One day at a time (Destiel an...

By animallove1999

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This story is about Dean and Sam Winchester moving to a new high school in Kansas and they meet Castiel and G... More

New life: Chapter 1
The first day of school: Chapter 2
Panic: Chapter 3
Shop class: Chapter 4
Lunch: Chapter 5
Hospital: Chapter 6
Candy and pranks: Chapter 7
Crushes: Chapter 8
Project: Chapter 9
Trust: Chapter 10
Have courage: Chapter 11
Secrets be told: Chapter 12
Nightmare: Chapter 13
Betrayed: Chapter 14
Work: Chapter 15
Left alone: Chapter 16
Apologizes: Chapter 17
Courage: Chapter 18
Authors note
Love is in the air: Chapter 19
Hurt: Chapter 21
Authors note
Flashback: Chapter 22
Wake up: Chapter 23
Best day: Chapter 24
Home: Chapter 25
Explain: Chapter 26
Dreams: Chapter 27
Happiness: Chapter 28
Graduation: Chapter 29
It's almost time: Chapter 30
Wedding: Chapter 31
The end: Chapter 32

The 1st fight: Chapter 20

2.4K 111 22
By animallove1999

Cas POV:
Ever since we left the park Dean has been acting weird. He kept hiding behind me when my brother's introduced themselves. We walked to a table and he was not looking at us. Gabe looked at us silently asking 'what the hell is going on' me and Sam just shrugged. "So, Dean how has work been?" Sam asked. He just shrugged. I heared Gabe talking to Sam but all I could think about is why Dean isn't saying anything. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I turned my head when I heared someone coming in. It was a guy, probably the same height as Dean and he looked pretty fit. I looked back to everyone to see if Sam, Gabe and Dean saw him. Sam and Dean looked at eachother, they had fear in eachothers eyes. I looked back to Gabe and he was just as confused as me. I turned my head back to the guy. He looked at us and smiled, more like an evil smirk. He walked up to us. "Hello Dean and Sam, I have been wondering why you weren't at school" the mystery guy said. He looked at me and Gabe. "My name is Azazel, most people call me yellow eyes. What are guys names?" I was so confused. "My name's is Cas, that's my brother Gabe" I said. Gabe just nodded. I looked back to Dean and he had his head down. I looked back to Sam and he did to. "Well I don't know why you two are hanging out with idiots here, so have fun with them." I looked back at Sam and Dean. They looked scared "are you guys okay? Ever since that guy came in here, you have been hiding." Gabe said. Sam shrugged so we looked at Dean so he could answer. I put my hand on his shoulder and talked to him calmly "Dean, tell us who that is" I said. He looked up at me. He looked like he was going to cry. "He was the one that bullied me and Sam the most. He tried to hit Sam but I wouldn't let that happen" He said. I looked at Sam and he nodded. I looked back to Dean, I can tell there is something else. "Dean what else? There is something you are hiding" I said. Dean looked down, so I looked to Sam so he could answer but he just looked as confused as me and Gabe is. Wait. No it can't be. "Dean he is the one who did that to you wasn't it? He was the one that hurt you bad" I asked. He looked up and nodded slowly. "The police never caught him" he said only loud enough for us three to hear. "I saw him when we were at the park. That is why I was hugging you so tightly and didn't want to talk. I was scared." Dean finished and looked down. I looked to Sam and Gabe they both looked shock until anger hit Sam. He stood up and tried to walk out. "Sam don't" Gabe said. Sam turned to Gabe and started to yell at him but all I could only focus on is Dean. I turned to him and he was shaking. It looks like he is crying. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. "You are going to be ok." Dean nodded. I looked back at Sam and Gabe. Gabe looks pissed and Sam looks like he is guilty. "What the hell did they fight about?" Dean whispered to me. "I have know idea" I answered back.

Sam POV:
Oh my god. He is the one that did this. I want to scream. I stood up to chase after the guy but Gabe stopped me. I turned around. "Gabe you have know idea how it feels. You are there for your brothers and I wasn't. I need to be there now and beat the crap out of him. He hurt my brother. What if he did that to Cas, Luci or Mike, what would you do?" I said. "I would comfort them and call 9-1-1 and let them deal with it. I don't want to see you get hurt or in trouble and I'm pretty sure Dean doesn't want that either. Listen I like you a lot and I don't want anything bad to happen to you" Gabe said. I don't know why but I got so angry when he said that. "I don't care!! My brother got hurt trying to protect me. I don't even know why you even like me. I hurt everybody. Just leave me alone and get back to all your stupid pranks. Talk to Cas. I don't care just get the hell away from me. I don't ever want to see you AGAIN!" I yelled at Gabe. "I care about you" he said. "And I don't!" I yelled back to Gabe and regretting what I said immediately. Gabe looks so mad. What do I do? Before I could do anything Gabe ran outside. I was about to go after him when Mike stopped me. I looked at him sadly. "Don't. Let him be for a couple of hours. He needs to be alone" I nodded. I looked back at Cas and Dean and they looked confused. I walked away from everybody and walked home by myself to get fresh air.

Dean POV:
"Well that was interesting" Luci said. Me and Cas looked at him. He explained what happened and Cas got mad. He got up and walked outside. I followed him. "Hey, you okay?" I asked. Cas turned around. "Your brother is a dumbass. Why the fuck would he say that to Gabe. Gabe was just trying to help!" Cas yelled at me. I flinched. Cas looked at me. Anger in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I will talk to him when I get home." I said. "Actually you can talk to him now. I don't want to see you or your brother right now. You Winchester are a pain in the ass same as your brother. I get you were protecting you brother but right now I don't give two shits. Just leave my family alone!" Cas yelled. He still had anger in his eyes. "Cassie?" Cas looked behind him. It was Gabe. Cas ran up to him and hugged him. Gabe looked at me, he has been crying. I couldn't look at Cas or Gabe right now. I was just sad and wanted to be alone. I turned around and walked home. I kept hearing my name being called so I walked faster. Well I actually ran home. I got inside and saw my brother getting a drink. I whipped my tears, that apparently I had. I walked up to my brother. "Hey, you alright?" I asked. "Yeah, I didn't mean to say the things I said. It just came out. I have to talk to him soon. Do you think you can drive me to the candy store? He is working there tonight and I need to see him and apologize." I nodded. "Thanks. Are you ok?" He asked. I looked up. He walked up to me and whipped my tears. "Your crying" "yea, I'm good. Kinda had my first fight with my boyfriend as well. I think me and him just need some space from eachother for right now." I said. Sam just nodded. "I'm going to my room. Come up when you want to leave." I said. He nodded. I walked upstairs to my room. I looked at my phone and I had texts from Gabe and Cas.

Cas text's:
1) Dean. I am so sorry I didn't mean to say that stuff. Please call me or text me that you are okay.

2) Dean answer you phone!

3) Dean please answer. PLEASE!

Gabe text's:
1) Dean, answer Cas. He is getting worried.

2) Don't make me walk down there.

3) At least tell us you are okay.

I texted Cas back.
I am okay. I just need to be alone for right now.
Cas texted back almost immediately.
I am so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it. Just come to the diner later tonight and let me explain.
Is it a good idea, I kept thinking in my head.
I answered Cas.
Fine, but only for a little bit.
Cas answered.
Okay, thank you. I am so sorry.

I texted Gabe.
Sorry I didn't answer, but I'm okay. I just texted Cas. I just want to be alone right now.
Gabe texted back.
Okay, I understand.

I put my phone down and layed on my bed. After a few minutes of silence, I feel asleep.

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