BOOKWORM [Sirius Black] [DISC...

By InTheFormOfWords

274K 7.4K 2.6K

''It's 27 degrees, sunny and a brilliant day to go outside and you're curled up on an armchair - reading!'' '... More

[T W O]
[T H R E E]
[F O U R]
[F I V E]
[S I X]
[S E V E N]
[E I G H T]
[N I N E]
[T E N]
[E L E V E N]
[T W E L V E]
[T H I R T E E N]
[F O U R T E E N]
[F I F T E E N]
[S I X T E E N]
[S E V E N T E E N]
[E I G H T E E N]
[N I N E T E E N]
[T W E N T Y]
[T W E NT Y O N E]
[T W E N T Y T W O]
[T W E N T Y T H R E E]
[T W E N T Y F O U R]
[T W E N T Y F I V E]
[T W E N T Y - S I X]
[T W E N T Y - S E V E N]
[T W E N T Y - E I G H T]
[T W E N T Y - N I N E]
[T H I R T Y]
[T H I R T Y - O N E]
[A U T H O R S N O T E]

[O N E]

22.3K 466 274
By InTheFormOfWords

FOR A GIRL in her Fifth year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, everything seemed stressful. The boys, the girls, her friends - her "friends".

Even the teachers made her stressed! All they would talk about was the upcoming tests that were 'very important to your every fibre of existence, and is extremely necessary to get any socially-acceptable paying job!'. It annoyed Maia to no end. I mean yeah, she got the part where you won't get a job if you don't pass it, but why glorify it? Why make students stress more than they should when it came to OWLs? Maia just couldn't seem to wrap her head around it.

Shaking said body part, Maia sighed and turned the page of her wonderful book Matilda. The book so far had been divine, with stories of comedy and sadness alike. On the outside she exhibited calm, but the inside was internally screaming. She was miserable - she wasn't up to date with all her school work. Procrastinating was her worst flaw. It was bad living with an unbalanced weight on your shoulders, let alone have no good reason to avoid it. It was like she always had a load on her. There was always something to be done, and she couldn't (or was too lazy) give herself the time of the day to do it.

The homework made her go to library to try to find books. Do you know how hard it is for a bookworm to go into a library for a set purpose (- that isn't casual reading?) Impossible! Maia disliked reading against her will, especially when they weren't about dashing princes or daring swordfights. It just was boring hearing about Goblin wars! She needed the juicy action that textbooks just couldn't quench.

Please don't mistake her for an unwilling learner either, as Maia wasn't. She rather enjoyed the practice of spells, it made her feel unique. Like out of billions of Muggles, she was the one of a small bunch who had the magic abilities in her to do that. She certainly didn't take that capability for granted - unlike her peers. If there was a way for Peter Pettigrew to live entirely in his bed, I'm sure he would snatch up the offer immediately.

Licking her dry lips as she leant into the comfy embrace of her chair, her lips curled into a small smile. The common room was desolate of people, caused by the rare sunny days that Scotland had. It was only her and a few others in the tower, either sick or not in the mood to seize the weather.

Quite unexpectedly, a loud rambunctious group of males set through the portrait hole. Maia's head snapped up at the sound and sighed. It was The Marauders, a set of boys keen on setting off mischief in all of Hogwarts. They were popular, sure, but bad. Looking away, Maia focused on reading again.

"Padfoot, stay right here while we get the stuff, okay?" James Potters voice rung through the room. Black nodded as Pettigrew, Lupin and Potter set up the stairs individually. Maia flipped the page on her book, blinking the dryness away from her eyes.

"Well, if it isn't Sterling!" Black announced. Furrowing her eyebrows, Maia looked up to see him in front of her.

"What must be so important that you interrupt me from my book, Black?" She snarled. You see, there was no doubt about it. Maia Athena Sterling and Sirius Orion Black the Third absolutely loathed each other. Maia hated the way that he didn't value the school rules, or that he got through school without trying hard - where is she had to actually study to pass. She thought it unfair that he got an easy ticket in life.

"I had just come to say how absolutely ridiculous it is that you're spending your time like this." He remarked. Narrowing her eyes, she shot back.

"What's wrong with the way I spend my time?" Maia asked snarkily.

"It's 27 degrees, sunny and a brilliant day to go outside and you're curled up on an armchair - reading!"

"If you haven't already noticed, Black - I'm a bookworm. I read for fun. Unlike some people who haven't even opened a book let alone read it front to back." Black gasped dramatically.

"I have so!"

"You have not!"

"What evidence proves that?" He asked. Maia rolled her eyes and lowly drawled - like someone would to a person with under human-standard intelligence.

"Have you seen your vocabulary, Black? It's absolutely revolting." Black glared.

"Is not!"

"Is so!"

"Is not!"



"Egotistical git!"

"Prissy book-snogger!" Maia gasped.

"I am not a prissy book-snogger!" Black laughed, his wavy hair framing his face. Maia blew a loose strand of hair from her bangs away from her eyes and put her book-mark in her book.

"How am I prissy?" The girl asked.

"You always eat very posh, your idea of fun is sitting down and reading and last of all you make it your duty in life you get the highest score!" Maia clenched her hands together and retorted.

"Well at least I have a goal for my life in like you, Mr. Freeloader!"

"Oh, look. Mr. and Mrs. Black are fighting again." Potter drawled. Maia turned her head and there they were: Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew.

"For the last time, can you not call me that!" Maia scowled. Crossing her legs, she licked her chapped lips. Potter smirked.

"I'm just giving you your name in a few years." He shrugged. Maia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, right, and Lily Evans isn't a red-head." Potter sighed.

"I'd still love her if she wasn't a red-head." Maia rolled her eyes and nearly snorted. Infatuated as ever.

"Ok then, I'm going to go to her before this conversation gets any sappier." Maia picked up her book and got up. Stretching, she walked past Black and out of the portrait. Wishing the Fat Lady a good day, she walked casually down the hall. It was silent, the only sound was her echoing footsteps as she slowly travelled to her destination. Turning a corner, she was jumped at.

"Boo!" A girl jumped out at her. Maia screamed bloody murder. The red-headed culprit started laughing. Maia got her book and whacked it at Lily's shoulder.

"You scared the magic out of me, Lils!" Maia yelled. Lily - still laughing, mind you - gasped out a sorry and put an arm around her short friend.

"I-It was s-so tempting." Lily tried to calm herself down but ended up bursting into another fit of giggles.

"I hate you, you know that?" Lily smiled.

"You know you love me Maia." Maia's face broke out into a smile.

"Ahh, that much is true my friend." She smiled. Lily rested her arm on Maia's shoulder as they walked and she shrugged it off. Lily immediately put it back on and the cycle repeated.

"Can you like... stop?" Maia asked. Lily annoyingly hummed.

"How about no?" Lily retorted. Maia sighed and poked her friend in her ribs.

"What's got you so annoying today?" She asked. Lily smiled.

"Potter hasn't asked me out yet today, and I might actually win the bet Sev placed." Looking back, she heard footsteps walking towards them. Looking casually back, she saw the Marauders walking towards them, especially Potter who was walking towards them at a surprisingly fast speed.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Lils. He's a comin' and he's a comin fast." Maia joked. Lily swore and started to walk faster.

"Oh Lily-flower!" Maia could hear Potter calling. Lily groaned and started to slightly jog. Maia lagged behind slightly and sniffed.

"Let's go Maia, I want that two galleons." Lily grabbed my arm and started to run, pulling me from behind her. Behind her she heard Potter call.

"C'mon Evans! Don't run away!" Maia chuckled.

She had a hunch that this was going to be an interesting year.


Edited but please comment any spelling error I might've missed. Thanks! Have fun reading.

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