Draco's Veela Side (Drarry)

By DrarrySangster

406K 11.3K 6.8K

Sworn enemies, definite foes. Well what if something changed that? What will the famous Harry Potter do when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
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You deserve love- AU
What if- AU
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Fights- AU
Protecting you -AU
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Trying- AU
Crush- AU
Sweet Shop Meet up- AU P1
Stay- AU
Birthday boy- AU
Sweet Shop Meetup- AU P2
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Marry Me- AU
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From the beginning- AU
Secret Diary- AU
Misunderstanding- AU
Mirror- AU
Valentines- AU
Potion- AU
Insults- AU
Part 1:Roomates- AU
Part 2:Roomates- AU
Muggle AU with A little bit of Scorbus
Scorbus/Drarry AU!
Dreaming Roomates- Muggle AU
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People change P2- AU
Pretty Lies- AU
Plane P1- AU
House mate - AU
Text AU~ Fanart
Twins P1- Muggle AU
Twin P2- Muggle AU
Twins P3- Muggle AU
Argue- AU
Single Father- Muggle AU
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P1
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P2
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P3
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Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P7
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P8
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P9
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P10
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P11
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU End
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra
Workout friends- Scorbus Muggle AU
School- Scorbus Muggle AU
Baby- Scorbus Muggle AU
Ugh. Parents. - Scorbus Muggle AU
'Xcuse me- Scorbus Muggle AU
POVs- Scorbus Muggle AU P1
POVs- Scorbus Muggle AU P2
The child- Scorbus Muggle AU
Foster Home- Scorbus Muggle AU
Just school- Scorbus Muggle AU
Childhood bestfriends- Scorbus Muggle AU
Rainy Days- Scorbus AU
Innocent parents- Scorbus Muggle AU
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra2
Foster Home- Scorbus Muggle AU P2
Nervous- Scorbus Muggle AU
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.0
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.1
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.2
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.3
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.4
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.5
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.6
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.7
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.8
Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU Extra3.9

Chapter 35

4.8K 135 69
By DrarrySangster

Half way through the night, he woke up to crying.
"Hey, Harry, what's wrong?" He mumbled, checking the time, "It's 2AM, love, what is it that's bothering you?"
He placed a hand on Potter's cheek and the boy eased himself off Draco so he could look at him.
"I-I want some peppermint toads but I feel fat!" He sobbed.
"What is this, some type of Midlife crisis? Just get some toads."

He turned over to go back to sleep but Harry just wouldn't stop crying.
"But I'm fat!"
"You're not fat, babe." He mumbled.
"I feel it."
"Probably the person you have growing inside of you."
He rolled his eyes and the Gryffindor smiled.
"Oh yeah." He reached for the toads, offering Malfoy one.
"No." He yawned, sitting up and wrapping an arm around the raven haired boy.

"Go to sleep." Potter demanded politely.
"I can't." He grumbled, more into Harry's hair.
"Why not?"

"I don't know." He placed a hand on the other's cheek and watched him stuff peppermint toads in his mouth.

"Please stop watching me. Its making me uncomfortable."
He chuckled and placed a kiss on the other's cheek.
"Sorry, it's a habbit."
"What do you mean?"
"When I can't sleep I always watch you."
"Oh, well that's not creepy at all." He grumbled and the blond sniggered.
"Shut up, it helps me sleep knowing you're okay."

"Awww." He grinned cheekily, looking up at him. Draco leaned in but Harry raised an eyebrow.
"I have to spend the rest of my life with your morning breath? Merlin help me."
"You cheeky asshole, I kissed you after you puked!" He laughed and Potter shrugged.
"One kiss then." He pecked the other's lips, however the Slytherin went back for another, smashing his lips onto the pregnant man's and deepening the kiss until they pulled away.
"Oh shut up, you loved it." He winked, rubbing a hand up and down the green eyed boy's thigh.

"What about for our child?"
"You want me to kiss your stomach?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Mhm." He smiled, and Draco groaned but pressed his lips against the soft skin anyway.
"Will you go to sleep now? I have a quidditch match against Hufflepuff tomorrow." He mumbled, turning over and getting comfortable.
"What? How did I not know?"

"Calm down, Quidditch god, I thought you would have knew. I might have a chance to finally catch the snitch against this seeker this time." He rolled his eyes playfully and Potter giggled.
"Yeah, maybe. Oh merlin, Draco!" He yelped, sitting up and pouting.
"What?!" He asked in a panicked tone, sitting up with him.
"Who will I cheer for?! You or Hufflepuff? What if Gryffindor hate me for cheering on Slytherin?" He gasped.
"Actually Harry, I was thinking it'd perhaps be better, y'know, for all of us if you didn't show up." He suggested.

"Why? Are you embarressed to be seen with me? It's because I'm fat, isn't it?" Tears began to flow down his cheeks again and Malfoy shook his head, enveloping him in a hug.
"No, baby, no. I'm not embarressed at all. I'm proud to be seen with such an amazing and adorable person like you, and size doesn't matter to me anyway," He kissed his cheek, "It's just because, well, you're pregnant and I don't want you getting hurt, along with the fact that you've got crazy moods."

"I'll be fine, I won't get hurt! And what do you mean by crazy moods?" He knitted his eyebrows together, clearly curious.
"Well, let's just say I don't want you screaming your lungs out at the end of this match." He grumbled, raising an eyebrow and rubbing his hand on his chin where his stubble was, "And I can't protect you when I'm 10 feet up in the air, sweetie. Your beautiful face will distract me from the snitch, because you're my only treasure." He winked and Potter blushed.
"Malfoy!" He giggled and crossed his arms playfully.
"Oh, you love me." The blond smirked, laying back on the bed.
"Yeah but you need to shave, love. It pains like hell trying to kiss you."

"Where does yours go, then?" He asked, examining Harry's clear lower face.
"Who needs a razor when I've got a wand?" He smirked, running a finger over his chin, "Nice and smooth."
Draco rolled his eyes and cast away his facial hair, making the Gryffindor grin.
"Hottie." He cooed, and the blond blushed, playfully punching his shoulder.
"Shut up!" He shrieked, obviously giving away the fact that he wasn't so good when it came to compliments.
Meanwhile, the raven haired boy burst into a fit of laughter.

"Calm down, it's not an insult!" He wheezed through chuckles.
"I-I know! I said thank you!"  He stammered, stuffing his face into the pillow in embarressment.
"Oh merlin, Draco, I'm only joking!" He placed a hand on the other's back, massaging it lightly for the blondie's pleasure. It of course caused him to slip out a moan, and bite his lip, a small grin creeping on his face.

"Ohhh, you like that?"
"Yes." He groaned.
"Do you love me?" He asked, still in a rough, manly whisper which Draco loved.
"Yes." He mumbled, burying his face deeper into the pillow to hide his blush.
"Will you let me come to the match tomorrow?" He asked politely yet in the same whisper voice, still rubbing his back.
"No!" He hissed, taking his face away from the cushion, "I can't protect you and be up in the air, Harry! You need to understand it from my view."
The Boy Who Lived pulled his hands away, causing the blond to whimper.

"Stop being so selfish, Draco! I can look after myself, I have been before I even knew you existed! I grew up being starved and hit, yet I'm still here alive and breathing! If that's not protecting myself, I don't know what is. You make me feel so useless sometimes, Malfoy, as if without you I wouldn't be here. Stop babying me, I don't like it. I'm going to go and enjoy the quidditch match tomorrow, and I don't care what you say because I'm my own person." He snapped, shaking as he closed his eyes, deciding the conversation was finished.

"Look, Harry, I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel so useless by babying you, I just want you to know how much I care and love you. You can protect yourself, baby, you've been doing it for so long. I just wanted to make it my job to make sure you're okay all the time, because I love you. You have to realise, princess, I depend on you to live. You do the same to me, and that's why I always want you close. You're carrying our child, too, and I don't want them getting injured."

He sighed when he realised Potter wasn't listening, however carried on ranting.
"Fine. Come to the game. Nobody will hurt you there, I hope, but have Hermione and Ron beside you at all times incase you trip over or you're sick. Stay safe and I have nothing against you coming." He snaked his arms around Harry who didn't have the energy to shake him off, "Love you, gorgeous."

"Fine, I see your point. Love you too, ferret." He grumbled, taking his glasses off and placing them on the bedside. His vision obviously them became blurry, so as he turned over, all he could see was a blurry blond mop of hair on a blurry outline of a face, "Draco?" He asked, like he always does when he takes off his glasses.
"Yeah," He chuckled, pressing his lips against the blind boy's, "Go sleep. I got you."
"Wait, kiss me again." He smiled, puckering up.
"I thought you didn't like my morning breath?" He raised his eyebrows and smirked.
"But you're clean shave feels so good on my face. Please." He pouted.
"Yeah, yeah. Alright then, scarhead." He sprinkled kisses all along Harry's jaw, his cheeks, his forehead, his nose and then finally left a sloppy one of his lips. He had a bit of fun and pulled at the other's bottom lip with his teeth before releasing it and resting his chin protectively ontop of the boy's head, who had arched his back so he had better access to Draco's chest.

"Goodnight, Harry."
"Night, Dray." He grumbled back.


Harry woke up all sticky and wet. His hand rummaged beside him on his nightstand for his glasses so he could examine it all better, and when he found them he pushed them on as quick as he could without poking himself in the eye. Raising his eyebrows, he saw Malfoy grinning down at him, a blush visible on his face.
That's when he remembered his dream.

"Had a good dream, babe?" He smirked, leaning over him to kiss his lips.
"I-er-Shit." He whined as the blond left him, getting up to take off his boxers.

"How do I change the sheets? Oh merlin, I'm sorry, Drakey, I just-I didn't know-"
"Oh no, don't worry. I'm honoured." He playfully rolled his eyes and winked, spelling clean the sheets, "Hop in the shower, love, we still have some time until the quidditch match."
Harry bit his lip and went in the shower, embarressed at his dirty mind.
He was suprised when Draco walked in with him, gripping his hand tightly and not even slightly disgusted at Harry's dream.

"How did you know it was about you?" He asked, running his hands through his hair.
"Well damn, I hope it was about me." He raised his eyebrows and shook his head, "Nah, I just heard you moaning Draco," He started to groan a little to add effect, "Go faster, Dray... Don't stop, Drakey... Oh merlin, Draco!"
Potter blushed and hid his face in his hands.

"Oh merlin." He grumbled, "How aren't you disgusted?"
"Because I pray for the days when we wake up like this, baby. I love you, and you're pratically carrying our child. I don't mind the nights when you let your mind wander, as long as it's about me." He smiled, taking away Harry's hands from his face as he kissed his cheek.

"How did you wake up?" He asked, still blushing from embarressment and the Slytherin's words.
"You leaked a little, yes, so I kind of felt it considering we share a bed." He grinned a little, "But I couldn't wake you up. You seemed to be enjoying your dream a little too much for me to do so. You looked so adorable."
"I'm so embarressed right now, I feel like crying in the corner." He pouted and the blond giggled.
"Why are you embarressed? I think it's cute. I won't tell anyone. We can keep it a secret, just you and me." His wink came back, and Harry smiled.
"Thank you."

"I want to make it a reality for you, but you're too over protective over your bump." He frowned a little and ran his fingers down the Gryffindor's chest, down his bump until it met his upper legs, "Shame."
"Don't tease." He hissed, swatting his hands away, "Of course I'm going to be over protective. I don't know whether you knew, but I've never been pregnant before."
"What gender?"
Draco smiled and put some shampoo on his fingers, using it to mess up the raven haired boy's hair, earning a glare.
"What gender do you want it to be?"

"Oh, I don't mind. It might be easier to raise a boy, because we're both males of course so we might understand him a bit better, but I don't mind a challenge." He smirked as the blond playfully bit his nose.
"I know you don't mind a challenge, you defeated Voldemort for fuck sake." His famous grin appeared as the other boy giggled.
"Couldn't have done it without Hermione, Ron, Luna or Neville. Or anybody else who fought really. Those lives we lost... Malfoy's balls, I miss Dobby." He wipped the tears that were escaping his eyes and Draco sighed.

"I know. He died a free elf with people who treated him equal like you did, and that's what matters. And Malfoy's balls? Don't you mean Merlin's balls, Potter?" He smirked.
"Yours are better." The other winked, leaning in.
"What so you've been looking at Merlin's balls? You're dead now, Potter." He pulled Harry as close to him as he could before smashing his lips to his.
When they pulled away, the Gryffindor stuck his arms out for a hug, but the blond knew he couldn't pick him up.
"After." He stated, washing his hair and body.

"How long were you watching me?"
Harry asked, struggling to wash his legs, because it hurt when he bent down.
"Just watching? About 5 minutes." Draco smiled, getting on his knees to wash him like he usually helped him after 2 months of the pregnancy.
"Malfoy, what do you mean by just watching? What else did you do?" He raised his eyebrows in alarm and the other boy smirked.
"Well I had to have a little fun."
"But I was all sticky!"
"So? My hands didn't care, obviously." He bit his lip, looking up at the raven haired boy, but all he saw was his bump.
"How long until I woke up?"
"10 minutes, I guess. Just as I stopped." He smirked, pressing a small kiss to the stomach that was blocking his view.

"Draco," He whined, "Are you nearly finished?"
"Why? Got somewhere to be?" He stood up and got some water that was falling on him, splashing it on the Gryffindor's legs to wash off the soap.
"I thought you might want a practise. Hufflepuff are pretty good, y'know."
"Shit, yeah. We're better though." He grinned.
"You wish!" He giggled as the Slytherin stood up, pulling him out of the shower and switching it off.
"So... I was top in your dream, right?"

"Just like you always are." He rolled his eyes as the other smiled and changed himself before doing the same to his mate.
He put Harry in his loose trousers, although Potter said it was uncomfortable when he put on his top which his round stomach stuck out of.

"No, it hurts! Take it off! Take it off!" He shrieked, pulling at it.
"Calm down." He enlarged the top a little with his magic, but the other was still whining.
"No! I want others! I don't like it! Dray, please!"

"Okay, okay, should I enlarge it more?" He asked politely to the boy who had his back pressed against the bed.
"No. I want different ones. I want my muggle top!"
"Which one, you fussy butthole?" He grumbled, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Yours." He grinned, playing with the blond hair ahead of him.
"Alright, cutie, which one?" He smiled down at him.
"The biggest one you have! Extra baggy because you're too tall." He beamed and Draco laughed.
"I'm not that much taller than you, but let's look."

He looked through his wardrobe before pulling out a large, baggy green sweater that usually hung off his shoulders. He put it on Harry and smiled as it was a perfect fit, but was stretched a little.
"I'm sorry if I stretch it." He frowned.
"No, it's fine. I don't mind, now come on." He stood up and stretched however the raven haired boy stuck his hands out.

"You child." He chuckled, using all his might to pick him up. He was strong enough to do so, scooping him up bridal style.
"Yay. Kissy." He grinned, pulling the blond's head down to kiss him.
"I love you." Draco whispered in awe, staring at the pregnant man bundled in his arms, "Shall we go, my man?"

He placed him back down on the floor and walked out, locking the door.
"Harry?" He asked as they walked to the quidditch pitch, hand in hand.
"Why me? Why not Weaslette or Lovegood or Chang? Why did you accept me? Why do you love me?"

"Oh, Dray, I'm afraid you'll never understand how much I love you and why, because everytime I explain, you just don't seem to believe me. But I can try again." He pressed a small kiss to the other boy's hand, "You see, you're you. You're a proud, obnoxious, cute little git. I love the fact you opened up to me, showed me that a Malfoy has feelings. You're stunning, really, and your smile always makes me happy. You challenge me. You keep me going, keep me occupied. I don't need another person to worship me, love. I need someone like you.

"I've knew you were the one for a long time now, you've appeared so many times in my dreams... But they were dreams, and since when did I ever get lucky? But you, oh you, it was as if things were finally going my way. As if all of that bullshit that's happened to me was worth it, just so they could put you in my life. You're a fucking blessing, ferret, and I can't wait to have your child."

"You're too good with words, Potter." The Slytherin's smiled, blushing slightly as he kissed his nose. Harry grinned.
"Totally worth it." He mumbled.
With this, Malfoy chuckled and pulled his face closer.
"You're so cute, I love you! I could just eat you up!" He bared his teeth playfully, making the other giggle. He grinned and kissed his lover's lips passionately before they reached the pitch.
"Hey, maybe you should go off and practise now. I'll sit and watch. Go have fun." Potter smiled, trying to fit in the stands.
"Oh, Potty, you're getting big now-"
"Did you just call me fat?" His eyes began to water as he sat down and Draco shook his head.
"I meant your bump, babe. Did you call 'Mione and Ronny?"

"Ronny? Really?" He turned as he heard the familiar voice and grinned.
"Yes, really, Ronny." He patted his back as he hugged him, and then it was Hermione's turn.
"Hasn't Weasley got you pregnant yet?" Malfoy joked but Harry interupted.
"No, Dray, because not everyone forgets protection like you."
"Oooohhh, getting cheeky." The blond chuckled, "So you two have got down before?"
"Draco!" Potter hissed as they both widened their eyes and blushed.
"I'm joking, princess, don't get your panties in a twist. Y'know, the sticky ones from your dream-"

His two friends burst into laughter and the Slytherin smirked.
"Alright, alright. Stay there then. Stay safe." He grinned, blowing him a quick kiss before running down to the pitch.

'Damn he can be a jerk but he runs like a some type of model athlete. Oh merlin, he looks gooooodddd. And it's all mine.' Harry thought, making a small smirk appear on his face, too.

"So, Harry, had good dreams?" Ron asked, holding back laughter.
"Shut the fuck up, Ronald." He hissed, holding his bump protectively.
"Yeah, and panties? Really?" Hermione grinned.
"No. Boxers, thank you very much!" He crossed his arms and pouted.
"Oh you're so funny when you're pregnant. I wish Draco did this to you more often." The red head sniggered.
"I'm funny all the time." He mumbled, "And Draco? Oh he's going to get something, but I wouldn't call it loving, neither would I call it gentle."

"Somebody's getting violent." They looked to see Ginny's lips upturned into a small smile.
"Hey, Gin! I'm just joking, I won't hurt him. Well not too much. He's too precious, I mean look at the ferret."
He looked up at the boy who was soaring through the air on his broom, his smile shining and his blond hair falling onto his face. His shimering eyes that always made his raven haired mate fall in love all over again, along with his pale skin that glowed in the sun.
He was like a prince. The Slytherin prince.

"-arry? Earth to Harry." Ginny waved her hand in his face causing him to jump back.
"S-Sorry, what were you saying?"
"You seriously heard none of that?" Hermione raised an eyebrow, "We'd been calling you for 5 minutes now."
"Well, er, what is it you want?" He asked as nicely as he could.

"I was wondering how you're getting on with the pregnancy." The female Weasley sat on the other side of him, Ron and Hermione to his left.
"Great, I guess. A bit tight with the clothes, though."
"That's why you're wearing Malfoy's jumper?" Hermione smiled.

"Yeah... He's so cute... Oh merlin, who's slipped me a love potion?" He rubbed his temples and shook his head as the other's laughed.

"Aww is little Harry in love?"
"He has been for a while now, Gin, catch up." Ron joked and Potter smiled, knowing Draco was watching. Suddenly, she pinched his cheeks playfully.
'Cue screaming.' Harry thought, but his eyes widened when he was right.

They all twisted to look at the boy who was crossing his arms and frowning, floating on his broom.
The raven haired boy blushed as the red head female quickly pulled her hands away, falling into a fit of laughter along with his other two mates.

He grinned up at the blond who smirked proudly.
"Are you watching?" He called as he gripped the broom and did a loop, and then another and hung upside down on his broom.
He stared at the other boy who was smiling in awe at him. He looked so cute with his messy black hair that always stuck up in different directions and his kissable lips and crooked glasses...

He felt his hands slip and his face flickered in alarm, matching Harry's.
"Be careful, Dray!" He shouted before the Slytherin grabbed a hold of his broom and pulled it underneath him with a sigh of relief.

He flushed red in embarressment as the Gryffindor smirked at him. Soon their keeper blew a whistle, so he flew back down to land and to have a quick speach before people started to load in.
He glanced at his keeper but decided Harry was more important and sprinted over to him.

"Close call, there." Draco grinned as Potter stood up and bent over the stand to peck his lips.
"Yeah, careful. Focus, because I don't want my baby to fall off and hurt himself. Good luck, honey. I think they want you now." He smiled and rubbed his nose against the other's before the blond looked over at his team who looked unhappy about his choice to ignore the speach.

"Shit. Alright, stay safe and don't go anywhere near the bludgers-"
"Why on earth would I want to do that, pregnant or not?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Just stay safe. If anything happens, just stay there."

He walked over to the team as everybody piled in, hearing his teammates say they were screwed with him as his seeker as they went to their positions.
It was like a knife to his heart but he just rolled his eyes and got ready.

He has to do this.
He has to prove them wrong.
He has to make Harry proud.

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