Passing Days

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Raw screams of agony pierced my ears, and I fought against the restraints on my arms to go and help the person bearing those screams. The restraints were rough and brittle, and tore brutally at my skin until warm blood attempted to soothe the wounds, and that's when I realised the screams were coming from my own mouth.

Hook was to my right, his maniacal laughter attempting to overpower even my screams as John's eyes glinted off the metal of the injection needle.

"No more," I whispered through my hoarse voice. "Please, no more... I'll do anything, anything other than this."  Desperation was evident in my voice as a sheen of sweat coated my forehead, not again, I couldn't go through this again.

"Nothing else will suffice, dear Alyssa." Hook replied, mockingly saying 'dear' to attempt to comfort my thrashing form. Was he trying to take the place of my parents? Clearly not, due to his efforts to make me forget them, or at least talk their name into the dirt. Or should I say the ocean floor? I laughed deliriously at the thought, and Hook rewarded me with a smile.

"See? Your already coming around to the idea of this happening many more times." He taunted. The delirium I had so recently had died on my tongue and a fresh wave of screams ripped from my throat. How could he not listen to me? I'm surprised my parents couldn't hear me with the volume of my voice, and they weren't even here.

Would they notice that I had gone? How much time had passed? My eyes watered at the thought so I put those thoughts in a place where they could be accessed later.

Briefly, I closed my eyes, granting my voice and wounded hands a few seconds of respite and I listened to conversation around me.

"She sounds like a banshee, haven't we got anything to shut her up?" Smee asked harshly and Hook laughed yet again.

"Wouldn't be a relation of mine if she didn't put up a fair fight would she? Although, I'm quite disappointed with this show, it seems... Weak."

Just as a new wave of anger threatened to crush me, the door creaked open and the older looking man whose nose I bust before I gracelessly entered the carriage, walked into the room with nothing but a scab to conceal the damage. Instantly I was ashamed of my act of violence, even though it was in self defence. I looked to the floor.

He took in the damage around the room, my blood coated wrists as well as an injection needle on the floor. One was on the floor because I had mercilessly ripped out the tube once John had plunged it into my porcelain skin, in a ruthless attempt to end this nightmare.

"Finally, you've arrived Charles. We need another to hold this one down." Hook ordered.

Charles, with aged wrinkles on his forehead but with dark midnight hair,nodded once in submission. Imagine Johnny Depp and you've got the man before me. He stood behind me and pressed down the bindings on my wrists, which pressed onto my open wounds thus releasing an outraged cry from my lungs.

John visibly relaxed, clearly feeling more confident injecting a restrained girl than an unrestrained one. Instead of injecting in the previous spot, he slowly ran his fingers along my wrist, finding a place which would hurt more.

Just as a fresh wave of pain went through my body the door opened. As I peered through the haze of pain, I looked at George who stood in the open doorway.

I woke up gasping for breath, shaking with tears streaked down my face. Ever since Hook had first taken my blood, I'd been waking up like this every morning, and it was only getting worse. The first morning that I had woken up was by far the worst, as my wrists were coated with blood, and I was laid in an unfamiliar bed with no clue how I had actually gotten there.

Moreover, it was my third day being trapped on Hook's ship, which meant that  had eleven days until the 'blood taking' occurred again. I shivered violently at the thought which continuously plagued my nightmares. Getting out of here was not going to be an option, it was a requirement to my survival.

There was one fatal flaw to my already forming plan, I had yet to leave my bedroom here since I had arrived.

Food and water had been left outside the doorway of my room, I don't know who left it there but I was grateful for it, as I certainly wasn't going to go get any. This wasn't because of laziness, this was due to the fact that with blood loss I wasn't able to get up without passing out for one of those days. Another thing I had to thank Hook for. I'd passed out on the way to the door, in a fit of angst rage to get out of here, and made it off the bed and passed out onto the wooden floor at the sight of the open doorway. However, I always ended up back in my bed, and this was extremely concerning, as who was putting me there? Unless I had come down with some crazy sleepwalking, I might have made a friend here.

A bitter taste filled my mouth as I thought of one of Hook's accomplices touching me.

Before I'd come to Never land, I had given blood before with my mum, and I'd never woken up like this before, so I today I would find answers, and in the next few days, would be my escape out of here.

I smirked at the thought of how many escapes I had had to make recently. I'd gone from a girl who studied for exams, to battle strategies. Well, atleast i know two methods to find out the area of a triangle. 

Slowly, I swung my legs out of the bed, and took in the white gown I had changed into yesterday to try and salvage the clothes I had found. However, the black clothes and white shirt were not at the bottom of my bed where I had left them. They were folded into a small pile on the chair next to my bed, with my dark leather boots at the bottom.

Whoever had carried me to my bed was now doing my laundry.

By being trapped as a prisoner I had now gained a slave. The poor guy. At least I wasn't going to be here long enough for this to become a regular thing.

Or that's what I thought.


I awoke thrashing in my sheets from another nightmare, i'd had them ever since Alyssa left.

Slowly, I rolled over in bed as I took deep breaths. Just mere nights ago, Alyssa had laid in this bed... No, I wouldn't allow myself to think like that. I was 'engaged' so to speak. Then at that very moment, as if to remind me of my duties, Harry walked in.

Harry was one of the younger members of our little family with a halo of ginger hair, but don't be fooled by his sweet persona. He's set more traps around the camp than i'd eaten hot dinners.

"Your awake!" He shouted, and bounded up onto the bed and sat next to me with a huge grin on his face. "I've got news captain! Two pieces actually, which do you want first?" 

I raised my brow as I looked at the younger boy, and tickled him into submission. "Alright!" He wheezed. "We've set up the picnic for you and Miss Stephanie." 

I let out a laugh of my own, "Thats your news you had to come bounding in to tell me?" I asked between laughs. I might not be too eager for this proposal between myself and Stephanie, but I wasnt going to be heartless about it. The least i could do was make it more comfortable for her, and a picnic seemed to be the best way for this. 

"No! We've had reports from the ship about Alyssa," He proudly declared.

Immediately my joking manner had gone, and all my attention was focused on the next words out of Harry's mouth.  

"Captain... She's happy, and she doesn't ever want to come back."


Heres the update! :D 

I'd like to apologise for the wait, again, but it won't be improving due to exam season, so many apologies in that department. 

Otherwise, this was rather a filler chapter so if you yawned i completely understand. Kind of. Maybe... Leave it there ;)

THANK YOU FOR 400 READS! I scream everytime... Yeah, thanks a lot! :D 

Happy reading! 


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