The Carriage Journey

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The adrenaline left my body, deserting me when I needed it most.

Glaring out of the window with such vehemence, I think the glass should have melted.

Hook gave a cough, indicating that some sort of conversation should be going on, as I had been happily sat staring and saving my voice.

I would like to think of myself as a patient person, but fear of the unknown teased me, and I began tapping my foot worriedly against the hard wooden floor.

"I had at least thought you would've had more questions than this silence." He said breaking my peaceful quietness with uncomfortable conversation.

I kept my mouth shut, nothing should be shared until I knew more. "They told me you were more of a strong willed character, as you have just shown out there." He nodded his head towards the window.

Unknowingly, a response burst out of me, shattering the patience which I had thought would last a lot longer than this. "Who's they?"

They couldn't possibly be my parents could it? Would they have traded information about myself to this - stranger?

A smile of victory spread across his face and he replied "Alas, she speaks. I was beginning to think all of that fighting had worn you out."

He said the word fighting with such disgust that spittle flew out of his mouth, and inwardly I cringed.

"They my dear are some sources of mine, whom of which you will meet in your own time. Or perhaps you already have?"

Deep inside, I was infuriated with his riddles, but with deep calming breaths (many of them) I was prepared to speak again.

"Are you going to let me go home?" My voice betrayed me yet again and cracked on the word home and a wave of homesickness prepared to crush me.

How long had I been gone? Concentrating deeply, I tried to add up the days. How long had I slept when I passed out and Harley brought me here?


Another surge of emotions swept up although these were much bitter than I had expected. The words traitor floated around inside my brain and I pushed them back down. I couldn't have a breakdown in front of Hook, I had to stay strong.

But how long can I stay strong for?

"Sweetheart, hasn't anyone told you what you are?" he drawled, evidently enjoying my confused expression.

Leverage, traitor, and niece all floated around my head and I smiled savagely at him. "Oh, but I have so many to choose from. Which would you prefer?"

In an instant his smile had vanished, and his eyes returned cold. Gracefully, he leaned forward and peered into my eyes, dropping the necessities now that we were alone. "How about donor?"

His reply took me at a loss for words, and a whoosh of air escaped from my lips. Donor? As in, a blood donor? Hook was certainly not a vampire, unless the fairy tales I'd heard were seriously downplayed.

Keeping my eyes downcast, he continued on with his tale relentlessly. "Have you ever heard the tale of Peter Pan?"

Eager to hear Hook's version, I shook my head and allowed my eyes to vigorously scan the wooden floor.

"Alyssa, for the last time, you will look at me when I am talking to you." And he roughly jerked my chin up to face him.

 Accusingly, I glared into his eyes, daring for him to touch me again.

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