Harley's POV

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At first, bitterness tore through me, demanding my own happiness. She was happy? I thought that I could be her salvation... But now she was mine.

I shook my head forcefully, she's happy without me, it's time to move on.

Putting on a false bravado I certainy didn't feel, I gave Harry a goofy grin. "I'm... Glad. We wouldn't want her to be unhappy."

Harry visibly relaxed and returned my smile, "I told them you wouldn't be angry! They sent me in captian, they thought you'd go into one of your rages." Harry declared.

I laughed inwardly at my crew. Smart of them to send one of the younger ones in, I wouldn't be angry at someone at such a young age.

However, if it was Daniel or Nick, my second and third in command, I would have been challenging that very statement. Happy? She doesn't even know Hook! Did she listen to a word i told her?

As I conferred with my thoughts, Harry patted my shoulder and happily ran out.

Robotically, I gathered fresh clothes and began to dress for my 'date' with Stephanie.



I'd chosen a clear patch of grass in the clearing west from camp. Sunlight was a beacon shining directly onto the grass, and the summer breeze blew away any remaining doubts. I was doing this for the good of the camp; that thought alone would get me through the afternoon.

I hoped.

Stephanie arrived moments after I had, with one if the biggest smiles I had ever seen gracing her face, apart from Alyssa's.

"Well this is a surprise!" She exclaimed, and I think I could see genuine happiness on her face. Maybe Stephanie wasn't the power hungry girl we all thought she was, maybe she was just like the rest of us, looking for acceptance.

Forcing a smile I replied "Only the best." To be fair, we were only sat in a field with food, but in Neverland in the middle of a war, we couldn't afford to be picky.

"Thank you!" She grinned, and threw her arms around my shoulders. Maybe this afternoon wouldn't be so bad after all.

After spending hours laid in the sun, eating as much food as I could handle, as well as how much of Stephanie I could deal with, we took a stroll back to camp.

The afternoon hadn't actually been that bad, she hadn't mentioned the future once, which I was extremely relieved about. Maybe she was trying to make this easier on both of us?

That's when the thought actually crossed my mind that maybe it wouldn't be so bad with Stephanie.

How wrong I was.

We arrived back at my room first, and I swung open the door and breathed in the musky familiar smell of the fire. This was home for me now, and I missed it whenever I left. It's the only relatively familiar thing I have left.

Unfortunately, I expected Stephanie to continue to her own room, but she thundered in after me, banishing my relatively positive mood.

"Is that it?!" She yelled, her voice echoing around the room, a burden to the walls.

"Excuse me?" I asked, confusion playing across my features.

"Take me out, to a field, by the way if you pad attention I said I had hay fever! Then we walk like snails back to camp and you expect to just go to your room?!"

I couldn't help the laugh which bubbled up inside. Damn, Daniel would be laughing about this later. Hay fever?! Surely she didn't mention it...

" I thought you'd enjoy the fresh air...?" I trailed off. I begged for someone to talk in, because if I laughed in her face she'd probably be here shouting until sunrise. Anyway, I at least had manners.

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