Creatures from the Ocean (Sci...

By paris_girl22

507K 19K 9.5K

Stiles Stilinski has been living in Beacon Hills for quite some time now. He's made great friends who have be... More

1: Everything Changes
2: A Secret to Hide
3: A Dumb Decision?
4: Weekend Getaway Disaster
5: Alone
6: Lesson Number One
7: The Siren's Song
8: A Strange New Feeling
9: New Threats, Nostalgia and Surprises
10: Dangerously Close
11: Stilinski Reunion
12: The Movies
13: Loyalty
14: The Hunters
15: Trapped
16: Saving Stiles
17: Pep Talks
18: Missing Home
19: Theo's Threats
20: Concern
21: Suspicion
23: Pack Sleepover Fun
24: Nightmare? Or something more?
25: Kira Knows
26: The Discovery of Merpeople
27: Getting to know Kara
28: The Aquarium
29: Setting Up a Date
30: The Truth
31: Standing Strong
32: New Revelations
33: The New Girl
34: Disagreements and Disappointment
35: Jealousy
36: The Darker Side of Samantha Worthington
37: Making Up?
38: Not Alone
39: A Fatal Shot
40: Melissa and Stiles
41: The Whole Truth
42: Poor, Unfortunate Souls
43: Finding the Cure
44: Saving Scott
45: An Important Heart to Heart
46: Dread Doctors
47: Shock and Disbelief
48: What it really means to have a best friend
49: Danny's Party
50: Hallucinations
51: Uncertainty
52: Love Hurts
Exciting Announcement!
53: A Wendigo?
54: Stiles' Anchor
55: Sleep Deprivation
56: Something Suspicious
57: Manipulation
58: Just Like Strangers
59: Betrayed and Heartbroken
60: True Love
61: Confessions and Discoveries
62: Planning
63: First Date - Part One
64: First Date - Part Two
65: Filling In The Blanks
66: The Perfect Hybrid
67: Hybrids and Tridents
68: More 'Nightmares'
69: Stiles Through the Looking Glass
70: Journey to Atlantia
71: Childhood Friends Reunited
72: The Beginning of the End
73: The Final Battle
74: Success
75: The Aftermath
76: Stiles' Birthday
77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters
78: Celebrations *FINAL CHAPTER*
Important Announcement!

22: Moving out of Scott's house

6.2K 231 45
By paris_girl22

Stiles POV

Once we finally make it back to Scott's house, I jump onto the sofa and sigh in relief. I'm so glad that Theo has been taken care of. He didn't hurt my friends or reveal my secret. I think that means mission accomplished. I watch as Scott walks over and sits beside me. "I can't believe Theo fooled me like that." Scott shakes his head sadly.

"Well, he was pretty deceiving." I shrug.

"I still should've known better." Scott argues.

"My mistake could have gotten all of us killed." Scott continues.

"Dude, stop being so harsh on yourself. It isn't worth it. You stopped Theo before he could get away with anything serious. That's what counts." I interrupt before Scott can say anything else.

"But-" Scott begins before I cut in.

"Nope, don't even think about. You did the right thing. No one else in your position would have known better or could have done better." I tell my best friend with an air of finality.

"Stop sounding like me and saying everything is your fault." I add with a laugh.

"But you haven't done anything wrong." Scott points out.

"Exactly." I reply. We sit in a peaceful quiet for a few minutes. I start to get up.

"Well, I should get started on that math homework." I say. Scott nods.

"Yeah, that's cool. I have history to do anyway." Scott replies.

"I'll be in the spare room." I say as I start to walk away.

"Oh, and Scott?" I ask as I'm about to walk around the corner. I turn back around to face Scott, who is still sitting on the sofa. "I think tomorrow night I will be fine to go back home." I say with a grin.

"That's great. I'm glad you're feeling better about everything." Scott replies.

"Me too." I turn around again and walk out of the room and up the stairs. I walk up to my temporary room. I move to my desk. I notice the bestiary still sitting on the desk. I pick it up and toss it onto the bed. I open up my bag and pull my math stuff out. I set it all out on the desk. I sit down and start working on the questions that the teacher had set out for us. As I continue to solve the equations, my thoughts start to drift away. I start thinking about Scott. Why can't I seem to get him out of my mind? It's so annoying! Scott and I will never happen! He doesn't like guys! Besides, we are from two different worlds, so how would that even work, especially when Atlantia is restored? I shouldn't be thinking about Scott. It's not like that I like him that much, if at all. I'm just being silly. I should be thinking about my father and our kingdom. I feel like I should be taking some responsibility for it. Deaton and I need to work out how to contact another underwater kingdom close by as well as finishing my power lessons. I sigh, shaking my head. This homework is becoming very hard to do. But Scott is so kind, caring, friendly and handsome... Who wouldn't want to be with him? Oh my god Stiles, you're doing it again! I groan and rest my head on the desk, completely giving up on my homework.

Whatever I might think about Scott, the only thing that is certain is that I don't want him getting hurt. The same applies for everyone in the pack. Even Derek. I especially don't want them getting hurt because of me. Those hunters wouldn't be against killing the pack, I know that. In fact, they'd probably love to torture them before they killed them as well. I sigh, but mentally promise myself that Daniel and his friends will be taken care of soon. Ugh, I've got so much on my mind. My parents. Atlantia. My friends, old and new. Scott McCall. My powers. I lift my head up off the desk, trying to refocus on my homework. As I continue to solve the last math question, I realize I still haven't got a phone. It's still in the woods somewhere. I'll need to get a new one tomorrow after school. I don't think I'll be finding my old one again. Even if I did manage to find my phone, I doubt that it would work. I smile in satisfaction as I drop the pen down. Even with my mind going off into other directions, I managed to get the homework done. I put everything away. I walk out of the room and into the living room, checking the time. Wow, it's 9:45pm. I didn't notice it get so late. I notice Scott has left the room too. I decide that I should get ready for bed. I don't want to be tired for school because I know that never works well. Scott knows that firsthand. I chuckle to myself at the memory as I walk up the stairs again. I decide to have a bath, so I go to the spare room and grab some pajamas before heading into the bathroom. I put them on an empty towel rack. I put the plug in the bath and turn on the taps. Once it's full, I turn off the taps and take of my clothes before stepping into the bath, sighing happily as I transform into a merman again.

A little while later, I am walking out of the bathroom, clothes in my arms. I enter my room and toss the clothes onto the floor. I can put them in the washing machine later. I quickly jump into bed and fall asleep.


The next morning, I wake up nice and early. I get out of bed, picking up the clothes and place them in the washing machine. I quickly get dressed and ready for school. I'm not particularly hungry, so I don't worry about breakfast. I head on up to the spare room again. I pull my bags out and start packing everything up as I am leaving today. I'll leave it here though and come back for it after school. Eventually, I'm finished. The only thing that is lying out is the bestiary. I place it on top of one of the bags. "All done," I mumble to myself. I'm sad that I'm leaving, but I've been staying with Scott and Melissa long enough. I don't want to inconvenience them. I'm sure I'll be fine on my own, especially with my fiery determination to find dad, take down the hunters, make sure my old friends are okay and keep the kingdom safe. I pick up my school bag and walk down the stairs. I see that Scott is still eating breakfast, but he is dressed. He sees me walking into the kitchen. Scott moves a plate of buttered toast in my direction. "Here, eat up. We don't have long." Scott advises. "I'm not that hungry." I shrug.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You can't skip it." Scott insists. I sigh as I walk over and take the plate. I gobble up the toast quickly. "Thanks." I reply as I place the plate in the dishwasher in the kitchen.

"No problem." Scott calls out in reply. As I walk back into the room, I notice that Scott has now finished his own breakfast. "Do you want me to wait for you?" I offer. Scott shakes his head.

"No, I'm fine. I'll meet you at school." Scott replies. I nod as I head out of the room. I walk outside and make my way to the jeep. I unlock the door and jump in. I start the engine and drive to school.


I meet my friends by the lockers. They all turn to me as they hear me coming. Their expressions are either concerned, worried or curious. "What?" I ask in confusion as I make my way to my friends.

"Derek told us what happened with Theo. However, he doesn't exactly know all the details. All he said was that he had to take him to Eichen and Scott seemed a bit angry and disappointed with himself. Derek also mentioned that you were there last night as well." Liam answers.

"Oh. Uh, Theo tried to kill me." I answer casually. Everyone gasps.

"What?" Kira asks in horror.

"Why?" Malia adds.

"How? Did Scott intervene?" Lydia questions me.

"What was his motive?" Isaac asks me curiously.

"Has he tried to kill you before?" Liam asks.

"I thought Theo wasn't evil?" Malia adds in a slightly confused and questioningly way.

"Guys, slow down! One question at a time!" I quickly say to stop any more questions firing at me.

"Theo wanted to kill me because I knew something that none of you did. He was about to claw my throat out, but Scott got there just in time. No, this is the first time he has tried to kill me, although he has attacked me before." I answer.

"Wait, hold on. He attacked you? That wouldn't happen to be the time you arrived at school late bloody and beaten, would it?" Kira asks, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Yes, you're right." I sigh in reply.

"Are you okay now?" Lydia asks. I nod.

"Yeah, I'm just glad that psycho is locked away." I reply.

"So, what did you mean when you said that you knew something we didn't?" Isaac asks.

"Theo wasn't here to just be a part of the pack. He wanted to kill Scott and take his powers." I answer, slightly reluctantly. "What? Why would he want to do that?" Malia asks.

"The better question is how he would do that." Someone from behind me answers. I turn around to see Scott standing behinds us. I jump a little. "Jesus, how long have you been there?" I ask Scott, placing a hand over my heart in exaggeration. He chuckles. "Only about 30 seconds." Scott answers.

"Well, uh, I hope I've answered all your questions about Theo." I say, not wanting to talk about what Theo said to me. I also can't be bothered explaining that Theo isn't a proper werewolf. That would just confuse everyone. I know I am confused. "Did he do anything else to you?" Lydia asks in a quiet voice. I exchange a quick look with Scott. He seems to understand that I don't want to talk about it. "I don't think that matters now. The past is in the past. Stiles doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to. Theo is locked away. He can't hurt anyone now." Scott tells the group. I flash Scott a grateful smile. He nods in acknowledgement. "Okay." Lydia replies understandingly. Suddenly, the bell rings. We all walk to our designated classes.


I find myself walking to my jeep, bag slung over my back. The school day didn't seem like it went for that long, which is a good thing. I've now got the whole weekend in front of me. I jump into my car and drive to the mall. I park the car and get out. I told Scott that I am going to be shopping for a new phone before going back to his place to pick up my stuff. I walk down the main street, peering at all the shops. I find the entrance to the mall and walk through it. A few minutes later, I pass by a phone store. I enter the store and have a look around. Eventually, I find a phone that I like at a reasonable price. "Excuse me?" I call out to the guy working in the store. He walks over to me.

"I'd like this one." I say, pointing to the phone. The guy nods and starts explaining the plans to me. After a little while of negotiation, I manage to buy the phone. "Thanks," I call out as I walk out of the shop. I walk back to my car. Once I sit in the driver's seat, I turn on the new phone. I quickly set up my new number and add all the contacts I can remember to it. I'll still probably want to look through Scott's phone for a few numbers though. With my phone set up and working, I put it in my pocket and drive back to Scott's house. I park the car in the drive and jump out. I walk towards the house. I attempt to open the door. To my luck, it is unlocked. I open the door and step inside. As I walk further inside, I close the door behind me. I find Scott in the kitchen, talking on the phone to someone. "No, we can't do that and you know it." I hear Scott protest. Scott looks up as I walk into the room. I place my bag down and look over at Scott with curiosity. "Derek, let's be real about this. Helping this hunter find whatever he is looking for won't make things better. I think he'll still try to attack us." Scott continues. I sigh as I realize what the two of them are talking about. I turn around to walk out of the room. "I think we really should focus on finding Stiles' father." Scott adds as I leave. I don't think I really want to be around for the rest of that conversation. I pick up my school bag and jog up the stairs to the spare room. I place the school bag on the bed, along with the rest of my belongings. I'm probably going to go home soon. Maybe once Scott is off the phone, so I can say goodbye. I sit down on the bed and start to play around on my phone. I quickly download a few games onto it so I can pass the time. Eventually, Scott knocks on the door.

"Come in." I say, putting my phone on the bed. Scott opens the door and enters the room. He sits beside me.

"Are you alright?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, I just wish we could forget about the hunters." I answer honestly. Scott sighs.

"Me too." He agrees.

"Are you sure you want to go home?" Scott asks uncertainly.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've probably been a bother to you and your mom too much already." I laugh. Scott rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Oh yes, you've been a real nightmare to have here." Scott answers sarcastically.

"But seriously though. You're welcome anytime." Scott smiles.

"Thanks." I reply gratefully. I pick up my phone and look at the time.

"I should probably get going." I say, standing up and picking up some of my bags. Scott helps me. I pick up the bestiary as well. I wonder if Scott is curious as to why I have such a thing. We walk down the we reach the front door, Scott stops me. I turn around and look at him in confusion. "Hey, you know we weren't only talking about the hunters, right?" Scott asks me.

"Then what else did you talk about?" I frown.

"Well, I was just calling our friends to see if they could make it to a sleepover. At your house. Tonight. Just so that we all know that you're safe and doing okay." I raise my eyebrows.

"Why, Scott? When were you planning on telling me?" I ask suspiciously.

"Now. Or we could've all just come over as a surprise." Scott shrugs. I sigh and run a hand through my thick hair, contemplating what do. "Fine. When are you all coming over?" I ask.

"About 6pm, so you might want to get ready." Scott replies.

"Who's going?" I ask.

"Everyone except Derek, Deaton and Argent." Scott answers.

"To be honest, I think it would just be a little creepy and weird if they did come." I laugh, Scott joining in with me. Then, we continue to my jeep. I open up the back door and toss my stuff inside. Scott chucks the bag he was holding in there as well. I shut the door and walk to the driver's door. I open it up. "Thanks for having me. I'll see you tonight, I guess." I tell Scott. He nods. "Yeah, see you tonight." Scott replies as I jump into the jeep and close the door. I start the engine and drive away.

A/N: Hi guys, this is VERY important. I know I posted this comment on my message board, but I also want to keep it here too. I will try to get it to my other stories when I have time. Unfortunately, my internet is down at the moment and it doesn't look like it is coming back any time soon. It really sucks, but there's nothing I can do. Anyway, this means that any updates for any of my stories for the time being will be slow and not very often. Again, I wish it didn't have to be this way, but there is nothing I can do. I'm actually writing this message at school, hoping I don't get into heaps trouble for it, haha. I hope you guys understand. If anyone asks in the comments why I'm not updating and they haven't read this message, please try and inform them for me. I don't want to let anyone down. For the time being, have a great day/night and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wouldn't usually upload today or at this time, but due to circumstances, I just wanted to put up something you can read. There is no editing on this yet, so just bear with me until I have the time and internet :)

Thank you for your understanding.

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