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Drowsily awakening to the sound of soft snores, my eyes slowly fluttered open. Warmth enveloped me, fighting away any remnants of cold. As I snuggled closer into the source of heat I remembered it was Harley who was laid asleep next to me. Sighing in contentment, I curled my toes into the soft blanket.

There was no source of light, so I assumed we were deep into the night. Harley's arms were wrapped around my waist, while I was sprawled on his bare chest. With a small smile, I closed my eyes and returned to sleep.


When I awoke in the morning, I reached my arm out, wanting to feel the warmth which I felt last night. Once my hand reached the end of the bed, I blearily opened my eyes to see Harley carefully arranging a table full of delicious food.

The smell of it attacked my senses, but my stomach was the first to react with a loud grumble. Harley spun around with a smile.

While I buried my face in the pillow, determined to drown my embarrassment.

"It's a good job breakfast is here." Harley laughed, while he walked round to the side of the bed and offered his hand.

With a playful grin, I took it as he led me to the table and pulled out my chair.

Sitting down I quipped "Thank you. I don't think my stomach was prepared to wait until dinner."

Harley shook his head as he sat down across from me, and we both began to fill our plates up with food. I felt no ounce of embarrassment when my plate was filled higher than his.

Attacking my breakfast with a renewed vigour, a sense of doubt creeped into the edge of my mind.

Where did we go from here?

As the odour of food took over my senses, it also swamped any coherent thoughts and broke away the doubt. Thus, I thoroughly enjoyed our breakfast.

While I teared a hunk of bread apart, I addressed my thoughts to Harley. "About last night, uh, thanks. I didn't mean to uh-" I stuffed the hunk of bread into my mouth before I could embarrass myself any further. Redness was already climbing up to my cheeks.

However, as I met his clear calming eyes I relaxed ever so slightly into my seat.

"Alyssa, after the ordeal you've been through, no one should be alone." Harley responded.

Tears prickled my eyes at his sincereness. "Thank you." I smiled deeply, I could feel it crinkling the corner of my eyes. "What happens now?"

"Now?" He questioned, a puzzled look invading his features.

"After being abducted," I raised a brow at Harley, to which he held his hands up in surrender. "My aim was always to get away from Hook. And now... Here I am, away from that filthy man."

"And what was your aim, so to speak, once you were away from Hook?"

We both knew what that was, however no one was willing to speak it.

"To go home." I whispered, not relishing the words once they escaped my mouth.

Harley's face visibly became guarded as he considered my words. Mulling them over, he said "We'll analyse that step when we come to it."

Indignation rose immediately to his words, however after a soothing breakfast and just being rescued, I wasn't eager to cause an arguement. That didn't mean I wasn't going to continue to probe Harley in my spare moments, or consider my own way out of Neverland.

I slowly began to nod my head.

Grateful, a smile appeared on Harleys face as he narrowly avoided an arguement. As we both relaxed again into our chairs, the door slammed open, and Stephanie stormed in.

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