Beaches with hidden desires

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My feet pounded to solid ground to the rhythm of my beating heart. Tears stung my eyes, whether from sweat or exhaustion I wasn't sure. Twigs reached out for my hair and bare arms, but the scratches were nothing compared to the guilt in my heart. Increasing speed, I looked in every direction, pleading for some respite for the horror I had landed in.

I bit my lip in uncertainty while running, the guilt running through me as well as adrenaline. Just as I thought of going back to apologise, ferocity burned within. I had nothing to feel bad about after all, he'd abducted me, right?

Also, I was still uncertain what the 'war' topic was. I knew the 'Peter Pan' story. Hook was dead, wasn't he?

And then my plea was answered. Glancing up at the clear blue sky I whispered "Thank you."

Unknowingly, I had stumbled into a clearing, which slowly sloped down into sand which was soon met by the sea. A huge grin spread across my face, and I sprinted, my lungs burning, and jumped in the sea. Back home, I hadn't had much time to go to the seaside, and a hectic life was all I really knew.

I curled my toes into the wet sand, kicking the waves back out to the ocean, whilst the spray hit my face. Dancing in the waves, I tested how deep I could wade in, until the cold brittle sea made me retreat to the soft sand. I got as far as the tops of my thighs, which were covered in goose bumps, salt and sand. I raced back up the beach, tired from my minutes of happiness, and laid on the beach.

The soft sand cushioned my head like a pillow, and I considered the thought of relaxing.

Conferring with myself, I decided that I should have no guilt. I was at peace now, this Harley, was far from my mind, as I had realised I had been put through quite an ordeal, and reacted rationally. Anyone would have taken the chance to escape. Frowning in concentration, I battled the guilt to flea my mind.

"If the wind blows, your face will stay that way." a voice taunted next to me.

Feeling alive and energized from my mental brain storm, I calmly sat up, opening my eyes and staring at him squarely in the face. "Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Some would say. You were supposed to be in the cage. Yet, you are here." He motioned with his arms all around us, at the sandy beach and the sky.

I shrugged indifferently, "I don't intend to be in the cage.'" I answered "I was planning my escape right this moment." I nodded my head in reassurance.

"Look," He said, "You passed out when you arrived here. Due to no fault of my own." He slyly winked, "Then you resorted to sleeping, and now your here in Never land, and your staying here."

I rolled my eyes. The sea air must have gotten to me, as I took his arms by surprise and pulled him to his feet. "Wha-" He stuttered, but he allowed me to drag him to the edge of the sea line where I kicked a wave, successfully splashing him. His cotton three-quarter trousers were wet, and the leaves scarcely decorating his chest drooped. A huge grin spread across his face, and he muttered,

"If that's how you want to play it."

I don't know how long it lasted, this little game, but I knew he came out of it worse for wear. The leaves decorating his chest were gone and his trousers were soaked while his hair hung, and beads of stray water clung to his eyelashes. My pyjamas were damp, and the tips of my long hair just slightly wet. I bent over holding my stomach, shaking with laughter while he stared at what was once his leaf 'sash'.

"You think it's funny?" he laughed. "Your almost dry! Come on," He took my hand. However under my bruises and the wet sand, my knees buckled. My knees hit the wet sand, and I laughed, trying to get back up. Shaking his head while laughing he scooped me up into his well muscled arms, I couldn't help but notice, and we both laid on the spongy grass in front of the setting sun.

"Look," He said urgently. "Right there on the waves, that's my favourite colour. The blue right there."

I nodded my head in assent, unsure about this out burst, as well as his need for me to know this information.

"Harley," I murmured. "Why did you let Stephanie hurt me?"

"Do you know who she is?" He asked.

"Wicked witch of the west?" 


"Ah, must be wicked witch of the east then."

He let out a laugh. The leaf bandage around my finger had become loose, and he took it from me and threw it out to the sea. He took one from his sash, and I shook my head. My finger wasn't bleeding, so I would be fine. With his lips turning into a smile, he dangled the leaf over my nose and my face lit up into a smile. It tickled, and we both laughed heartily. 

"I'm playing with fire," He moaned.

My brows furrowed in concern. "What?" I asked.

"This isn't like your world. Here, we can't just sign a piece of paper to be united. No one trusts each other, so paper isn't the way we can go about those things. The camp leaders, or their children, stay at one another's camp, and then..."

I was even more shocked at this announcement, and I daren't interrupt. "Then what?" I asked.

"Who ever went to the others' camp, they then get united as well."

"United?" I asked.

"For your world, marriage."

I shrugged off this response. It was too much information, which didn't actually concern me. He could sign all the paper in the word if he wanted, as long as he was here in this moment, I didn't care.

He put his arm around me, and I snugly fit onto his bare chest.

"I should do that more often." He muttered, hoping I wouldn't hear.

"What? Have fun, or play in the sea with me?" I joked.

Under the warm gaze of the sun, and Harley's protective gaze, I finally felt safe. I felt my eyes drift shut, and I fought hard against the unexpected drowsiness. The bruises on my arm began to show, but the sea water  made my skin glisten under the piercing sun. I hung on long enough to hear him answer "Maybe both," and he lifted me up into his arms, carrying me back home. Whether it was mine or his, I wasn't sure whether I minded anymore.

Author's Note~

I'm back!

This is a long part, but it was necessary, i'm sorry! (and I may be gaining more confidence with my 500 word count.)

I adore this chapter, as we finally see a different side to Harley!

I really hope you enjoyed this one, and any improvements are appreciated.

Happy Reading! :')

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