Project 1000 School Virgin ||...

By KenneyRou

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Play the game or be played. Once a year, one random girl is chosen to participate in the annual game called '... More

Project 1000 School Virgin
Chapter 1 | Project I Will Go To Church Every Sunday
Chapter 3 | Project Make Everyone Stop And Stare
Chapter 4 | Project Play Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5 | Project Bite His Lips...
Chapter 6 | Project You Wouldn't Be Alive For Much Longer
Chapter 7 | Project Tutor The Bad Boy
Chapter 8 | Project We Could Make Out
Chapter 9 | Project I Like You
Chapter 10 | Project Not Too Rough
Chapter 11 | Project No Need To Threaten My Dick
Chapter 12 | Project The Wheels On The Bus
Chapter 13 | Project Oompa Loompa
Chapter 14 | Project Finger In My nose
Chapter 15 | Project Kissing Behind The Tress
Chapter 16 | Project Something Is Poking My Butt
knowing your characters and book trailer
Chapter 17 | Project You Are Pretty Cool For A Fuck Boy
Chapter 18 | Project All You Need Is A Meaty Dick
Chapter 19 | Project He Is Just Playing You
Chapter 20 | Project Who Took Your Virginity?
Chapter 21 | Project I Didn't Kill Him
Chapter 22 | Project I want Revenge
Chapter 23 | Project Wonder Women
Chapter 24 | Project I Like Dicks
Chapter 25 | Project Sleep With Me
Chapter 26 | Project Loving Him
Chapter 27 | Project Our Gay Best Friend
Chapter 28| Project Lorenzo Albero
Chapter 29| Project Daddy Kinks
Chapter 30 | Project She Has A Black Vibrator
Chapter 31 | Project A Fart That Could Kill
Chapter 32 | Project I Can't Spread It
Chapter 33 | Project Soaked
Chapter 34 | Project Drunken Kiss
chapter 35 | Project Falling For You
Chapter 36 | Project Lazy, Unbothered, Teenagers
Chpater 37| Project Girls Are So complicating
Chapter 38 | Project The Game Has Ended
Chapter 39 | Project The Videotape
Chapter 40 | Project She Is Gone
Epilogue - The Final Chapter
Time To Say Goodbye

CHAPTER 2 | Project Play The Game

6.1K 213 122
By KenneyRou

CHAPTER 2 | Project Play The Game

01 July 2016/ 01/07/2016 (Thursday)

3 months left


They called my name.

I was the chosen girl.

I had to lose my virginity to Lorenzo Albero, the biggest player in town.

I was part of Project 1000 School Virgin.

All these thoughts were running through my head, but the one that stood out the most was, that I had to lose my virginity to Lorenzo Albero.

"Alex, please open the door," Sophia pleaded from the other side of the locked cubicle door.

I stubbornly refused to let anyone in. I needed to disappear for a while. I just needed to be left alone. That was not too hard to understand, I just needed sometime alone.

Everyone expected me to lose my virginity to Lorenzo before the end of the deadline and I could not do that. I would not do it.

Sophia knocked softly on the cubicle door once again. "Alex, please open the door."

I did not want to open up the door. There was no reason for me to leave my now safe haven. I needed to be far away from people asking me when I was going to lose my virginity to Lorenzo.

I did not want to take part in that stupid game. They could not force me to lose my virginity. There was no way that I was going to willing give my virginity, if they really wanted it that bad, they would have to forcedly take it from me and well...he could not.

"Open the door!" I suddenly heard a booming voice behind the cubicle.

I rolled my eyes when I heard Brandon voice as he entered the girl's bathroom and shouted as if he was some lunatic.

"You do not have to shout, like a lunatic!" I bellowed and hastily started to wipe my face dry from the tears.

I did not want him to see me crying. Some may have said - I was a being a baby and that I should have grown some balls and face the situation at hand but I could not when I had so much to lose.

Imagine this: you had it all planed out losing your virginity to the love of your life and here came this game that snatched any hopes of that.

Everyone looked forward to the sex video and everyone wanted the chosen guy to win - meaning I had to lose my virginity to a game and not to the person I loved.

"You have five seconds to get out of that shitty cubicle or else I will break it down," Brandon threatened. Pssh, like he would actually break it down.

I did not even understand what he was doing in the girl's bathroom.

"I am warning you to get out!" Brandon demanded in frustration.

"Alex, I really think he is going to break the door down, just come out for me," I heard Sophia's soft voice behind the cubicle.

I quietly unlocked the cubicle door. "Fine, I am coming out."

"Finally!" Brandon bellowed.

I scowled when I opened the cubicle to see Brandon standing in front of the cubicle door with Sophia behind him. "What do you want?" I asked in annoyance.

He smiled forcedly. "I just wanted to know what made you think you could run off like that without saying some few words to your peers about how excited you are to lose your virginity to my man, Enzo."

I glared and pushed him out of my way. "I am not taking part in the game, so just leave me alone."

He narrowed his eyes in my direction and said, "You think you can choose not take part in the game?"

I nod my head once and continued to splash cold water onto my face.

He was more stupid than I initially thought. I was not going to take part in their stupid game.

Unexpectedly Brandon started to laugh out loud like a lunatic. I turned to stare in his direction. I lifted my eyebrows in confusion and then averted my gaze to Sophia who had the same expression on her face - confusion.

His hands were over his knees as he continued to laugh while muttering something in another language.

Brandon abruptly stood in front of me, all laughter gone. "You think you are funny?" He asked." You cannot decide if you want to play this game or not you have to take part in the game or face ultimate humiliation. After all, you would not want people to find know..."

He continued. "Does she even know?" He pointed in Sophia's direction.

I stared mutely at Brandon. He knew. He was one of the few to know about my darkest secrets. I blinked back the tears, preventing them from escaping my eyes.

I shook my head. "No, she does not and she does not need to know. And that goes for the rest of this messed up school." I took in a deep breath and said what I knew would change my life...for the better or worse? I was not too sure which one yet.

"I will go through with the game but please, promise me you won't tell the school."

"What do I not know?" Sophia asked inquisitively, with confusion written all over her face.

Brandon smirked. "Fine, I promise I will not tell. Only if you take part in the game."

"Alex! Tell me what do I not know? "Sophia demanded furiously.

Brandon quietly laughed under his breath and casually strolled out of the bathroom.

"Alex, please tell me," She pleaded.

I sighed. "It's nothing, Soph."

"What happened to no secrets between the two of us?"

I bowed my head in defeat and pleaded. "Please, Sophia, just let it go."

She raised her eyebrows and decided against pressuring me to relieve the secrets I had buried. "So you are taking part in Project 1000?"

And that was why I loved this girl.

I cleared my throat and grinned. "Nope."

"But you just said you were," she whispered.

I smiled wickedly. "I know what I said, Soph. But if I somehow manage to change Lorenzo's mind about me being the chosen girl. What if I told him to choose another girl?"

Sophia shook her head doubtfully. "I do not think that is going to work."

"But it will," I stated determinately. There was no way I was taking part in Project 1000 School Virgin and there was no way Brandon can tell the whole school about what I had done.

He just could not.


I waited against Lorenzo's locker for who knew how long. I was determined to make sure he agreed to my proposal. I needed him to agree.

I turned to noticed a few people staring at me in confusion as to why I was standing in front of Lorenzo's locker.

I flipped my brown hair over my shoulder. "What are you guys staring at?" I demanded in frustration.

I hated the way they looked at me. They might have thought I was going home with him and giving into the game in less than twenty four hours.

"I think they are probably staring at an idiot." I quickly turned around to see who made the comment.

"What are you doing standing in front of my locker?" He asked and shoved me to the side, out of his way, which in result made me fall on my ass.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain.

Everyone began to laugh and when I meant everyone it did not include Lorenzo. Oh no, he was too cool for that.

I narrowed my Hazel eyes at the crowd. "What is so funny?" I snapped.

"Probably the fact that you are sitting on the floor like a child, who has not learned how to use her on two feet, "Lorenzo remarked. In return, the crowd started to laugh even louder at the comment Lorenzo made. It was not even funny!

"I did not ask for my own personal cheerleader!" Lorenzo snapped and that instantly made everyone stop laughing.

He was not done yet. "Get lost!" In an instant everyone cleared the hallways.

"When I said get lost that included you too," Lorenzo said, firing me with the most deadly glares I had ever received, I was normally the one throwing the glares not the other way around.

I swiftly stood up from the floor. "I need to talk to you about something,"

He continued to take books out of his locker and completely ignored me like I was a ghost he couldn't see.

"Hey, I am speaking to you!" I snapped when he began to walk away from me.

He abruptly stopped walking. "Listen to me okay? I really do not care what you have to say, so just leave me alone unless you want to come home with me and finish this game."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Believe me, I would love to leave you alone, but I got a proposal that will grantee that we will never have to speak or look at each other ever again,"

Lorenzo stopped to stare at me before muttering something along the lines 'proposta.'

"Yes, a proposal," I repeated again.

He smirked mischievously. "What's the proposal? Stupidità, "

I stared into his steel blue eyes as I ignored the fact that he had just called me stupid. "It's about the Project 1000 School Virgin,"

He raised his dark perfect eyebrows. I must admit he does have nice eyebrows. "What about it?" He probed, smirking teasingly.

I narrowed my hazel eyes in his direction. "I need you to choose a new chosen girl to participate in Project 1000 School Virgin,"

Lorenzo chuckled softly in surprise. "You want me to choose another girl to take part in the game?"

I nod my head in conformation.

Lorenzo took a step closer to me, I took one step back, and he took one step closer we continued to do this until I felt a hard surface behind my back.

He had me trapped against the lockers and his firm chest.

Lorenzo leaned in closer until I could feel his mint breath fanning my face.

"Listen carful, idiota, I will not choose another girl, I won't stop bothering you until I get what I want, and I won't stop until I get your virginity by the end of the three months. If you so badly want us to stop speaking to each other why don't you come over to my house and get done with the game?."

He began to move away from me, just a little bit before he whispered something in my ears. "Non essere uno sciocco, perchè avrò nel mio letto."

I was too late to ask what he meant because he shoved my shoulder roughly against the locker and coolly strolled out of the school building as if he did not just say....what did he say?

"It's a shame that you the chosen the girl," I heard a voice speak from my right. I turned to look to my right and noticed Mackenzie Hart.

Mackenzie strutted towards me in her 5 inches high heels as her black hair moved left to right with the amount of force she was using to walk.

I laughed and scratched my neck nervously. "Yah I know," I replied.

She stopped when she is standing about 4 feet away from me, she narrowed her dull brown eyes in my direction. "So how does it feel being the chosen girl?"

"Horrible," I stated truthfully.

She took two more steps in my direction. "I don't understand why they changed the process of the game," She thought. "Do you know?" She asked raising here dark brown eyebrows to perfection.

I shook my head mutely. How would I know?

"What a shame,"

"Why are you asking me these questions?" I asked curiously.

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know just asking,"

I nodded my head slowly. When you were in the presence of Mackenzie Hart you always had to choose your words carefully.

I am normally not afraid of anyone, but when it came to Mackenzie Hart you could not help but be terrified of her with her blood red lips, dark brown eyes, black hair and the leather jacket that seems too always be glued to her skin and don't forget to mention the 5 inches black heels that she always wore, which gave her an height advantage over other girls.

"Well now that we finished out interesting conversation, get the hell out of my sight!" She demanded and then started to snicker.

I stared at her with a dumbfounded expression on my face, what was it with people laughing over nothing today?

"I am just joking, you should have seen your face but on a serious note move, you are standing in front of my locker."

"Oh." I blushed furiously and wearily move away from her locker.

I stared at her for some seconds, before walking away from her.

"Hey Alex, I am hoping you don't give into Enzo!" She called out from her locker.

I turned around slowly and gave her a small smile. "Don't worry I won't," I promised and that was a promise I intended to keep.

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