My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfi...

By Ereri4life-MyLevi

464K 16.6K 11.3K

'WB' ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ After I placed the tray down I was able to get a wiff of his sent, it was a musky smell... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 part 1
chapter 8 part 2
chapter 9
chapter 10
Best conversation EVER
chapter 11
baby names
The winner
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
starting up again
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
author note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
help: mates and names.
new book.

Decision plus short story

6.9K 188 59
By Ereri4life-MyLevi

Hey guys, I'm back to my normal self and I've started counseling. My sister told me it would help me with controlling my emotions.

Also it's given me time to think about the book and have decided to change the next events.

I was going to have Jean tell Eren and Levi about the note. Then they team up with Erwin's pack and attack and save Marco etc.

But no. I'm not gonna do that. This new and improved idea will probably end this book sooner but will leave a great opening for the second.

I haven't got the second one planned out yet so there will probably be a gap between the two books.

So I really hope you guys like my new decision and direction of this book.

And thank you guys so much for your support, it really means a lot to me. I appreciate it. Thank you again guys.

Also I found something I wrote a few years back and I wanted to share it with you guys.

It's called Darkness

I feel like I'm in a box, a empty box, a very very dark empty box, with no one but me. I was alone, so alone. With no one to laugh with, though there are never any happy moments, only sad ones. I have no one in this horrid place. Every day I try to run to the other side but I could never reach it. There is no light at all, only darkness. I've always been in this lonely place, with no way to escape. I feel like I've been locked up in prison.

I've tried and tried to get out but I failed every time. A riverfull of tears fell down my face as I knew I would never get out. I seen to cry a lot now but these tears do nothing to help but bring more pain, and all I want to do now is die. Death solves everything. If I die then there will be no more pain.

Then I saw it, a light, a person. He held out his hand with the light around him, making him look like an angel sent from the heavens to save me from this darkness. "Are you all right" he spoke. I gladly took his hand which fit perfectly around my own. I smiled up at him with watery eyes and red tear stained cheeks. He freed me from this dark nightmare. I couldn't be happier then I am now.

Some people live in darkness, hurting, alone, no one to be there for them. So show them some light with a simple 'are you okay' or 'may I hang out with you'. You could do heaps for someone with out actually doing much.

Reading what I wrote a few years back has me thinking.

Of you see someone looking down, blue, go talk to them. It could be something little or something that has happened over a long period of time.

Sometimes bad things happen in your life, just little things, but they happen over and over and then there will be days where you look back at them and realize just how much has happened and it makes you wanna cry.

The reason why I took a break is because the cause of something major, when I was seven, showed up in my town.

It caused major distress for me and made me completely paranoid of everything, every noise, every car.

Not only that but when I was seven I was also attacked by my uncles dog. She ripped my lip apart and I had to get it glued back together.

Not stitched, glued. I then had counseling at the start of the next year after the incident.

Ever since then I've found it hard to make friends. It didn't help when I found out my friends weren't friends multiple times and one had tried to steal my phone.

I found it hard to feel safe at school and around others. It also didn't help that I didn't feel safe at home.

My mother and older brother, 5 years older than I am, we're fighting all the time. Me and my younger brother always hid behind the table as the threw stuff and screaming at each other

He broke multiple things and so did mum. My older brother also use to pick on me and my younger all the time.

I also just found out from my older sister, 11 years older, that after my mother got frustrated with me when I was asking her what she meant (I was 10) she ended up throwing the phone at me, it almost hit me, it ended up smashing into the wall and braking into heaps of pieces.

I started a new school in year 7 (age 11) and had no friends for a whole month. I did have friends the year before but one told me to 'Fuck off'.

The others said they were only my friends cause she was. I've found it hard to make friends and talk cause I'm so used to keeping to myself.

I ended up making friends after awhile and they were the best friends I ever had. I trusted them so much but I never told them my secrets.

They never knew I was hurting. It's easy to hide. I was friends with them for 2 and a half years before moving schools again.

I hanged out with a group for half a year. They were rude and always called me rude names and made fun of me. I knew they were joking but I took it to heart.

I needed up finding better friends and hanged with them. They were cool friends.

All except one. She was a bitch. She made us follow her around. She would always cause fights but always made up at the end of the day.

After a year a moved again but kept touch. She was saying mean things about a girl on her snap chat story for everyone to see.

I told her to stop it and that no body wanted to know. In the end she told me to slit my throat cause I'm too fat and guly. (This happen at the start of this year)

My troubles have built up and when I look over my life these things come to mind and I cry.

I know you guys probably didn't want to know my life story and I still haven't told by biggest problem and I probably won't.

But what I'm trying to say is that some people may appear to be fine but they could be hurting deep inside.

I've never told anyone about this, not my friends, not my family. No one.

You guys or who ever read this till the end now knows my life or a least a part of it.

I may have told you things but I'm still a coward cause none of you know who I am.

If you read this then thank you for listening to my useless rant.

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