Pity Party

By lalagirl747

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Join Melanie and Harry on their already set relationship, from high school to adult hood. Will their friends... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Eight

61 2 0
By lalagirl747

"Goodbye Harry. I'll see you tomorrow?" I say as I kiss his lips softly. "See you tomorrow babe. Also you really need to cook for me everyday. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner" he let's go of my waist as he gets into his car and rolls down the window.

I giggle, "what do you want for breakfast daddy?" I say teasingly. He groans softly and then I stand there in shock and realize Harold Styles likes being called daddy. "Omg, you have a daddy kink, don't you dirty turtle? I say giggling and thinking that's fùcking hot if he does. He chuckles and has a grin on his face. "Maybe" is all he said. "Hmm maybe?" I question him more. 

He just smirks and looks at me. "Daddy, I can't wait to see you tomorrow." I say slowly. He groans and starts attacking my lips from the window. "I can't wait to see my dolly tomorrow." he says. I kiss his neck as I blush and leaving love bites as he moans and groans lowly. "Goodnight Daddy." I kiss his lips one last time and walk back to my porch.

 He looks sexual frustrated and I giggle to myself because I made him feel like that. He starts the engine of his car and drives down the block to his house. I walk inside and head to the kitchen. I clean up the dinner mess and walk up to my attic room. My mom knew I didn't want to talk about what happen before dinner so she just went on to bed. My father didn't come back he text my mom he had an "extra shirt."

 Only if she knew while she was sleeping, her husband was sleeping with slùts. David left before any of us and headed off to "bed" really early. I walked by his room and the smell of cannabis wondered the halls. "David spray your room!" I yell just enough for him to hear. "Okay." He yells back. I walk into my room and change into my unicorn onesie. I quickly wash up and lay down. 

I haven't checked my phone all day today. Well not that I have to, no one ever messages me minus Lilly and Harry once in a blue moon Niall, but that's only if Lilly is out of food or his parents won't let him eat a sandwich from their shop. I lay down and pick up my phone to see my notification board 12 miss calls and 12 messages all from the same number.

Weird #: Hey Melanie, are you okay?
Weird #: Btw this is James
James: I saw Harry yell at you, are you okay?
James: Harry really doesn't like me, and your friend Niall doesn't either
James: I guess you can say we have some bad blood, please talk to me.
James: You're probably going to ignore me now, right??
James: I'm sorry. I'm not a bad person.
James: I just wanted to be friends, lot's of people don't like talking to me.
James: Your practically one of the only people who actually talked to me.
James: I'm not your average person, who you like to be seen with. Ya know? Your pretty shy and really smart, tries to keep to her self kinda girl, so that's why I thought we would get along.
James: I'm really sorry, I hope we can still be friends and hang. I hope your all right and everything.
James: Please text me back, only if you want, or if Harry let's you.

Why is my life so complicated? Why does Harry dislike James so much? Should I text him back? He seems really worried and that would be bad if he wouldn't be able to sleep at night, maybe I should text him back. Just one simple text. Before I could register what I was doing I text him and hope Harry understands.

Me: Hey James, I'm alright. Sorry I didn't text you back, I haven't checked my phone till now and I'm sorry I left you hanging there at the store.

Literally not even a minute went by when my phone dings and it was him

James: Hey ballerina, it's fine as long as your okay. I'm sorry I got you yelled at by Styles, I should have known he was going to get pissed off.

What the hell am I gunna say? I barely know the guy. Maybe I should not text back and tell him later I fell asleep. Why would he believe that it's only 6:47. Damn it Melanie why did you text back!?

Me: It's fine. He just over exaggerated. I'm pretty sure he'll get over us being friend's.

I swear he was waiting for me like the first time because it was way quicker.

James: Yeah I guess so, so we are friend's cupcake??
Me: Yeep. We friends Malik, but I want to know why Harry and Niall "hate" you so much.
James: Yay! We friends!! I think we should talk in person about that subject tho, it's a really long story.
Me: Oh okay, well maybe we could hang. We have that project in Orchestra. Uh do you need a partner? Mr. Logan wants me to do one by myself but tbh I can't. I'm scared when you guys watch me play lol.
James: Yes I would love that. I always do the partner projects by myself because well like I said I'm not a person you would like to be seen with. Haha why do you get scared, your first chair violin for a reason Mel. Mr. Logan favors you over everyone.
Me: Why do you say that? You seem really nice and caring. Why haven't you asked me to be your partner before? I would have gladly accepted :) and Mr. Logan does not favor me over everyone else.
James: It ties up to Harry. I am a good person but nobody will hear me out. Harry, Niall and I were best of lads but it quickly changed. I'll explain it when the time comes to it and you have to admit that Mr. Logan does favor you. He let's you go free when you forget your practice card, nobody else can get away with that. You accidentally broke your string and you didn't have to pay for it. You didn't have rozan and he gave it to you with out writing you up for detention. Admit it. Your teachers pet lol.

If they were all friends, why do they hate him so much? He must have done something horrible for them to disown him.

Me: Fine Mr Logan may favor me a little bit more than everyone else but it's not my fault most of the class slacks. And well I really want to do my project on Lindsey Stirling. She inspires me as a dancer and a violinist but I don't know if you will like that? I know how to play Crystallize and I can teach you second violin or are you playing cello?
James: lol true and I love Lindsey, she is an inspiration to my sister as well. I know how to play Crystalize on cello but I can learn how to play on the violin fast I'm sure but It's up to you ballerina ;)
Me: omg does your sister dance or play violin? And honestly I really don't care what ya pick as long as I turn my project in a day before so I can practice more :)
James: Haha yeah she is in our orchestra class and on your dance team. She is the one with blue hair really skinny, pretty short. Lol her name is Hannah
Me: Omg I know Hannah! I didn't know she was your sister!? She is an amazing dancer! She has so much potential in her technique! She literally dances from the heart! I love how she can get all her turns on point lol it took me forever to learn my spins and to be on point. Omg I love her hair!! It's so pretty bruh. And I love how she can play viola, she is amazing! Your sister is goals asf lol.. She barely started orchestra this year right?!?
James: haha another fan of Hannah Malik! Yeah lot's of people don't know were siblings. she played since she was 7 but started our class this year she also plays piano and sings. She sings amazing like an angel tbh but if you tell her that I will deny it. She loves dancing she started dancing when she was 6 so I guess that's how she knows knows a lot.
Me: Wow that's so amazing! And why not?? I see your sister going real far. As well as you, how long have you played cello and violin. I only play violin, cello, and guitar. Started when I was 6 lol all at the same time and I can't sing, not even if my life depended on it lol. I was on the cheer team in middle school and took gymnastics but I was kicked off the team last year. So that's why I dance, it's way better than cheer.
James: That's spectacular! We really don't talk a lot with people. I have played violin since I was 8. Tbh Hannah inspired me. I started playing cello at age 11 when I went to see the piano guys. They inspired me to play music from the heart. Ever since then I love music. It's not what I do, it's who I am. And why did you get kicked off the team??
Me: Your incredible! And oh I see. Hannah really is a walking inspiration, from her hair, her dancing, her clothing, just her. She is amazing! But your just as inspiring! And a girl named Eleanore, she kicked me off the team because she hates me for some reason, we were friends one day and nothing the next
James:  oh well that sucks Mel. Your an amazing dancer maybe it was for the best lol thank you cupcake, I try my best. Hannah is really inspiring lots of people to go for what they want and become there true self's. She is literally everything to me, I don't know what I would do if I lost her. And haha I love your style of clothing, it's really adorable ;)
Me: yeah i guess so thank you and awww that's so sweet to talk about your sister like that 😂 and thanks lots of people find my style really weird or childish but Idgaf it is what it is lol. I love my hair half blue half black and I love wearing unicorn dresses and rainbow glitter shirts. It's just the way I am and I like it lol.
James: lol I will deny everything, and you have high confidents, I really like that
Me: lol, yeah ig
James: you okay?
Me: yeah just getting tired
James: lol okay I'll let you sleep, see you tomorrow?
Me: yes, after school my place?
James: okay, can you send me your address?
Me: 1419 Berry Road.. goodnight James
James: lol omg I live a block away from you 1610 Apple Lane
Me: lol wow, small world
James: lol goodnight ballerina
Me: goodnight
James: sweet dreams cupcake

I look at my clock and it says 8:12. I lay wide awake for some reason I have a pang in my chest, like something is wrong.

"It was Eleanore's fault. She did this to me Melanie not James"

I swear I heard Gemma's voice, like she was telling me something about Eleanore. I look at James text message, cupcake?
Wait a minute I remember someone used to call me that nickname, who tho? I lay there thinking and thinking. Wait! Oh no. "Cupcake, that's what Gemma used to call me." I whisper to my self

Well now that my kink side is out, Melanie will be using it against me and honestly I don't know if I should be scared or turned on. It's 8:12 and I miss my cupcake. I'm scared to call her that, Gemma called her that and honestly I don't know if it will trigger her. They were pretty close like sisters, that's how I met Melanie.

"Harry get down here now!" Gemma calls. I stay laying down texting Niall. We barely moved in yesterday and I already made a friend. "Harry Edward Styles get your ãrse down here now, or you get no pizza." As soon as I heard pizza I ran down the stairs into the dinning room. "I heard pizza" I say as I have my eyes locked on my phone. 

"Well your super rude, sorry Melanie he is a twat." Gemma says and I look at her confused. "It's okay Gemma, I have a brother too." This sweet voice speaks out and I look to the side and see a girl. She has hazel eyes and wore a cute skirt with cupcakes on it with a long sleeve crop top also with mini cupcake print on it. Then her long color hair parted in blue and jet black. 

How I know what she is wearing is beyond the question, I just want to know how the hell am I gonna stay away from someone so fuckn hot. "Harry, Harold, earth to Harold!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts and stare at Gemma. "Well are you going to say Hi." She says gesturing me to say hi and go back up stairs. "Oh uh yeah." I say before walking up to her.

 "Uh uhm hello love I'm Harold Styles, but everyone calls my Harry. I say as I put my hand out for a handshake. "Hi Harold, my name is Melanie, Melanie Payne but everyone calls me Mel." She puts her hand out but pulls me into a big hug I wrap my arms around her petite body lowering my hands to the arch of her back. She pulls out of the hug and blushes as she looks me up and down then I realize I'm only in my shorts.

 "Sorry I'm a hugger" she says sheepishly. "It's okay, I love hugs. Well I should be getting back to my room, thanks for the food. Nice meeting you Melanie, hope we can hang out sometime" I say smirking and wink at her as I leave the dinning room. "Well that wasn't awkward at all cupcake." Gemma says as they both laugh and that's all I heard before running up the stairs to get rid of the problem in my shorts.


I realize that I have small teary eyes, and try not to cry but it just falls. "I miss you Gemma, I wish you were here with me. I need you Gemma. I need to hear your voice again" I say as I pull out my laptop and go into my gallery. I start the video and her voice brings me to more tears. That was last year when we went to Hawaii and she didn't want to get into the water, so I pushed her in she was furious but ended up starting a water fight with me. I pause the video when she was smiling brightly. 

"I could have helped you Gemma. I need you more than ever and your not here, but maybe that's the way you felt when nobody was there for you. I should have never went out with Eleanore that night, maybe you would still be alive if I was there for you." I sob and roll into a ball.

"It was Eleanore's fault. She did this to me Harry not James" 

Gemma, are you here? Gemma! Was that you!? I say quietly. No sound nothing, just the crickets outside chirping. I swear I heard her voice say something about Eleanore and James. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I cry more "I miss you Gemma." I say before crying myself to sleep.

Heeeeeeey, so school is going well, still hate the uniform but getting through it lol, so how have y'all been?? I missed you!!! Someone should like text me, I've been severely bored lately lol 😂😂
Thank you for reading!!! I will be uploading two poems for an award that I am entering, so I will need y'alls opinion!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Teresa Darji

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