Dont Let Go

By MarissaGoesRawr

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Dont Let Go
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Plan to escape
Chapter 15
chapter 17

Chapter 16

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By MarissaGoesRawr

The one and only, Eithen Williams sat in the front seat staring back at me with concern.

I groaned and slumped back on the seat, wincing slightly at the pain.

"I think we should get you to the hospital." He said looking at me intently.

"How about you just let me die." I mumbled, looking out the window.

He pulled the car over and turned to me,

"Look, I know you hate me, but you could at least show some type of respect, I saved your life! You would have died if I didn't come, you should be grateful!" He yelled.

I flinched at his words, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"You're really going to sit here and tell me I should be grateful? Do you know what he did to me? Did you know that he raped me over and over? Did you know that he said he was in love with me, or that the whole time I was thinking of you? You got me fucking pregnant just so you could tell me you were married. I fell in love with you!!! I tried to kill myself because of you. Just leave me alone!!!" I screamed as I jumped out of the car, ignoring the pain.

I should of known he wouldn't just leave. He grabbed my arm and swung me around pinning me to the car.

"Violet...i'm sorry, you should at least let me explain what happened, you don't understand, I never meant to hurt you!"

I interruped him by holding up my hand. The tears threatened to spill, but I wouldn't give in.

"You LIED to me!! You don't care about me at all, do I look like a game to you? Was this your plan, to make fall in love with you just so you could rip my heart out? YOU are the one who doesn't understand, you broke my heart. I almost had your baby! Do you not see how much pain you put me through?"

By now, the tear were falling down like rain, but I couldn't stop them. This pain i've been holding in is killing me. I can't handle this anymore.

Eithen didn't say anything, instead he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I know I should have pushed him away, but I was so weak, I needed him.

Sooner than I expected, he pulled away and looked into my eyes. The way he looked at me...with so much love and passion made me feel weak. I wanted to believe that he wouldn't hurt me and that this was all just a dream, but I knew I would just be setting myself up for disapointment.

"I'm going to take you to the nearest hospital." He said while laying me back down in the back seat. He looked down at my bruises and cuts. "It looks like you need to be checked out..and fast. I promise he will pay for what he has done."

I didn't say anything, I was so tired, so I laid my head down and fell into a deep sleep.

I was back at Chris's house, he...he was yelling, his face was raging with anger. His fists were clenched, I looked down to see the blood dripping from my weak body. I tried to scream and run but it was like I was paralyzed, all I could do was watch his as his dark shadow grew closer.

Once he was close enough, he raised one fist and swung at me, there was nothing I could do..

I waited for the pain, but it never came.

Am I dead?

I screamed, sitting up and looking around.

There were a few people surrounding me, looking at me intently. I stared at them all feeling very frightened.

They all looked so familiar, but I couldn't mke out who they were. One of them in a white suit stepped forward and broke the silence.

"Hello Violet, my name is Dr. Bill, it's nice to see you again." He said smiling.

I was never here..was I? I looked around the room but nothing seemed familiar. I turned my attention to the doorway where three men stood.

They all looked a bit older but still very good looking. I noticed that two of them were in FBI uniforms and the other one was in a police uniform. What are they doing here?

"Hey..i'm sorry it so long to get here, we will make sure he pays for what he did to you." The man in the police uniform said.

I didn't understand what he was talking about, but I didn't say anything.

"Miss. Evans, you suffered a minor head injury, three broken ribs. You should heal in a month or two, just take it easy. Now, the police, as well and Joey and Eithen have some questions for you."

Before I could ask what was going on, he left.

I was so confused. Why would the need to ask me questions? What day is it? And why am I in the hospita?

My thoughts were interrupted when the three men stepped forward.

"Hi, my name is Jeremey, this is Joey, and as you know, Eithen." Jeremey said.

One of the men in the FBI uniforms stepped forward. He was probably th hottest guy i've ever seen. He had very dark brown hair, dark green eyes that seemed to be changing to a mix of brown and green. He was wearing a tight fitting vest that should his perfect built body.

"Violet..." He began as he took my hand. "I'm probably going to go to jail just for saying this, but I love you and I will not give up. You are the only one I want to to be with." He whispered.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" I questioned as I pushed him away.

He looked back at the other two guys, they all had confused looks on their faces.

"What happened the past week?" Jeremey asked.

'The past week' Those words echoed through my head over and over. I was out for a week? God, i'm so confused, someone better start explaining what the hell is going on.

Dr. Bill came into the room and gave us all a sad look.

"I don't know how to say this, but...the tests came back and you are suffering from a temperary amnesia. We are hoping it will come back soon, but it's very possible that you will permently lose your memory. I'll give you guys some time alone."

He left as well as two of the other men, so that left me with...Eithen, I think that's his name.

"You really don't know who I am?" He whispered.

"You look so familiar, but no..I don't"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, well...i'm going to tell you the whole story, from the beginning."

I nodded my head for him to continue.

"It all started when you found me in an ally where some men were trying to kill me....."

I wasn't prepared for the story he told, but the way he looked at me, I knew it was all true.

After he was finished, he turned away but I swear I saw a tear fallm down his cheek.

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