The Man With The Hook

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Widening my eyes, I struggle to concentrate on my breathing. I knew exactly who this man was, the main give away was his lack of hand.


The man who I was supposed to be leverage too. So many questions swirled around my mind.

Did he know who I was?

Does he remember me?

Does he see anyone back from our world?

But the main question which stood out from any for me was, is this when I should start running? Harley was pretty confident in telling me that there was a war, and he needed as many fighters as he could get. If this is the man who he is fighting against, then surely Hook would want to help me get out and away from Harley.

Wait, Harley is not my friend, and absolutely someone who should not be trusted.

Hook said nothing to me, he just lowered his sword and looked at a man to his right and said, "Her, in the carriage. Now."

Frowning in confusion I said "What? Wait, no!"

The older man nodded to Hook, and roughly took my arm. His strong grip was on my left arm, and he squeezed tight and began to cut off circulation. Blind with panic, I struggled in his firm grasp and swung.

My fist squarely connected with his nose with a satisfying crunch, and I grinned savagely at the rest of the men while the older man clutched his bleeding nose.

Thanking the adrenaline in my body, I looked at all of the men I said "And if any one of you try to lay another finger on me, you'll have worse than that to cope with."

Hook smirked, clearly enjoying the moment. He looked at two of his men this time, and gave a single nod.

Silently I took a step back, mentally scolding myself for thinking I could fight off the rest of Hook's army. He clearly has many men ready to get me in that stupid carriage.

Standing up straighter I raised my head, I admitted to myself I probably was going to be beaten, but with all this adrenaline and stubbornness, I was not going down without a fight.

Both of the addressed men looked at me, clearly re-evaluating me as I planned my next move. Luckily, I had been taught self defence, but I now regret only turning up for theory and skipping the physical part for the library.

Lets just hope my theory is as good as my physical.

Taking a deep calming breath, both men stalked towards me like tigers luring their prey. Unbeknown to these males, this prey fights back.

The first man leaped towards me, while the second evaluated his peers move. Kicking reflexively outwards, a droplet of blood landed on a bare patch of my shoulder, and I spun around to face this new threat.

My throat went dry, as the man with the broken nose was behind me, his eyes had a lethal look to them, with his mouth in a grim line.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I readied myself for the blow that was surely about to come.

However, to my vast surprise he harshly took my arm and spun me round to face the second man, who took my arm. I could feel the only slightly veiled anger inside the man with the broken nose, I definitely needed to apologise for that, as he was shaking with anger. I think that he took joy in clutching my arm in a death grip and then throwing me to the floor at Hook's feet.

They left me there, as Hook looked down at me and surveyed his prize.

"Well, you do put on quite the show." He drawled. "And, you'll look at me when I am talking to you." Disobediently I continued to stare at the floor. Cruelly, he took my chin and jerked it up to face him.

"Ah, much better." he grinned.

I turned my eyes to slits. Confusion swirled within me. My plan had failed quite spectacularly. Despair was caged within me, and was clawing to get out in any way possible. Tears stung my eyes, and I slumped my shoulders in silent defeat. I was just going to have to see where Hook was going, and I didn't feel like walking after all my running.

Besides, maybe it would be better to get away from Harley too, as well as to see if Hook was actually any relation to me at all.

Hook cannot be any relationship to me. My father never even had a brother!

I was desperate, yes, but was I helpless?

Not even close.

Bodily, I stood up, and stared him straight in the eye. The corner of his mouth twitched into a triumphant grin of victory.

Quirking my eyebrow, I spat on the shoulder of his cloak and stalked my way towards the carriage, and slammed the door to send Hook a clear message: He hadn't won, he hadn't even scratched the surface of winning.

Breathing out deeply, I rested my head against the glass and briefly shut my eyes.

The image of Hook's disgusted face as he looked at the spit slowly trickling down his cloak made me fight to hold down a laugh. A few days in Never Land and I had turned towards fighting dirty!

Shocked at the revelation, I lent back and stared at my reflection. I was still in my pyjamas, and my hair had actually been dragged through a bush backwards, so I successfully looked ten times worse. I ran my fingers through my hair and after It got caught on a few knots, I managed to tame the front into something presentable.

Hook appeared through the doorway of the carriage and sat down opposite me. Tapping the roof of the carriage, signalling the driver to set off on the journey, his steely gaze never my own.

Author's Note~

I'm so sorry for the long wait!

And oh my goodness, 100 reads?! I literally choked when I read that.

I feel that Alyssa was sitting aside for a while and should get her hands dirty, so this is why I took a chapter towards action.

I hope you enjoyed it and as always any comments improvements are appreciated! :D

P.S how was the fighting scene?

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