Attracting Hearts (Chresanto...

By itsbiancecuh

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Brittany Cartel isn't one of those normal teenagers that you meet in life. She was born and raised in the ghe... More

I. Brittany
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By itsbiancecuh

POV: Brittany Cartel

Date: September 10th, 2013

I love when you pulling up in your jeep,

Bumping all your beats,

Js on,

With your shades on,

Just to bring me something to eat,

You the man up in these streets,

But when it comes to my heart,

That don't mean a thing no oh

So I hop up in your ride,

Ooh it's hot as hell outside,

Got the top down,

With the doors off,

With your hand on my thigh,

Drive slow ooh,

Take your time,

Every little thing you do got me feeling some type away,

When you gimme that thunder and you make my summer rain,

Oh oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh oh

Everyday, everyday,

And it won't stop,

Boom, boom, boommmmm,

And it won't stop,

Boom, boom, boommmmmm,

With every single part of me,

My love for you is constantly,

Forever and ever on repeat,

On repeat,

And it won't stop,

Boom, boom, boommmm.

I held my position until the music turned off. The dancers sitting against the back wall clapped for us. Mr Mario gave us a head nod and a bright smile signaling that we did good.

"Good job, Miss Brittany and Miss Monica. Very good job." Mr Mario said.

"Thank you, Mr Mario." I said, smiling from ear to ear.

I grabbed my water bottle and sat down next to Monica, one of my dancing friends. For our first assignment, we were grouped with another person we had the same music type as ourself and she was who Mr Mario grouped me with. At first she didn't look like much of a dancer to me. Maybe a basketball or softball player but as soon as it got down to the core and started making up dance moves and a routine, I was stunned. Her flexibility and exotic moves makes me vibe with her on a great level and I love it.

"Our routine is so far the best." Monica whispered over to me.

I grinned and nodded my head. Jennifer and Dequen were up next, dancing to a song by Lady Gaga. I didn't know much about her since I wasn't into that type of music but their routine was pretty good, actually.

A few more pairs went up to perform there dance routines. I liked watching other people dance because it gives me ideas on how I can move my body in different ways.

Within a couple of hours, our class was free to go home and enjoy the weekend. Of course in my case, studying and writing essay was going to be my fun. Sometimes all I think about and dropping out of college and going back home and I've only been here for a few weeks. Ha.

Outside it was nice and cool, a change here in Florida. I didn't really know when it would start feeling like fall but I was expecting it soon. Every now in then it was cool enough to leave the AC off for a couple of hours without sweating like you were a new comer.

"Ayo, ma! What's your name, beautiful?"

I turned around and noticed that I was being followed by a group of boys who weren't at all attractive. The one in the dark black from head-to-toe was the one who previously asked me what my name was.

"I'm Brittany." I responded, clutching onto my phone.

"I'm Josh," He responded, running up next to me. I quickened my pace just so I could get away from him faster. He had that devilish look on his face which put me in caution.

"Are you trying to put your number in my phone? You cute."

I had just noticed how thick his New York accent was. I was looking around for people that I knew who I could walk with since it was quickly falling into the night time. This Josh guy was still walking along with me and his friends were too close for my liking. If I haven't had quickened my pace the back of my shoes would've been torn off by now.

"Sorry, Josh but I'm not comfortable putting my numbers in other peoples phones."

He sucked his teeth. "Do you know who I am? Girl, you better put your number in my phone."

I stopped walking causing one of his friends to bump into my shoulder. I placed a hand on my hip hand raised my right eyebrow.

"I don't care who you are," I sneered. "What you need to do is leave me the hell alone."

He grabbed me by my arm and yanked hard on it making me scream out in pain. I kicked him in his groin area and he let go of my wrist and yelped.

His friends started surrounding me in a circle, closing off all space. I got frightened a little bit but I stayed calm.

"The fuck is this?" I heard the familiar voice call out.

I silently thanked God and watched as those guys backed away from me, revealing Jacob's body. He was dressed in black Levi pants and that blue Adidas zip up sweater that he always wore. His curly hair was hanging wild he looked like he had been looking for me. I walked over to him as he wrapped a arm around my shoulder.

"Like I said, the fuck is this?" Jacob called once again.

"That's yo girl?" Josh asked, limping over to us.

"Yeah the fuck she is. Do you have a problem?"

"Nah, you good, man," He said, glaring at me. "C'mon, guys lets go."

One by one, all of his friends lined up and followed after him.

"Let's go, princess." Jacob said, holding my hand and leading me over to his car.

He walked me the passenger side and opened the door for me. I thanked him as I sat inside buckling my seatbelt.

He started the car about to pull away. I screamed causing him to hit the brakes really fast. "What was that?" He asked.

I leaned over and reached for his seatbelt, buckling him up. "I just want you to be safe."

He smiled. "Thanks."

"What were you doing around those guys?" He asked, after a while.

I sighed. "The one in all black was asking me for my number and I said no. He then grabbed onto my wrist really hard and I kicked him in the balls really hard. His friends just started crowding all around me and then that's when you came."

"Stay away from them."

"Are they bad people?"

"Very, if you see any of them, go the other direction."

"What's so wrong with them? I mean I was scared but I've been in worst situations. They ain't look like there were bout it anyways."

"Just stay away, okay? Everything here isn't the same like it is where you're from. They're seriously dangerous. Just stay away, please."

"If you say so." I muttered, crossing my arms.

Before I even blinked, we were at my apartment building. "Thank you, Jacob. I appreciate it." I said, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"You're welcome, princess." He said, winking at me.

"How was class?" Ivory asked me once I walked inside.

"It was tiring," I said, giggling. "I love it though."

"That's good." She said, biting into her apple.

I sat down next to her grabbing a bottle of water. I opened it and took about three gulps before it was finished. Thirsty can you say?

"Oh my God! Rayan is so fucking sexy!" Ivory exclaimed, holding up her laptop and showing me a picture of her boothang.

I chuckled. "That's a nice looking picture of him."

"Girl, tell me about it! Whew, lord Jesus he can get it any day of the week at anytime!"

"To much information!"

Ivory laughed. "So, I stay seeing you around Chresanto and Jacob. You got two boothangs? Ooh' get 'em girl!"

I smiled, feeling my cheeks grow red. "I don't have any boothangs. I'm just worried about my work right now."

"Bitch please. You ain't fooling anyone."

I chuckled. "There just friends."

"With benefits."

"Okay, something like that."

"Jacob and Chresanto are both fine as hell. I can see why you want both of them."

I shrugged. "It's not even that serious to me. Their both fine, nice and dating material but I'm not looking to fall for someone right now."

"They've already probably fallen for you. Their is gonna be a whole lot of controversy between then since they both like you. They are best friends you know."

"I don't really think either one of them likes me and I know. I'm just going to keep it friendly so I don't ruin their friendship. That we be too fucked up of me."

"Good luck with that." Ivory said. She closed her laptop and winked at me before walking into the room.

I sighed. Is my flirtationship with Chresanto and Jacob that serious?

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