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"I can't,'" I whispered, my arms wrapped tightly around him as I buried my tear streaked face in his neck.

"Al, it'll be alright, they're gone now. I promise you that." Harley murmured, while gently smoothing back pieces of my hair.

Deep down, I knew that the thugs weren't really gone and that they were just unconcious, but I allowed myself to fall into the illusion that Harley had created.

Another tear slowly dripped down my cheek, and I shook my head. "No Harley, this, I can't do it anymore. I want..." My breath hitched between sentences. "I want to go home."

His hand stopped smoothing down my hair, and he froze in my arms. With an agonizing reluctance, he ground out the words "I'll... Consider it."

Shuddering in his arms, a tornado of emotions swept through me. Admittedly, the first was anger at how I'd been trapped here for months and the horrors that I had been forced through, but then came a wave of saddness. How much longer would I have to stay here, and away from my family? However, the final yet tiny emotion that I felt was a glimmer of hope. He'd never even broached the topic of home before, let alone returning, perhaps he cared for my wellbeing after all...

I withdrew my arms from around his neck, and let out a small smile as he attempted to return one. Eagerly, my hand reached out and I brushed my thumb across his cheek. His eyes closed at my mere touched, and he relaxed into it as his lips twitched into a faint smile. Thus, I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my own face.

Unfortunately, one of the thugs made a grunting sound, and I jumped away at the sound of it while Harley threw it a look of filth.

As I managed to get to my feet, all thoughts of rest had fled from my mind, and the only thing that I wanted to get back to the camp. It was the only place that had miniscule comparisons to my real home, and it would have to do for now.

Harley was right by my side as we continued our exhausting walk. All the pains form the previous walk came rushing back, so I tried to distract myself by looking around at the never changing environment of trees. I was surrounded by different shades of green and browns, and even a few dark reds, reminding me of autumn. However, as I was looking around I didn't look where my feet were treading, and I stumbled over a stray twig. As I felt my legs give way, giving in to a seat on the floor, a strong warm arm wrapped itself around my waist, holding me up.

Harley smiled down at me, "Not long now," He said, and I leaned my head upon his arm as we continued our walk, knowing that he would hold me up.

"So," He quipped, trying to cause a distraction from this never ending walk. "The fey?" He questionned.

"If this conversation ends like the last one, maybe we should be avoiding it," I confessed, not eager for a replay of events.

"I won't let it," He answered as I threw him a doubtful look. "I swear it!" He exclaimed, and I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"They used to be neutral creatures, but ever since we came, I like to believe that they took a liking to us and decided to help. Or, they were bored and decided to cause some trouble, but I'm just grateful that they have attempted to side with us."

Taking a deep breath, he continued with his explanation. "But like I said before, something has changed. They fear for their life if they get involved... If I could change one thing about Neverland, it would be that they don't have to live in a constant state of fear anymore, no one deserves that. At least we can defend ourselves...I don't know what Hook would do if they got more involved."

"What about containing Hook?" I asked

"Could we really contain him with his sheer amount of followers? They raised him from the dead Al. Many of the members of the camp want to kill him, but he's your uncle, but doesn't that make us just as bad as he is?"

Harley shook his head, trying to dismiss the thoughts. Then, we kept up a constant chatter between us, desperately trying to encourage the other to go on.

Just as I lost feeling in my feet, a familiar light met both of our eyes. "Is that..?" I asked, my lips chapped from the unrelenting cold.

"I'll be damned," He murmured. "I thought we had atleast another half hour, I guess the talking passed more time," He grinned.

I let out a light laugh as I was finally able to return to the camp I may have been having dreams about for weeks. But then, just as we were about to walk in, an edge of doubt crept into my heart. What if they had forgotten who I was, and I was put in the cage again? I suddenly found myself clinging to Harley's arm, desiring reassurance.

When he laced his fingers through mine, it was all the guidance I needed, and I held my head up high as we walked into camp.

"Guys!!!" A young boy's voice called, as Harry bounded through the camp and threw his arms around the both of us. As his curls tickled my nose he whispered "I missed you," But just as the words left his mouth, he bounded off, determined to get the rest of the camp to acknowledge our arrival. "They've returned!" Harry's voiced echoed off the trees, and soon the whole camp was crowding around us.

On our long walk back, Harley had described all of the members in the camp, so I frantically tried to match descriptions with faces. Immediately I recognised Daniel from his playful attitude, and the man who stumbled out with him must be his sole brother, Edward. Then, from one of the far corners Stephanie stumbled out, and I tightened my grip on Harley's hand.

He gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"Alas! Here they are!" Exclaimed Daniel, his second in command. "Been romping in the bushes have we?"

As we gave Daniel sour looks, he immediately stepped back and Edward stepped forward. "What my dilusional brother was meant to say, was that we are thankful of your return." He nodded, and took a dutiful step back.

Then, someone who I least wanted to face came storming forward. "You left, the party that I organised for you to go and see her?! Look at her, she's been fine these past months!" She screamed, her face inches away from mine.

Unclasping my fingers from Harleys hands, I clenched them at my sides and stared her down. Fury boiled within me, causing me to shake. She had no idea of what I had been through to get here, and she wanted to try and ruin it because of a party?

Not a chance.

Stephanie clumsily took a step back, while Harley gave a guilty smile.

With her last grains of confidence, she demanded "And where will she be sleeping, now that the cage is out of use!?"

"With me," Answered Harley.

Author's Note~ Update Time! :D

I really enjoyed this chapter, I guess that's why I updated alot sooner than usual.

Please vote and comment, it always means alot! Should we do team Alyssa or Stephanie? :D

Thanks alot guys!

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