight from the venue to the airport and less than two hours after the show finished, we were in the air, headed for Australia. Connor was fast asleep in the seat beside me, little snores coming from him every now and then. But since I'd spent most of the day sleeping, I was wide awake. I stared at the blank TV screen in front of me, thinking back over everything that had happened on the tour so far.

Connor and I had seen so many amazing things in the cities we'd visited, made so many memories. We kept in constant contact with our families and friends back home, reliving the stories over and over. Connor's family were loving the photos he was sending them and had showed us how they'd gotten some printed and framed for his room. My family were just happy to see our faces when we turned on Skype.

As for our friends, those calls were always the longest. Before the tour, we'd made a plan to have a group call every week. So everyone would gather at either Zoe or Kayla's house and they would try to squeeze into the small frame. We loved seeing them all; Joe, Caspar, Alfie, Tyler, Kayla, Jim, Tanya, Marcus, Niomi and Zoe. Each of them would take turns telling us things that had happened back home before there was a big group goodbye. 

"Troye..." I looked over towards Connor when he muttered my name, thinking he'd woken up but he was still fast asleep, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. I smiled at the fact that he was dreaming about me.

"You're cute." I whispered, knowing full well he wouldn't hear me. Suddenly, the plane jolted to the side violently and the fasten seat-belt sign flashed on. I reached over to wake Connor, only to find him already awake, rubbing at his forehead.

"What happened?" He asked, sleep evident in his voice.

"I think we've hit some turbulence. Did you hit your head?"

"Yeah. It really hurts." He grimaced as he continued to rub his head, one hand fumbling for his seat-belt.

"Come here." I pulled him closer by his shoulder and pushed his hand away from his head so I could kiss it gently. "Better?"

"Actually, yeah." He laughed. An air hostess came past then, holding the back of chairs to keep herself standing while the plane rocked.

"Seat-belts on?" She asked, nodding when she saw that we had already done it. She continued her journey down the plane, leaving us alone.

"You were dreaming about me." I said to Connor and he blinked in surprise.

"How do you know that?"

"You said my name. I thought you'd woken up."

"Oh. Yeah, I was dreaming about you. But let's just say, it's probably a good idea I woke up when I did."

"Why?" I was laughing, knowing where this was going. He looked down at his hands.

"Well, in the dream you and I were getting into a pretty heavy make-out session."

"Ah. Making up for being alone last night?"

"Something like that." He looked up at me, one eyebrow raised. "Do you remember anything more about last night?"

"No. The last thing I remember is going to sleep. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a hospital bed with you looking all worried."

"Of course I was worried. You looked terrible."

"I felt terrible. I never want to feel like that again." I shook my head. "You know, it scares me that I can't remember anything."

"It kind of scares me too. I don't think it's normal that you get amnesia from a stomach bug."

"It's definitely not. Maybe we should visit a doctor in Sydney. Just to get a follow up opinion."

"Might be a good idea. At least a doctor there will be able to understand everything we say and we won't have to translate what they say."

"That must have been fun."

"No way. I was this close to tearing them apart." He held his fingers about an inch apart. "I was so stressed out about you and I couldn't understand what they were saying half the time."

"You know what we sound like?" I asked, laughing a little.


"An old married couple."


"Well, last night we couldn't sleep without each other and now we're getting overly worried about each other. I just thought it was funny."

"It's weird." I frowned and looked at him.

"What is?"

"Talking about us being married. I mean, we haven't been together for a year and we're talking about being married. We're eighteen and in high school. We probably won't be together forever." I felt tears prick my eyes at his words and I bit my lip, tasting blood. When I didn't say anything, he turned to face me, confusion in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Did...did you just say you''ll break up with me?" I stuttered, watching as his eyes widened in shock.

"What? No. Troye, I didn't mean..."

"It doesn't matter." I sniffed, pulling my hand from his and undoing my seat-belt. "I know what you meant. I know you've said you love me, but you were just saying that to make me happy, weren't you? I'm probably nothing to you. Just a high school fling, you'll forget about when you've settled down with a pretty girl and have a bunch of babies with her."

"Troye..." I knew my words had hurt him but right then, I didn't care. He'd hurt me. I got up from my seat, heading over to one a little further away. He didn't bother to follow me and that hurt me even more.

Putting on the seat-belt in my new seat, I curled myself into a ball and turned my back to Connor, letting the tears fall down from my eyes. I tried to keep as quiet as I could so he wouldn't know I was crying.


"Sir? We've landed." I woke to find an air hostess smiling down at me. I hadn't realised I'd fallen asleep and quickly jumped up to grab my things. Connor was nowhere in sight.

"Um, do you know where friend is?" I had to cringe at the idea of calling him my friend.

"He's already off the plane. We landed about five minutes ago."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks." I hurried towards the exit, dragging my bag with me. When I got into the terminal, I found Emma waiting for me but still no sign of Connor. As I got closer, I saw the sympathy in Emma's eyes.

"You okay?" She asked.

"What do you know?"

"Connor told me everything. I came up to see you guys before we started descending and he told me what happened."

"I just...I thought I meant more to him."

"Troye, he does love you."

"Then why did he say what he did?"

"Let me ask you something. How many times have you accidentally said a word you didn't mean? How many times have you said something that came across different to how you intended it?"

"I know, but..."

"But nothing Troye. I think this one is all on you for jumping to conclusions too fast." I stared at her, shocked.

"Are you sure he told you exactly what he said? He said we probably wouldn't be together forever. As in, he doesn't think there's a chance we'll last."

"Troye, you know that's not what he meant."

"But he still said it, whether he meant it or not." Emma shook her head.

"Okay. I'm going to leave what happens next up to you. But just remember, you said some pretty nasty things to him too."

"Only because he hurt me."

"Fine. Now, let's get moving before we're swamped with fans and can't get out of here."

"Where is Connor anyway?"

"He's gone on ahead with Paul. They'll meet us at the hotel."

"Oh." Dejected, I followed her through the airport, towards the yellow taxi-cab waiting to take us to the hotel. We passed through a swarm of screaming fans on the way but I just ignored them, keeping my head down. A few times, someone tried to grab my arm but I just yanked it out of their reach as John and Jerry kept pushing them back.

In the cab, I rested my head against the window, watching as the streets of Sydney rushed by. How had everything gone from so good to so bad in such a short time? It seemed like only minutes since we'd been relaxing on the beach in Monaco or walking the streets of Rome, hand-in-hand. And now he hadn't even bothered to wait for me when he got off the plane. I wondered if the fans had noticed. I puled out my phone and opened Twitter, checking what people were saying.

*just saw connor franta leaving sydney airport. where is troye sivan?*

*troye sivan and connor franta leaving airport separately? what's going on?*

*did #tronnor split?*

*#tronnor looking very sad in sydney. what's up babes?*

*troye sivan looks about to cry. where's his boy? #tronnor*

*connor franta looking mad. troye sivan looking sad. cheer up. you're in aus*

The fans had definitely noticed something was up. I leaned over and nudged Emma, showing her my phone and the thousands of tweets that were coming in.

"Oh no."

"What do I do? I can't say anything publicly. Connor will see and probably be mad."

"Troye, you're going to have to say something. This could end badly. Just send out something about you both being tired."

"Tired? You think the fans will buy that?"

"On second thoughts, no. Um, here, let me..." She took my phone, tapping out a message and showed it to me.

*sorry to upset you guys. connor franta and i are fine. just trying a new tactic to leave airport. love you all #tronnor*

"I don't know. I think I should talk to Connor before we post anything. I don't want to upset him anymore than I have. I think another hour of radio silence won't hurt."

"Okay, but only an hour. After that, we have to say something." We were just pulling up in front of the hotel now and suddenly my phone went crazy with texts coming in. I hurried into the hotel lobby before checking them.

From: Tyler (7.10pm)

Just saw Twitter. What's happened?

From: Zo-ze-bo (7.11pm)

Are you and Connor okay? Everyone's going nuts here.

From: Jim (7.11pm)

What did you do to Connor?

From: Niomi (7.12pm)

Are you two okay? We're just getting the news now.

From: Mrs. Franta (7.13pm)

I thought you two were staying together. What happened? If you hurt my boy...

From: Mom (7.13pm)

Are you okay, T? Call me if you need.

From: Alfie (7.13pm)

You're making headlines, mate. What did you do?

From: Tanya (7.14pm)


I had to wince a little at Tanya's text. I could almost hear her screaming at me. Thinking quickly, I typed out a group text to my friends as well as a text to my mom and to Connor's.

To: Friends (7.17pm)

Sorry guys. We've had an argument but hopefully sorting it out soon. Don't share this, keep it hush-hush for now.

To: Mom (7.18pm)

I'm fine, just have to work some things out with Con. If I need, I will call.

To: Mrs. Franta (7.18pm)

I'm so sorry, we had an argument on the plane and may have said some things that I didn't mean. Going to talk to Con now. 

Emma checked the messages I wrote before I could send them, giving them her nod of approval.

"Okay, now to sort out what's going on with Connor." She said and we moved over to the concierge desk.

After a quick conversation, we found out that Connor had asked to have a room to himself instead of sharing with me and my heart jumped. He really was mad at me. We asked the man for Connor's room number and I headed upstairs to dump my things in what was supposed to be our room before going to find Connor in his room.

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