Bittersweet Revenge (A Rock N...

נכתב על ידי BellaDemont

101K 3.1K 375

Blank, everything was blank. White, just plain white. Not a single thing from the past two years was in my me... עוד

15. 4 REAL
17. PROM


4.7K 147 16
נכתב על ידי BellaDemont

I stared at the screen and tried to recap everything I had just seen.

"Are you okay?" Andres said as he entered to my room.

Probably my expression was telling him that something was really bad.

I closed the laptop and stared at him.

"Alex, what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asked me.

"I watched the videos." I said in a soft voice. "I watched every single one of them."

"Did something happen after you watch them?" He asked me.

I shook my head.

"There was nothing." I said in a sad tone. "Nothing at all, I can't remember."

Andres came over and hugged me.

"Don't worry everything will get clear soon." He said.

I started to cry.

"But this was my only hope, now without this I feel like I'm lost forever." I said.

"Everything would get better." Andres promised.

He was partly right and partly wrong, school continued for two more weeks before it snowed and then winter break came, on Christmas day I was off the wheelchair and I no longer had to use the cast or anything like that. But the best of all was that in Christmas I got to be with my family.

We where in the living room all together, Andres was talking with Maggie who was now convincing me of being interested in her even though Andres always insisted they were only friends. I got up with my mug of hot chocolate, I went outside were Nina and Blake where.

"Hi guys." I said.

Blake looked at me and smiled but Nina completely ignored me, she still had the grudge against me.

"Nina can I talk with you for a second, please can I?" I asked her.

When she didn't answer I looked at Blake.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while." Blake said.

After Blake left Nina placed her arms in the edge of the fence of the porch, she saw how the snow fell and ignored how cold it really was out here.

"Nina, are you still mad at me?" I asked her.

She didn't answer; I guess that was a yes.

"I'm sorry." I told her in a soft voice.

"Do you need me to help you with something?" She asked me.

Since that day when Heather threaten me Nina would only help me out but no like she used to before now it was as if it was her 'duty to' not because she wanted to.

"Yes, you can actually help me." I said.

Nina turned around.

"With what, what can I help you with?" She asked hastily.

"I need you to help me to get my cousin back." I said.

She just stared at me.

"Nina, you were right about Heather and I was just too afraid. But I have to stop being afraid and stop being selfish, you came here all the way from France and you left your home and school just to be with me here, taking care of me and I actually never thought that you miss Paris, that you prefer to be there than here." I said.

"Actually I like this town." Nina said in a soft voice.

"You do?" I asked in a bright tone.

"Yes, but tell me something Alex. What made you change your mind?" Nina asked me.

"Well in a week and a half we'll get back from winter break, I'm no longer in that wheelchair and I want everything to be back the way it was." I said.

"Back how it was?" Nina asked me.

"Back before I had the accident. I was happy and everything was perfect or so you tell me." I said.

"You were and believe me as soon as you get your memory back you will see how things will just take their place by itself everything will be normal." Nina said.

"Nina, do you really think that I will get my memory back?" I asked her.

"Yes, remember that the hope is the last thing that dies. When you least expected you will get it back." She said.

"But what if I get it when it's too late?" I asked her.

She hugged me and smiled.

"Let's just hope that it won't happen." She said.

Ian's P.O.V

I walked in to the room, I knew that I shouldn't be here for a fact but she wanted to talk with me for a reason. But why would she want to talk to me?

"Are you all alone?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said. "I am; it's only me."

"Good." She said as she stepped out of the corner where she had been.

"Why did you want to see me?" I asked her.

"Please Ian stop being so hostile towards me, I'm just trying to help you." She said.

"And since when do you want to help me Heather?" I asked her.

"Let's just say that now we want something and to have that we have to work together." She said.

"I'm not going to work with you." I said as I started to leave.

"Not even if it's about Alex?" She said making me stop by the door.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I knew that would grab your attention, you see I want to be with Brad, Brad wants to be with Alex, and you want to be with Alex." She said.

"And what about that?" I said.

"I thought you were smart, can't you deduce that by yourself?" She said.

"Look if you want me to do something to stop Brad from being with Alex I won't help you, if he makes her happy I will be happy." I said.

"Just cut the honest gentleman act, we both know that you want Alex and let's be real Brad doesn't deserve Alex, I deserve him. So if want to work with me go ahead." She said.

"I won't." I said.

"Then don't say later that I didn't warn you." Heather said as I left.

I left the place and started to walk back home tomorrow we would be starting school again with a new semester. I walked through the snow when I heard someone laugh.

"Please don't." She said as ran. "Stop it!"

I looked at her, she was wearing some light blue skinny jeans, a blue coat and a white knitted hat pared up with some white Uggs. Behind her was Andres chasing her, her long hair was straight and apparently she had re-dyed her pink neon strike.

"Alex, stop running or it will be worse." Andres said.

"If I do you will get snow on me!" Alex said. "Andres, please no!"

Alex continued to run, she was constantly looking backwards so she didn't see me or noticed me until she crashed into me and knocked both of us to the snow.

Alex looked at me shocked and then she started to blush.

"Hi Ian, sorry I knocked you down." She said with a small smile.

"Hi Alex, its okay you have nothing to worry about." I said back.

Alex got up and offered me her hand to get up.

"Sorry I knocked you over again." She said.

"It's okay; I see you got your cast off." I said.

"Yeah, it's finally great to be up and on my own." She said with a smile.

There was a huge silence, for once I thought that it would be just like before, Alex looked at me and realized the same thing.

"Would you like to hang out with us for a while?" She asked me.

"With you, you want me to hang out?" I asked.

"Yeah, Andres, Nina, Maggie and Blake are playing with me. I know it's childish but we are trying to enjoy the snow before school." Alex said as she looked down at her feet.

"Sure." I said.

Alex looked up at me and I swore for a second that in her eyes I saw that same spark I used to see when we were together.

"Okay come on then." Alex said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the others.

"Do you also want hot chocolate Ian?" Alex's Aunt asked me.

"Yes, thank you." I said as I grabbed the mug.

Everyone was in the living room expect Alex who was changing her sweater since Andres had gotten some snow inside her sweater and now her back was all wet.

"So are you staying here longer?" I asked Nina.

"You mean if we are leaving to Paris?" She asked me.

I nodded slowly.

She smiled at me.

"Don't worry we won't take Alex away, she will stay here." Nina said.

"Until she decides to leave, it's Alex's decision." Nina's mom added.

"You don't want her to leave, right?" Nina asked me.

I gave small scoff.

"I don't think I should decide if she should go or not. If she wants to and it's the best for her, she should go to Paris." I said in a soft voice.

"You really love her." Nina said but not as question but as a statement.

"I do, that I rather see her leave then to watch her suffer everyday." I said.

"It seems like the memory lost only complicates things." Blake said.

I nodded.

"I just hope one day Alex gets her memory back." I said.

"That is all we can wait for." Nina's mom said.

"Ian, do you want some-." Alex's dad was cut off by a high pitched scream that came from upstairs.

It was Alex.

Alex's P.O.V

"I'm so going to kill you for this Andres." I told him as I got to my room.

"Sure, you always say that but I don't see actual actions." Andres said as he entered his room.

I got to my room and after I had changed into a hot pink sweater that had a cute skull on it, I looked at my laptop and notice I had a video I had missed. It was called Goodbye and it was directed to Ian, but why?

To clear my doubts I placed the computer on my desk and played the video, I appeared there with a black with purple dress and in a piano; it was in the living room.

"Ian, I know I have made many stupid decisions my whole life but I know I never made one around you. You where always there for me and now I think it was unfair for you when I left to Paris even though you asked me not to but you have to know that I thought it was the best way to avoid my problems but it was until my mother when she told me that I should stop avoiding my problems if I wanted them to end. Once in Paris I thought that maybe I would just spend a few days' maybe weeks until I decided to come back with you but it was when my mother disease came up and I decided to stay by her side. And even though I thought of coming back every single day I had things that tied me up to Paris, my mom, Nina, Blake and trying to avoid Heather and Brad. But this is not the point of the video I made this to tell you that if I ever have to say goodbye to you I want it to be the right way when I know I should leave and unlike last time I will say goodbye to you the right way." I said through the video.

I started to play the piano and some images started to pass, they were all about Ian and me.

"Ian, this song is for you." I said before I started to sing.

I stared at myself in the video and then I started to sing. As the song grew I felt tears rolled down my eyes, and I actually found myself singing along to it.

As the song ended my vision clouded to the point that I couldn't see anything, and then the piercing pain started causing me to scream. I felt a great desperation, I saw that I was under the water; I felt the water enter my lungs. I turned to the side and saw that Ian was next to me and he was holding my hand but he was unconscious.

"Alex!" Andres said as he shook me.

I was able to see again and I was in the floor of my room, everyone was there and they were worried but I was the one that was scared.

"Alex, are you okay?" My dad asked me.

I nodded and sat up.

"What happened honey?" My aunt Marie asked me.

I shook my head still not believing it.

"I was listening to a song I wrote and I saw the video it's called Goodbye and as I saw the video I saw something." I said.

"What?" Nina asked me.

"There was some sort of playback in my head, as if apparently that constant dwell I had in my head disappeared. I don't want to deject any of you but I remembered." I said.

"You got your memory back?" Nina said excited.

I shook my head.

"No, I just remember the accident." I said in a sad tone.

"It's okay Alex." My dad said apprehensively.

"But I remember more that I did before, I remember leaving a restaurant with Ian and that Heather followed us and made Ian's car fall off the bridge. She caused the accident." I said.

"Maybe now Alex can go to court and make justice." Nina said.

I shook my head remembering what Alex had said about Andres that she could get him arrest.

"Not now, not until we have enough evidence and I have all my memory back." I said as I got up.

"I agree." Ian said.

For the first time I notice that he was by the doorway, when I saw him I felt a knot in my throat as I remembered the accident, the though of losing him was unbearable. That is how he felt this whole time.

"I'm sorry Ian." I said as I cried and ran up to him.

"For what, what are you sorry for?" He asked me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried.

"For everything, for not being there for you when you needed me the most for not being the person you needed me to be." I said as I buried my face in his chest.

Since that episode I was getting closer to Ian, he would come more often to the house but even though most the time Ian was there with Andres it was still something and I liked to have him around. On the first day of school after winter break I was more that anxious and strangely annoyed. But you can be annoyed when your father and your aunt are constantly nagging about how careful you need to be in the first day of school. As if I was a preschool, for god's sake this was my senior year. I was responsible well at least I tried to be.

Nina and I walked up to my locker; she left to get her new schedule as well as mine. I grabbed some books from my locker and took my time, Ian and I had decided to make more time for us, so we could see if I could get my memory back and who else would be better than him and Nina. So Ian was going to meet me up here in about a minute or so. As I grabbed my Music Theory book a hand covered my eyes.

I smiled.

"What took you so long?" I asked him as I turned around.

Ian always loved to sneak up on me; I remember that, he always did that in Middle school. As I turned around I expected to see Ian, not Brad.

"It just took a bit of courage." Brad said.

"What are you-?" I was cut off when Brad pulled out a bouquet of red roses.

I stared at him shocked; I avoided his gaze and looked to my right just to find Ian a few feet away from us.

He was looking at us.

"Alex, will you go out with me?" Brad asked me.

המשך קריאה

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