Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 1

351 11 3
By Monsi_Salcedo

{Gosh i'm starting high school in a few days. I feel.....so excited and nervous. My middle school's teachers said that high school will be different then middle school. I honestly don't believe them. What could be so different? Go to class, learn shit, then have a text over the the shit you learn. So different, right? I was so nervous my stomach started to hurt last night. I'm just making myself nervous for no reason. While adding the fact that i'm moving to a new town, but that for another time. Gosh I hope this year bring me excitement into my life. Starts in a new school in a new town. Yes, I'm moving to a new town. Been on the road for two days now. Can't wait to get out of this car and just walk around. Why did we move? Not fully sure, i'm guessing right now but I think my dad wanted a new fresh start since my mom die last April. They never told me what made her sick or even her illness. They both agreed that they didn't want me seeing her like that, I was send to my grandparent's house while my dad was all alone and watch her die. I'm always curious about why he won't tell me, but I never ask since he would always just stare into spaces. As if all of his question could be answer. Yet I could sometimes hear him crying when I can't sleep at night. I know that her death cause him a lot of pain, but I never know how much. My mother told me that he never really like showing his emotions to people other then happiness. What about me? Honestly, yes it did hurt losing my mother. Especially when I need her the most now at this age. I just turn 15 in August. Now whenever I have this girl thing going on that I don't know what to do, my best friend is Google. Gosh just imagine asking your dad about a girl problem, nope to embarrassing. Like I said before I hope this year brings me excitement into my life, but finding that one friend that you can tell all of your secrets to and know that they will keep them. Also LOVE.....yes love. You read that right, love. I hope I can find a sweet boy that likes me, treats me like a princess and I could finally share my first kiss with him. Looking deeply into his eyes getting lost in them as we lean closer. Lips inches away from each other as we wrap our arms around each other. Feeling his hot breath tickling my soft skin, having the biggest smile on my face..........}

"Demi, we're here."

Looking up from her journal to the front seat where her dad was sitting. Looking to the window where her dad was looking. Seeing a small house, well smaller then the one they lived at.

"What do you think?''

Her dad ask as he parked the car. Looking back at her from the front seat. Demi had a smile on her face as she look at the house. Yet not knowing how to feel about the house as her dad bought the house threw a website. This is their first time seeing the house in person. Looking back at him with a smile on her face as she felt nervous about the whole moving to a new town, weird.

"It's nice."

She said as she put away her journal inside her backpack, before zipping it up. Her dad got out of the car as he unlock the truck. Getting out of the car as she took a few things that was in the backseat with her, closing the door with her free hand. Looking at the back seeing her dad placing things on the ground.

"Do you have the keys?"

Her dad's hand went threw his pockets as he took out the keys throwing them to Demi.

"Go open the front door, while I take this things out."

Demi nodded her head as she walk to the front door, feeling butterflies in her stomach. Hoping that the house was nice, her dad had already gotten furniture for the house. Biting her bottom lip as she unlock the door, feeling the door handle move in her hand. Twisting the handle as she took a step inside her new home. Taking a step in as the clean smell of lemon fill her lungs. Her smile got bigger as she look into the living room as she saw a big piano. Covering her mouth as she walk over there.

Her eyes would go the keys as she ran her hand on them. She always wanted a piano but they could never afford it. She would use the school's or the music store's piano when they would let her. She knew that playing music would become a very strong passion of hers. Hearing her father's footsteps as she turn around with a smile on her face. That when she notice his appearance the black bags under his eyes. His hair a mess as he kept running his hand throughout their long drive.
Taking a step to her father as she pointed to the hallway.

"You should get some rest. You must be very tired because of the long drive. We could fix the house later on or tomorrow."

She smile at him as he look down the hallway. Looking back at her as he kiss the top of her head. Demi smile at she look at the ground. Hearing her father's footsteps disappear into the hallway as her focus would then go to the piano. Walking to it with her hands behind her back. Looking at the keys as she smile, remembering what her mother had told her the day she was send with her grandparents.

"You are a very talented girl, Demetria. I know that you will be performing in front of millions of people. You would sing and dance your heart out. As you look through the crowd our eyes would meet and you would see how proud I am for you being my daughter."

Her hand softly landed on Demi's cheek as they look into each others eyes. It broke Demi's heart knowing that her mother was sick and that promise would be broken so soon. Biting her bottom lip as a tear escape her eye. Quickly wiping it as she got rid of the thought. Turning around looking at the boxes. Taking a deep breath as she ran her hands threw her hair collecting it as she starts to make a ponytail. Quickly tie it as she walk to the box, opening it as she saw what was inside of it.
After an hour of placing things away she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Closing the cabinet door as she turn around seeing her dad walking threw the kitchen door. Smiling at him as she pulled up her sleeve.

"I put most of the things away. The only things that are missing is your room and mine. Other then that everything else should be fine."

Crossing her arms against her chest as she look up at him. He had a soft smile while his hands were in his pockets.

"Come on Demi. I need to show you something."

Taking a step back as Demi raise her eyebrow at him. Not questioning it as she just followed him. Opening the front door as he look at the drive way. Demi following his eyes as her eyes landed on a bike. Her eyes widen as she always wanted a bike, but her parents wouldn't give her one as they lived in a big city. She could only use her cousin's or friend's bikes.

"What do you think, you like it?"

Her dad would ask her as she took steps to the bike. It was a baby blue color with a basket. The seat and handles where brown. All she could do was smile.

Standing right in front of it was she would grab the handles.

"I love it."

Looking back at him with a big smile on her face.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Running to him as she would hug him. Letting go of each other as he rub the back of his head.

"Since we live in a smaller town and you would be walking to school. I thought about it and decided to buy you a bike. Now since you can't ask your cousin to borrow theirs."

Looking at her with a smile on his face. He gave her another key to open the garage as she place the bike inside. Leaving it by the door as he open the garde door that would lead into the house. Walking to the kitchen as he came here earlier that week and filled this place with the furniture and food.

"Let's make some lunch then you can go look around the town. I think there a lake a few blocks away. What do you say?"

Demi smile at him as she walk to the sink to wash her hands.

"Sounds like a plan."


They had both finish washing their dish as Demi walk to her room. Grabbing her backpack from last year as she had filled it with books and her notebook. Making sure she had everything as she grab her phone placing it in the front pocket. Closing the bag as she walk out of her room. Walking to the living room and found her dad reading his favorite book. Looking up at her as she pointed to the door.

"I will be back in about two hours. Call me if you want me home earlier."

Grabbing the handle of the door as she walks out. Grabbing her keys as she open the garage. Quickly grabbing her bike as she walks out. Closing the door as she got on her bike and start to ride her way around town. She could hear the birds flapping their wings when they fly. The car's passing by as she stayed on the sidewalk. Yet the thing she loves the most was feeling the fresh air hit her face as she rode around town. Seeing the sign for the lake as she turn to the side. Going slightly slower as she wanted to look around. They had a small park as she watch many small children running around. They all look so happy as their mother's would talk among themselves. She also saw what look like college students playing soccer or sitting down playing a guitar. She got a sad smile as she remembers her friends from back home. They would spend their Saturdays in the park. Gosh she's going to miss them like crazy. Finding a small place by the lake as she would get off her bike and walk. Hearing their loud screams as her head would turn to them. Walking to the tree next to the lake as she wanted the shade it would bring her. Parking her bike as she look at the ground. Taking off her backpack as she sat down under the tree. Opening her bag, taking out her book as she found the part she was on.

Demi was lost in her own little world as she would do her favorite things. As she got to one of her favorite parts as she heard yelling coming from a distance. Taking her eyes off the page as she looks where the yelling was coming from. As first she thought it was the college students but then she saw them sitting down by the lake a few feet away from her. Looking around again as her eyes landed on two boys riding a bike. The one that had the brown that was wear a baseball shirt also the first one notice her. While his blonde friend was looking somewhere else.

Demi smile at them as she notice the one with the baseball shirt look at him friend.

"Niall let's go sit by the lake."

He said as he look at her with a friendly smile. Demi returning the smile as she looks at her book before looking back at them. Niall was talking to the other guy as he still haven't notice her sitting down. Until his friend said something.

"Hi you must be new around here."

Niall's head turn forward as his eyes landed on her. Smiling at her as they finally made it to where she is. Getting off their bikes as they walk to her.

"I'm Liam. This is my friend Niall."

Demi closing her book making sure not to lose her place. Placing some hair behind her hair as she answer Liam.

"Hi i'm Demi."

Liam and Niall put the holder on their bikes. They sat down in front of Demi as they smile at her.

"Demi? Is that short for something? "

Niall ask as he raise his eyebrow at her. Demi folding the corner of the page as she place the book down.

"It is. Is short for Demetria, but I think it's a mouthful so I just tell people to call me Demi."

Liam and Niall smile at her as they continue to make small talk.
As they talk they learn that they have a lot in common with Demi. As they had all read the same books growing up. As the hours pass by they soon had to say goodnight as the sun was going down. Getting on their bikes as they left in their separate ways. Demi went home know that she could have somebody to talk to. Along with a new friendship with two lovely boys.

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