Legend of Pan

By TheEternalFighter

3.2K 151 75

When 17 year old Alyssa is woken in the middle of the night, she wasn't worried until she focused on the near... More

The Boy On The Dresser
Flowers full of water
In the cells
Beaches with hidden desires
A Guest No Longer
The Man With The Hook
The Carriage Journey
To be discovered
Passing Days
Harley's POV
Rescuing Isn't Easy
A Taste Of Freedom
When Things Change
When The Fight Comes To Me
Feeling Safe
The Plan
To Act Upon

The Great Escape

151 8 3
By TheEternalFighter

"Alyssa." a low voice whispered.

"Who is it? If you want to poke my with those rotten poles with spikes on the end, this time I won't stop screaming." I croaked. I gave a weak cough to clear my throat. It burned with a fierceness which matched my anger. Balling my hands into fists, I turned my back on this intruder.

I felt a nudge at my elbow and spun round, ready to scream until I passed out, but was met with a rose. Its colour was strong, the redness stood out against the paleness of my hand and I was transfixed by it. The petals softly brushed my fingertips, and I inhaled their soft delicate scent. The rose was full of water, and I looked up staring into those crystal blue eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I didn't want you in here. But the rest of the camp sees it fit, due to your... Attitude towards us all."

"Torture is the right punishment for my attitude?"

"She's facing her own... Consequences at the moment."

Shivering inwardly, and eager to forget, I drunk my water in one, smiling faintly at all the times we met under these flower circumstances. I crossed my legs near the edge of my cage, carefully avoiding the spikes, and said,

"Thanks." I motioned towards my water. "I don't know how long you, or they, plan to keep me here. So, all that time we were supposed to be spending together? Is this it?"

He nodded his head. "Yes. And I can entertain you actually."

I raised an eyebrow. "With what?"

Pip flew onto his shoulder buzzing happily, "I'm actually your saviour of the hour. I don't believe you should be here, so I decided to keep you company." He winked.

Warily, I eyed him, "I'm stuck in the 'containment chamber' if you failed to notice, not exactly the best time for a conversation."

"Well, I think it's the perfect time," He smirked. "So, tell me about yourself,"

He sat down on the opposite side of the cage, with his legs crossed, resting his elbows on his knees. Staring at me inquisitively, he quirked a brow.

I gave a suddenly nervous cough. "My name is Alyssa; i'm seventeen years old." I came to a sudden halt. That was a few of the basics, what else are you supposed to say about yourself?

"Go on," he whispered, eyes wide and bright with this new knowledge. Even though, in my opinion, it wasn't very important knowledge. I shook my head, unsure of how to continue. "I'll lend you a hand. What's your favourite colour then?" he asked.

Grateful for a distraction from floundering  I answered "My favourite colour? Well," I indicated to my short and t-shirt pyjamas, "Purple. I know not many like it but the pale faded purple what people take for granted, that's my favourite." I gave a sheepish grin. "What's your favourite colour?" I asked, eager to get the focus off of me.

A look of astonishment came across his face, "Me? I particularly like blue. The light blue which you see in the waves in the sea. In fact, tomorrow I'll show you the blue I like, if you behave." He chuckled mischievously.

"Oh, right then." I replied. "If they think I'm staying here with these," I touched the point of a spike with the tip of my finger. I winced as a bird screamed, searching for its mate. It caught on the spike, drawing blood. "Another battle wound," I sighed.

His face creased into concern, "Let me help you." He said. It was only a gash, but more blood was coming by the minute. Leaping to his feet, he ran to a tree. My brows drew together. What would a tree give him? He unsheathed his sword at his belt, which I hadn't noticed, and I made an audible gasp. I closed my eyes as he swung it into the side of the tree.

"Pine tree." He said, acting as though I understood.

Sap slowly trickled from the tree, and was ready within moments. He collected it in, ironically, a flower. However, the flower which he collected was not the delicate red, but a vibrant purple. Whilst grabbing a leaf and a key from a nearby bush, he came over and unlocked the gate. Swinging open, I instinctively sat back into the middle of the cage eyeing the sword at his belt. He sat down in front of me, and held out his hand.

Giving him my finger, I looked at the flower balanced on the leaf. He handled both with excellent precision, and I wondered how many times he'd had to bind wounds before.

He took my wrist, and rubbed the sap into the bruises. The memories surged up, and I felt my eyes sting. I vehemently shook my head and the sap stung slightly, and I winced. "Sorry," He murmured, his face a mask of concentration. 

He returned to my finger, the blood beginning to drip down. Binding the leaf around my finger he tied it with the stem so it was secure. Grinning at me, he handed me my finger back.

"Thank you," I whispered, hearing the rustle of the trees. I looked past Harley's head, at the door swaying in the trees. I heard footsteps, as well as the trees, and fear shot through me. Could Stephanie come back? Or was this something worse, to start a whole new type of torture?

I gave myself a mental shake. My plan had been a success, and whilst he packed away, I launched myself to my feet. Lunging for the open gate, I daren't spare a glance behind me, only focusing on getting away. 

After all, Harley was the one who brought me here.

Author's Note~

Greetings! I loved writing this chapter, and I hope you all appreciated the sap! I was especially proud of myself. *Broadly Grins*

I hope you enjoyed this one, any votes and comments are always appreciated!

Happy reading guys! :')

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