My Boyfriends' Brother (ON H...

By tyeshiaalsina

9.5K 533 456

Aaliyah Banks alongside her two best friends Imani and Marie move to Houston, Texas for better opportunities... More

1. The Concert
2. Chillin' Backstage
3. Waiting...
4. Mi Casa, Su Casa
5. Do you need help?
6. At Your Best
7. Terrible Mistake
8. Keeping Secrets
9. Coming Home
Not An Update
10. Coming Home Pt.2
11. Coming Home Pt.3
12. Graduation Day
13. Welcome to H-O-U-S-T-O-N
14. The Talk
Authors Note
16.The News
17. Betrayal
Not An Update
18. Don't Start None, Won't Be None

15. A Brothers' Revenge

388 20 37
By tyeshiaalsina

Remember to leave feedback on the following chapter and vote please it's truly appreciated. This story is told from Aaliyahs' P.O.V. Picture doesn't belong to me.

Jodecis' Outfit in the MM.

July 9,1992

DeVantes P.O.V

It's currently two o'clock in the morning. Me, Dalvin, K-Ci and JoJo are outside kicking it on the front porch, thinking about how we're gonna' pay this nigga Shazam a visit.

"Ooh ooh ooh I gotta' idea." K-Ci said jumping from the porch.

"What is it?" I questioned taking a pull from the blunt and passing it to JoJo.

"Alright my nigga Pac is going to be down here for about a month or so and he gotta' lotta' guns we can borrow." K-Ci said taking the blunt from JoJo.

"Yeah, I like that idea." I said nodding my head and dapping K-Ci up.

"Hol' up fellas' we said we wanted to scare him not kill him." JoJo said shaking his head.

"And exactly what the fuck do you think the guns are for?" 'Vante asked in a duh tone.

"Nah, I'm outtie y'all can do this shit together. I love Liyah and all, but this is taking it too far." JoJo said dusting his pants off and going back into the house.

"Man we don't need him. Dalvin are you still in?" I questioned.

Dalvin smoked the last bit of the blunt and answered, "Yeah man, I'm still in."

We all dapped each other and went inside to change.

In the House.

"Yo Jo, c'mon man it'll pay off in the long run." K-Ci said.

"What if they have guns on them too? Then there will be no long run." JoJo said

"Trust me on this Jojo."

"Alright, alright I'm in." Jojo said giving in to his older brother.

"Let's roll out." I said putting the final touch to my outfit. My shades.

We all left the house without making a sound.

End of P.O.V

"Marie where is my brother?" I questioned.

No answer

"Marie where is my brother?" I questioned once again, throwing a pillow at her head.

"Luke called them to the studio. They'll be back in a little bit." She answered.

"Okay, but at 2 a.m."

Somethings going on.

Maries' P.O.V

I know you guys are wondering why didn't I tell Liyah where they really went. The reason being is because Liyah worries too much. DeVante and the guys know what they're doing, if they didn't they wouldn't have went.

End of P.O.V

"Yesterday keeps replaying in my head. I couldn't get any sleep because of it. Maybe I should have gotten hit for bringing his daughter into this situation. I would've done the same thing if it were my daughter. But he had no right to call me a 'trifling hoe'. The love for Shazam is still there though, I mean could you blame me."

All my thoughts were wiped away when I heard banging on my front door.

"WHO IS IT?" I yell.

No answer.

I answer the door revealing Luke and Mani.

"Where the hell is my brother?" I questioned myself.

"Come on in." I said stepping aside, so they could come in.

"Hey baby girl." Mani said hugging me.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked Luke.

"You're brother isn't returning any of my calls, so I dropped by to check on them." He said taking a seat.

"I was told that they were with you, recording some new tracks."  I said as he shook his head 'no'.

"Excuse me," I said before getting off of the sofa and making my way to Maries' room.

Without knocking I barged in her room.

"What the hell?" She said jumping her bed.

"Luke is in the front room and guess who's with him." I said.

"I don't know, who?" She said.

"Didn't you say my brother and the rest of the guys were with him?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"If you say they were supposed to be with Luke, then why didn't you say they were in the front room with him." I said catching her in her own lies.


"Th- they went to look for Shazam."


I blacked out and started hitting her in the head until Mani and Luke pulled me away.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"No time for questions we have to find my brother." I said grabbing my jacket and making my way outside.

"I'm coming too." Marie said.

I just ignored her presence for the time being.

"We can take my car." Luke said unlocking the car doors.

I hope they're safe. I thought.

Jojos' P.O.V

We just met up with this bald headed guy. I think his name was 2pack or maybe it was tooth paste. Whatever is was it was a strange name. He gave all of us a gun with the serial numbers scratched off.

"Alright niggas, when you're  done with the guns there's a lake not to far away ditch em' there." The bald headed dude said.

"Alright, we appreciate this 2pac." K-Ci said dapping him up.

2pac yeah thats his name 2....Pac.

We left this abandoned warehouse and made our way to find Shazam.

After about 30 minutes we spotted them on their front porch laughing and drinking beer.

"This fool is dating my sister and got this sleazy bitch on his lap. Oh hell no. Y'all ready?" DeVante asked.

"Yeah let's do it." We all said.

Once the windows let down, we started firing our guns in their direction. Only to get fired back at.

"K-Ci you gotta drive." DeVante said as he pulled up by the lake to ditch the guns.


"Man I got shot in my shoulder and chest and I'm bleeding like hell." He said crying.

After we ditched the guns K-Ci hopped in the drivers seat and sped to the hospital.

Man Liyah is going to kill us!

End of P.O.V

Ring ring ring

Lukes' phone rang.

"Hello... What... Which one?... Give us 20 minutes we'll be there."

"Who was that?" I questioned as I saw tears form in his eyes.

"It's DeVante, he's been shot in the shoulder and chest." He said.


Should Aaliyah blame Marie for not telling her?

Will DeVante be alright?

Is Shazam and Liyah still a 'thing'?

Coment!    Vote!

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