The Betrayal


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Sequel to The betrothed. Read the prequel before the sequel. I won't add a description yet because it will ru... More

New beginnings.
Time to let go?
Personal Hell?
Welcome back.
The Doctor.
The breakfast.
The Dance Part 1
History Lesson?
David's POV
Balance of Power?
New Addition?
Got a secret?
The Forest
Happy Birthday to me!- David's POV
You'll be the death of me..
All these years..
Two weeks later
And so it begins
The Meeting
The Race
Here comes the bride..
Here comes the bride.. (Part 2)
It's a topsy turvy world
The Truth.
The Betrayal
The Text.
Just a kiss goodbye
The War.
The Aftermath
What have I done?

The transition

242 16 4

I know I know, long time! Sorry guys!

Disclaimer! Mine mine all mine!

What does he mean I'm in transition?

I don't want to be a vampire!!

I can't be dead before I've even lived. I took a deep breath to calm myself and asked "What do you mean?"

He said coming closer "The vampire gene in you human body is overpowering them, have you started to feel it? How you feel weak? As if someone is sucking your energy out of you? Can you keep down food or have you stopped eating too? What about blood? Have you started coughing blood out as well? What about hearing? Must have improved with sharper vision and maybe some healing too?" he touched my arm but I pulled away except he only tightened his grip. "Cold. She feels like a corpse would."

He chuckled as I felt the blood drain from my face.

"Is this true Elizabeth?" asked my father concerned and worried.

I nodded.

"How much of it is true?" asked Robert equally concerned.

"What's the big deal? Can't you just transform me like you all were transformed? And how exactly is it done?"

"Of course I can transform you, you don't have much time anyway."

"You can't father." Said my father in a matter of fact tone "She's bound to David, don't you know that?"

It was now my grandfather and Robert who showed surprise. "No!" they said angrily as if they didn't want to accept this fact.

"It's not your choice." My father replied. "Do you feel better knowing you did this to soul mates? You both destroyed one of the rarest kinds of love our species has."

"Then there is only one solution." Said my grandfather, no wonder people liked him, he was quick on his feet.

"This isn't a problem to be solved father. David can-"

"NO!" he replied with such force but my father did not give up.

"This is not a question or a request. This is my daughter's life-"

"She is NOT your daughter." He shouted back.

"How dare you-" my father tried to continue, although I could feel the heartbreak he felt.

"SILENCE!" I said before their arguments got heated and he hurt my father more than necessary. I was ready to hear and implement his solution if it meant he wouldn't say such hurtful things to him. My real father said nothing which showed that he never has and never will consider me his daughter the way my father did. Nor did he have any self-respect because he did not intervene.

"What is this solution of yours?"

"It's simple, you're just going to have to treat your vampire side with food. You're going to feed on blood to curb everything and live normally."

Blood. Drink blood. I wanted to throw up.

"And for how long?"

"As long as you want to live, you're already on a do or die stage."

"And if I want to be a vampire then what?"

"That traitor will be no part of it. No granddaughter of mine will be in that filthy family."

"It's not like I'm going to marry him but how practical is me feeding on blood?"

"No, you don't understand the bond afterwards like we do. There is no problem in feeding on blood, it tastes quite good."

"It must taste good for you father but how will she-" my father interjected again.

"Many have done it before her." My grandfather replied shrugging his shoulder.

"I won't allow this." He said.

"What did you say to me?" grandfather said angrily.

Father grabbed my hand and started walking with me towards the door only to be stopped by this evil man I was getting used to knowing as my grandfather.

I knew a fight was going to erupt between father and son and to prevent my father for sustaining any emotional and physical scars I said "It's okay dad, I'm going to be okay." I placed my hand on his heart. "I promise."

"He's not your dad."

"He'll always be my dad, you may be able to force us to do certain things but you can never make me call anyone else my father than the man who took care of me while my disappointing family was too busy in their revenge frenzy and childish games."

"Insolent child, you should not speak of things you do not know of."

"You may have roamed this earth more than me, but I am still your Queen, child as I may be."

With that I walked away to my throne, feeling the urge to throw up.

He ordered a valet to get me O- but my father said "It's got too strong a taste for her first cup, bring her a B+"

Before anyone could say anything else I took my father's side leaving no room for an argument.

When it came in a gold cup, just the smell of it made me want to throw up.

As if right on queue David walked in. "Is everything okay here?" He looked curiously at me and the cup and put two and two together. "What's going on here?" he asked in his authoritative voice from no one in particular but he took a step forward. He had probably felt my anxiety and the emotional turmoil inside me through our link but he probably couldn't tell what the problem was from my calm demeanor.

He took a step forward only for my grandfather to ask his personal bodyguard to stop him. "This is a family matter, one that you are not invited to."

"Elizabeth is my business, now tell me what's going on?!" he took a menacing step forward but my grandfather remained unfazed.

"I assure you she is not. But if you must know we're busy saving her life, you both are bound together surely you must know she is dying."

It felt like a slap to David's face, he visibly recoiled as if he had been hit by a brick.

"Unless.. You didn't know." He smiled satisfied. "What a shame, clearly you can't be said to be responsible enough to take care of her, if you were you would've known."

I knew one thing for sure, he was a bitter man.

"Enough. I have agreed to this only for you to stop badgering everyone."

I took the cup and took a deep breath. I tried to steady my shaking hands, I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see the blood.. Wouldn't think that it belonged to a human, I tried not to think this was cannibalism and as fast as possible I tried to chug it down my throat.

As soon as I had more than three four mouthfuls I felt myself hunch over and violently heave into a bucket that magically appeared in front of me.

I felt my father's hand on my back and heard a commotion near where David was standing. Then I heard my father say let him go but I couldn't focus on anything except throwing up because I felt so sick. Right afterwards I felt so embarrassed.

I could barely stand myself, my whole energy was drained and I was leaning against my dad.

"Take her to her room." I heard my father say to David softly as he moved me so that David could hold me better.

I saw from the corner of my eyes my grandfather about to protest but my father gave him an icy cold stare that he remained silent.

David slowly took me to my room without saying another word. He helped me out of my clothes, he helped me clean up and he put me to bed.

Before he left I held his arm.

"Please stay with me..." I said weakly.

"Always." He said back to me and got in with me in bed.

Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

When I woke up next I was in the same position I had fallen asleep.

David's arms were still wrapped around me, I could feel him behind me holding me like he always did and I put my hands on his arms.

"Do you feel better?" David asked softly.

I thought about it for a moment and then said "Surprisingly, I do.."

"Why didn't you tell me about this Elizabeth?" He asked in the same tone.

"Can you blame me? I didn't feel like you cared and I didn't want to worry anyone. I was going to tell you but something or another kept happening."

"I should've figured it out, I should've detected it, your grandfather was right-"

"No, I hid it quite well, and don't listen to a word he says, he's ruined our lives for his own pleasure, he does not deserve to be right."

"What's going on though? Why are you drinking blood instead of letting me turn you?"

That's when I told him the whole story of what happened prior to his entrance into the throne room. How I didn't want my father to be hurt by this sociopath, how I didn't want anyone hurt, including him.

"What about you? What about you hurting yourself?"

"I can handle myself. It's just blood."

"Blood that your human body rejects."

I sighed "I don't have a choice."

"If you would've told me earlier I could've transformed you into a vampire before they'd know what hit them. How long are you going to keep drinking blood?"

"As long as I can..."

He held my hand "I'll be there for you every step of the way okay?"

I nodded, tears coming to my eyes.

"Some family I have huh? Sociopaths."

He laughed and said "Better than mine for sure. Murders. We surely are two of a kind."

And in our uncanny situation we laughed. We laughed so hard we forgot why we laughed in the first place.


This chapter might have been a bit boring? Writers block :( plus it feels like time is flying!! :O

If you haven't done it then like my facebook page, the link is on my profile! It will keep you updated on the status of this book among other things like spoilers. ;)

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