To Act Upon

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Harley's POV 

"I've been considering this for a while, and I think the best way for us to achieve success would be a stealth attack." I declared, waiting for the looks of confusion. This is because we usually go for a storm attack in any battle, normally including brute force, tactics as well as a special favorite: traps. 

"Stealth attack?" Many voices in the room echoed with doubt and misunderstanding. I even heard Harry mutter to Daniel,

"I think he's finally lost it. Captain actually thinks that we can all go invisible now. Poor soul." 

I raised a hand to my forehead and pinched my nose. This meeting could take a while.  Harry may be young, but I've never seen anyone handle a sword as well. I've always wondered what he did before coming to Neverland, as he arrived here slightly before me. Plus, if he heard that we were hosting a Battle plan session without him he would haunt the camp for weeks. There are only so many times you can  return to your room wanting to go to bed and find all of your furniture upside down. Magic, I'm telling you.

"It's a phrase, actually." I sighed, taking deep breaths as I gave the plan a final run through in my mind. "Sorry. What I meant was, that once we arrive at the harbor after camping throughout the forest to get there we aren't going to take our usual approach." At this point, I gestured to the map that I had already drawn and gestured along the docks. "This is the way that we will not take." 

Frowns immediately met my decision, so I gave them a reassuring grin and gave a 'hold up' gesture. 

"We can't go along the docks, no doubt Hook will have countless scouts hiding throughout the town just waiting for us to arrive. One whistle from them to signal the rest of Hook's guard post and we won't have even marched on the ship by this point. Instead, we will go this way," I traced on the map various routes across the sea. Firstly I was met with looks of confusion, but as I saw the understanding beginning to dawn on their faces, I knew we had a fighting chance of winning the battle. We had the element of surprise, and could easily avoid the vicious scouts waiting for us in the town. 

All we had to concern us was the mermaids, but this close to the harbor I had to take the risk that they wouldn't want to come that close to the ships.

 It was a risk that I was willing to take. 

"We shall gather supplies for a few days and then we can march on Hooks' ship, if everyone agrees?" I asked, and was met with nods throughout the wooden dilapidated cabin. 

"Excellent plan, Captain." Daniel appraised, and then stepped forward himself. "I have some news for you as well Captain, about Alyssa." 

Alarm immediately sparked within, but I exerted control as I nodded at him to  continue.

"I was looking in the library after the incident last night and was completing further research on what could have happened to Alyssa while she was in Hooks' hands, and I stumbled across a ritual that linked in rather accurately to our situation. It's the Ritual of Blood, Captain. For those of you who don't know, the Ritual of  Blood draws upon the life force of a relative to keep one alive who was previously dead, and now that Hook is down to his last reserves... I suspect that he is now trying a linking ritual to try and draw her back to him, using the last of her blood to cause her as much suffering as possible until the last of it is destroyed. Captain, this means that she is only going to get worse from now on." Daniel murmured the last part, as everyone's faces got paler and paler with shock at his revelation. 

In Neverland, we all knew what worse could lead to. Suddenly, we all jumped as we heard a bang on the other side of the door, startling us from our own thoughts. 

"Not one word to Alyssa," I hushed, I'd have to tell her this myself. "Cancel the prior date, we will march on Hooks' ship in a days time. Use today to make your preparations and we will leave tomorrow."

Author's Note:

Apparently it's been five months since my last update... Please leave your pitchforks at home! I didn't realise how much time had passed, but if you're still with me, I thank you. I'm also gladdened to inform you that there are only a couple of chapters left to this story, so hang on in there with me!

Thanks guys,

Lucy xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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