Attack On Titan: Forgotten

By BoPol2

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Levi his two friends died on their first expedition, but his third friend was still in the underground, so on... More

Chapter 1: Reuniting?
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Expedition
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 6: News
Chapter 7: Life outside the walls
Chapter 8: Regret?
Chapter 9: Return
Chapter 10: Return of the two shifters
Chapter 11: Lost?
Chapter 12: Lost? part 2
Chapter 13: Vacation?
Chapter 14: Camping trip
Chapter 15: Finally vacation
Chapter 16: Truth
Chapter 17: The plan
Chapter 18: Waking up and trouble
Chapter 19: Free
Chapter 20: Peaceful life
Chapter 21: Ackerman gang
Chapter 22: Eren
Chapter 23: War
Chapter 24: Paradise strikes back
Chapter 25: Christmas
Chapter 26: Coronation
Chapter 27: Camping
Chapter 28: Underground
Chapter 29: Underground 2
Chapter 30: Camping 2
Chapter 31: All out war
Chapter 32: Peace at last

Chapter 5: Jealous?

140 6 0
By BoPol2

It took a while for Levi to get used to everything, he had put Destiny in his squad so she wouldn't try to kill herself again, but it didn't go that good "Captain, where do I put these?" Petra asks walking in with a box "Just put it there" Levi says, his squad was in charge of cleaning, so the boxes were moved to the attic "I though Destiny was helping you" he says and Petra says "She insisted on taking most of the boxes, not sure how she's going to handle that", Destiny walks in and puts the stack boxes in place "Petra... I told you before I'm not weak, that was nothing" she says and the two glare at each other "Levi are we done now?" Destiny asks earning yet another glare "You're suppose to call him captain" Petra says, but Levi says "Yes we're done, go eat some lunch, I'll finish up", the two females head downstairs and Petra says "I can't believe he's accepting the fact you call him by his name!" "I tried calling him Captain, it sounded weird, so he told me I could keep calling him by his name" "Right like I believe that" Petra says and both are startled by Hanji popping up behind them "Petra you're not jealous right?" she asks and Petra says "Of course not, I know for a fact that he likes me, not her" "Ah then explain why he went back to save me" Destiny says and Hanji sighs "You two are suppose to work together" she says, but is ignored, at the mess hall the guys in the squad sweatdrops "Destiny, you're sitting with me" Levi says and Destiny sticks out her tongue at Petra before walking over to where Levi is with her lunch "You two need to get along" he says and Erwin says "So I'm not the only one bothered by it" "I can't get along with her, she questions everything I do" Destiny says and she sighs "She also acts like she's better then I am, I can't stand that kind of people, you know that" she mumbles and holds her arm "I've always been looked down upon because I'm short and a girl, especially in the underground" she says and Levi sighs, he didn't know it was that bad "Come to my office after lunch" he says earning a slight nod, the rest of the lunch goes in silence "Captain can I speak with you for a second" Petra asks, but Levi says "No, but I might have time in half an hour", he leaves and Destiny glances at Petra, who seemed annoyed, the white haired girl walks of and enters Levi's office "You wanted to talk?" she asks and Levi says "More like confirm something" he says and sits down "I noticed you were holding your arm, I don't even know how you ended up in the underground anyway" he says and Destiny looks down "Rather not talk about it" she mumbles and Levi sighs, this was going to take a while, so he gets up and pulls Destiny to the couch and he says "Then I will keep you here until you talk", Destiny crosses her arms and she says "Then I'll be here for a while", Levi decides to go back back to his paperwork while Destiny took a nearby book "Enter" Levi says upon hearing a knock and Petra goes in "Don't mind Destiny over there" he says knowing Petra will want to ask why she is there too "Why do you care so much about her?" Petra asks going straight to the point and Levi thinks for a while "Well she's a great fighter, a bit stupid, my childhood friend" "Then why haven't you mentioned her ever before?!" Petra asks and Levi glares at her "I will not tolerate you raising your voice to me and I was blocking out some memories, which had her in it" he says and adds "Anything else?" "Well... I wanted to say that I really like you" Petra mumbles, it's quiet for a moment and Levi says "You should know me by now, I'm not interested in you like that and you know it's dangerous too, for all we know we can die the next expedition" "So you were jealous" Destiny says not looking at Petra who blushes brightly "No" she says, but Levi says "You are. You've been trying to prove Destiny's weaker then you and prove she doesn't belong in my squad", Petra bows and says "Excuse me" and she leaves.

Destiny looks at Levi who asks "Ready to talk?" "Nope" the white haired girl says and she keeps reading her book, Levi was slowly getting annoyed "Then let's try something else, tell me, that's an order" he says, but is ignored. After another hour he lets her go and goes of to find Erwin, however on his way he hears the only two females in his squad arguing about something "What's going on?!" he asks walking to them and Destiny says "Petra's jealousy is getting worse and she's taking her bad mood out on me" "I am not doing that! You started it!" Petra yells and Levi sees Eren, hiding somewhere from the two, so he casually walks over "Who started it?" he asks causing Eren to jump up "It was Petra sir" he mumbles and Levi nods a thanks before walking back "Petra, office, now!" he says and looks at Destiny, he couldn't say angry at her for some weird reason "To you room" he says earning a nod and the white haired girl walks of. Back in his office he's glaring at Petra "Why?" he asks and the girl doesn't look at him and doesn't say anything "I know you don't like how she treats me or that you don't like her in general, but for gods sake, try to get along, if you started bickering on a mission one of you would die" he says and Petra puffs he cheek saying "Not me, I have more experience then her" "So you should set an example" Levi says rubbing his head, all their bickering and arguments was giving him a headache "If I see you treat her that way again I will assign you to be Hanji's helper for a month" he says and Petra says "Understood sir".

Things however didn't go any better "Hanji what the fuck is going on?!" Levi asks the mad scientist who's looking awfully worried for some reason "Just come along, we need to get the attic key from Erwin" Hanji says making Levi raise an eyebrow "Petra locked Destiny up" Hanji explains "Then let's go get her" he says this time dragging Hanji along, they arrive at the stairs to see Petra there smirking "You just crossed the line" Levi says and Hanji looks at Petra and she walks over, she grabs Petra's arm and twists it behind her back "What's going on here?" Erwin asks and Levi quickly explains the situation before walking past Petra and he kicks the door open, he's hugged instantly and he says "It's alright", he frowns seeing the normally white hair full of filth and the same with her clothes "Destiny thanks goodness!" Hanji says running over "I'm fine" the girl whispers and she's picked up bridal style "Shitty glasses, you have a new assistant" Levi says before walking of, carrying Destiny in his arms, getting some stares while poor Petra is dragged to Hanji's office.

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