chapter 6

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Time for school again! ugh! Oh well, I guess this means I get to see Eithen, so thats a good thing. But over the weekend Eithen explained a little bit more of his life to me. Apprently hes only working as a teacher because he needed more money. He told me that he is a SWAT agent and so is his friend Joey. I didnt believe it at first but the look on his face told me that it was true. It was alot to take in, I wasn't sure what to do.. I mean, I just found out that my teacher/ ex boyfriend is a SWAT agent.. I dont know why he would ever think I would be mad at him for it, to be honest I think it's even more hot.

I'll admit that I am pissed that he never told me but I trust him so i'll wait for him to explain the rest later.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' Ahh, I forgot to turn my alarm off. I should be getting out of bed now since its 7:11...what!? Im late!

I hurried out of bed, got dressed and left not even bothering to do my hair. Within 10 minutes I was in the car and on my way to school.

As I arrived to the school I jumped out of my car and ran into the the school. I flug open the door to Mrs. James's room and all heads turned to me.

"Well there you are Mss. Evans." Eithen said laughing.

"Where is Mrs. James?"

"Awh, your not excited to see me?"

"No im not, because your good looks dissappeared when you became too egoistic." I said as I walked to my seat and sat by Lance.

The rest of the lesson dragged on for what seemed like forever, the whole time I was staring at him..thinking of how much fun we had, and how much I would give just to be in his arms one more time.

"Miss. Evans, would you care to stay after class for a minute?" Mr. Williams tried to ask with out smiling.

I walked up to his desk as he closed the door and locked it. He came close to me and pulled me close to him.

"Your so beautiful baby." He mumbled, brushing his lips against mine with every word he spoke. Wait..did he just call me baby?

Soon enough he had me backed up against the wall and my lips were moving in sync with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair while his hands went to my waist.

That moment was ruined when there was pounding on the door..and somehow it swung open, and he seen Mr. Williams arms around my waist and my arms around his neck....uh oh..

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