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My routine lasted four days without a hitch. Unfortunately, not every day was a water fight, but I did spend most of my time in the library reading about the history of Neverland.

As I laid in bed that night with Harley's soft snores beside me, I couldn't help but allow the history of Neverland to swirl around with my thoughts. Now that Harley had taken over from Peter, would he ever return to the normal world?

I knew that I couldn't allow myself to think like that, becuase I knew that once I started it would end in a sleepless night. Snuggling closer to Harley's chest, I listened to his heart as I waited for sleep. Just as I was about to seamlessly slip into the land of rest, a burning pain started in my chest.

Continuously, it seemed to burn in my chest, until my breathing became rapid and sleep was no longer an option. Surely I coldn't have heartburn in the middle of Neverland?

The discomfort was all I could think about.  The fire in my chest was reaching out to try and contaminate other organs, and I shot up in the bed as beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. Almost immediately Harley noticed I wasn't by his side, but as he noticed my condition his arm was gently rubbing my back as he murmered words of encouragement in my ear.  

When the burning reached my fingers, I gasped out "Harley, I can't breathe," 

"You're burning up," He responded, holding his palm to my forehead.

A smart retort was instantly on my tongue, but I held it back as now clearly wasn't the time. Burning up? It felt like I was smouldering from the inside out!

Leaping up from the bed in desperate search of fresh air, I instantly swayed on my feet as the heat had almost reached my toes. By this point it felt like I was walking on lava, and a helpless tear slowly slipped from my eye.

"Just hang on in there Alyssa," he whispered. 

Concern was evident in Harley's eyes as he scooped me up into his arms, and carried me outside to where only a slight sigh of relief could escape my lips. The heat took up my reprieve of cool air as I let out a whimper as Harley continued walking. I needed a hospital, medical equipment, drugs or anything that could take off this incessant burning. Harley had began to lower me to the ground by this point, and it flashed across my mind as to whether he had had enough and had decided to leave me in the middle of no where. But as I felt water soothingly lap at my back, my eyes closed in bliss relief.

 My whole body started shaking as Harley laid me down in his lap as we sat in the water, and the cold sea water was the only thing which could reduce the burning.

"What is it?" I gasped to Harley, with no idea of what was making my skin heat up like the Vegas strip.

He slowly began shaking his head. "We've been wondering about this for a while... As Hook is now reliant on your blood to keep him alive, he's run out of any blood he had left after you broke out. We've spoken to a select few Mystics, and we are led to believe that he's channeling what he has left."

Way to be blunt, a little toning down might have been considerate... "Channeling?" I asked, what was that meant to accomplish?

"Channeling, he's drawing on the blood from your veins until you go back to him and he can have it directly from the source. Or..." He trailed off. 

"Or?" I asked again. "What else could it be?"

"Or, if you don't go... It will kill you, Alyssa." 

Fury rocked through me, he was supposed to be my uncle and yet death is all he is aiming for? Either way, with each of the options, I would end up dead. 

"Al," Harley soothed, his thumb rubbing softly on my arm.  "You know that I would never let that happen to you. We're forming a plan, but we didn't think that the attacks would happen this fast." 

The burning had almost completely subsided, but what replaced it was arguably worse. Drowsiness filled every cell after their fight against the heat, and I felt my head relax back into Harley's shoulder.

"Mmm," I murmured as his softer heat seeped into my wet clothes, soothing my skin. I tried to chase endless trails of thought, death was definitely bad, and couldnt be considered. Surely we could figure out a solution in the morning?

Was it my trust in Harley what made me resort to the morning, or the fact that I had lost feeling in my toes and was having an internal battle to try and keep my eyelids atleast half open?

Gently, Harley smoothed back stray wet strands of hair back from my forehead, and planted a kiss in the middle of my forehead. Smiling faintly at the gesture, I mumbled incoherent words as sleep finally claimed me. 

 Author's Note:

Please don't hurt me for the short update, I know exactly where this story is going however I currently have a countdown of 43 days till my first exam, but soon after the updates will be coming in rapid fire! :D I just hope you can wait that long, so sorry!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update and the rest of the story is planned out, all I have to do is write :') 

Thanks again,

Lucy xx

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