I live with vampires and were...

By Katiewolf

814K 12.1K 1.3K

Kelly may live with a group of super hot guys who just happen to be either werewolves or vampires, but other... More

I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 1
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 2
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 3
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 4
I live with vamipres and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 5
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 6
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 7
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 8
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 9
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 10
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 11
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 12
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 13
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 14
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 15
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 16
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 17
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 18
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 19
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 20
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 21
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 22
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 23
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 23
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 25
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 26 *FINAL*
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Song (Unofficial)
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 1
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 2
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 3
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 1
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 2
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 3
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 4
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 5
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 6
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 7
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 8
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 9
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 10
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 11
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 12
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 13
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 14
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 16
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 17
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 18
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 19 (Final)
A Second Chance, To Run - Prologue (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.1 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.2 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.3 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.4 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.5 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.6 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.7 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.8 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*

Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 15

10.4K 124 13
By Katiewolf

(C) Copyright

Love, obsession, loathing, love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 15

Sequel to 'I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys?'

The huge werewolf charged into me from behind, locking his jaws round my neck as the two of us crashed through the double doors and landed hard less then five metres from Sasha.  

My head was pinned against the ground, my paws scrabbling helplessly at his solid muscled body.  

I couldn't breath; spots began to appear in front of my eyes as my lungs screamed for release.  

Sasha lifted his aching head and saw the slender beautiful white werewolf pinned to the ground by a much larger reddish male. As he gazed into the she-wolf's golden eyes a small glimmer of recognition spark in his brain, he knew the her.  

No it couldn't be...Sasha breathed in her scent, ignoring the smell of metal, blood and fear. It was there was no one else with that sent.  

"Kelly..." he whispered.  

Alistair burst into the kitchen, knocking into the huge dark werewolf.  

I leapt to my paws and scrambled towards Sasha but the two vampire soldiers stepped in front of him baring my way. I drew back my lips from my fangs and snarled but the soldiers didn't move their eyes blank and fearless.  

A shrill yelp of pain from behind me made me turn to see Alistair shrinking back into the corner of the room, his left front leg pulled up against the chest. Deep slashes glistened across his chest, back and hindquarters. His three good legs trembled and his eyes dimmed with agony.  

I felt his pain like it was my own, gritting my teeth to stop from howling out I staggered and almost fell.  

The crack of gun fire behind me made me turn to see Carlos and Damon hurtling towards the two enemy vampires. Bullets pierced their skin and made them collapse into a bleeding heap but they were alive.  

Justin leapt from the shadows at the dark red werewolf. The red werewolf raised his massive jaws as Justin flow through the air towards him. Stepping to one side the red wolf ripped into Justin's chest as he sailed uncontrollably past him.  

Justin collided into a wall and smashed all the way through it, coming to a sliding stand still by the feet of a tall vampire with dark curly hair, handsome features and burning eyes.  

The vampire pointed his gun at Justin's head, his lips moved but I didn't caught what he said then he pulled the trigger.  

Justin's body convulsed for a second then fell still, what remained of his head flopping to one side.  

Vomit rose in my throat at the sight as Justin reverted back to his human form which made his body look even more disfigured.  

"Justin?" whispered Carlos, rising to his feet the bullets in his chest nothing more then irritating stings, "Justin...Justin!"  

One of the soldiers shot him in the leg and forced him to his knees, one hand rapped around his throat the other holding the gun to his head. The other soldier did the same to Damon.  

Marcus kicked Justin's body aside as he stepped towards me, cocking his gun again as he did, his eyes staring into mine, revulsion clear.  

I didn't even feel my body change back to my human form, all my attention was on Marcus. Images of the last time I had seen him flashed before my eyes, him and Sasha fighting in the park, the first time I had ever seen him at Christmas, the first and only time I had slept with him.  

"Kelly," he spat my name, his eyes burning like living coals.  

"Marcus...don't," whispered Damon.  

"Shut up!" Marcus shouted, turning his gun on Damon, "just shut up!"  

"Why are you doing this?" whimpered Alistair, the red wolf standing over him.  

"Because he thought Kelly loved him too..." whispered Sasha, meeting Marcus's gaze unflinching.  

"Marcus...please," I whispered, moving so I stood between him and Sasha, my hands held up in defeat, "don't harm Sasha or the others. It's me you want, not them, please just let them go."  

"You see that's where you're wrong Kelly," hissed Marcus, "you used me and I thought you loved me. It's his entire fault!" He pointed the gun at Sasha over my shoulder, "he took you away from me!"  

Something inside of me snapped.  

"I was never yours Marcus! Do you think this is easy for me? I was so confused when I left! But now I'm not and do you know why?"  

My face was centimetres away from Marcus's now, rage had made me forget everything.  

"I know now for sure that I don't love you! I could never love someone as revenge seeking, ignorant, pigheaded, stupid and brutal as you! Why can't you just be happy for me? Why can't you just let me go?"  

"Because I love you Kelly! I would die for you! I would do anything you asked me Kelly! I love you!" Marcus shouted back in my face, shaking now.  

"Love can die Marcus!" I snapped.  

"Yes it can," he snarled, "like you!"  


End of Part 15



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