The Stalker #wattys2016

By sexy_beast12

565K 16.6K 3.5K

"M-Michael?" I stuttered He smirked then chuckled at me. "You didn't think I would find you? Did you?" He s... More

The new kid
Help Me
Feel like making a deal with the devil?
Then Let Me Go
You are home
It's ok. I'm here.
Vos amos
He never really loved me
New book

"Then I've prepared you..."

19.9K 620 69
By sexy_beast12


"Di-did I do that?" I asked turning to Michael.

He smiled at me while nodding.

"You're a witch now, Gracie."

End of recap-


Two days ago...

I was talking with my parents and Michael in the bale vieta. It's basically a sacred place for witches and warlocks to cast a spell to form your new alternum. It's tradition to have the family with you, helping you. We were all chanting with our eyes closed while Michael was standing in the middle holding his hands up in the air. We were done with the spell when I felt a pang in my chest the same time Michael did. I went down and landed on the floor. I screamed at the top of my lungs along with Michael. It usually wasn't this painful, but since Michael and I are twins, the pain doubles. When we finally felt the pain subside, Michael looked up to me slowly. At first his face held shock, but then contorted to pure rage.

"She's mine Mason! You can't have her!"

"It looks like she's mine too brother."

"No! Tu esi miris!"

I flung to the other side of the room and smashed my head on the wall then onto the cement floor. I groaned then stood up. Barely keeping myself up. "You're going to wish you hadn't done that... Laus jums!"

Michaels arm twisted then snapped. He doubled over in pain and cursed. "Politet es entada." He whispered and he instantly healed. He pointed his finger to me and yelled, "waster ta la-"

"Enough!" Our mother shouted while waving both her hands around. Michael and I stood there frozen without a choice. "Now you both listen and you listen good, Gracie is both of yours..."


She waved her hand again and Michaels mouth instantly shut. "You both are going to have to figure something out in a civilized manner. If I find out that you two harm each other again I'll take your powers and Gracie away from you temporarily."

Michael and I glared at each other before mom waved her hands again and we were able to move. Michael crossed his arms and spoke in my head. "You'll never get her."

I was about to respond when he teleported out of here.

"Don't worry son. You'll meet Gracie soon and you guys will figure it all out." My father said.

I nodded and gave them a hug. "Teleporo."

When I teleported home I decided to find where Gracie and Michael were. I decided to scry for them. It took me days to finally find them.

"I'm coming for you Gracie..."

End of flashback-

Gracie's POV

"Ok Gracie... What I'm going to have you do," He says as he bends down to grab a candle from his bag then put it on the alter. "Is I need you to light and unlight this candle." He points to the candle that is now in front of me. He crossed his arms and rested his back on a tree. After a few seconds he looks at me expectantly. I raised an eyebrow, "uhm... How?"

"Put your hand near candle and just try to feel it."

"What if I don't?"

"You will."

I sighed in exasperation and mumbled a "well you're a lot of help." under my breath.

I faced my palm towards the candle and waited for something to happen. A minute passed by and I sighed, "it's not working."

"Because you're not feeling it. You're overthinking it."

I closed my eyes then breathed in and out slowly. I opened my eyes and concentrated. A few seconds later the candle was lit. I couldn't help the smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I looked up at Michael to see him smiling adoringly at me. "You didn't do that right?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, Gracie. That was all you."

I smiled at him and his eyes widened. I was shocked myself, that I smiled at him.. I focused my attention back to the candle and faced my palm towards the lit candle.

"This is so friggin' awesome!"

I had forgotten that Michael was with me until I heard him chuckling. "What?" I asked.

He grinned at me, "nothing, you're just so adorable."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I looked away mumbling a thanks.

"Now," he said as he pushed himself off the tree then walked towards me, "I want you to make me fly into that tree." He turned and pointed to a tree that was about fifteen feet away.

"Whhhyyy?" I asked.

"Because Mason wants you and I am NOT letting him get you. I'll kill him before I ever let him get you. You need to know how to defend yourself against him, and quite frankly he is worse then me."

I was about to ask him what he meant when he stopped me. "No more questions right now, I really need to make sure and know that you'll be able to take care of yourself if or when I'm not around. Now," He clapped his hands and points to the tree, "do it. I know there's some anger that you want to leash out on me."

I smirked which caused him to chuckle. "What do I do?"

"Same thing as earlier."

I faced my palm towards him and concentrated. I was a little hesitant for some reason. I then realized it was because I didn't want to hurt him. "You know what, why don't I practice this on Mason without him knowing at first and then when he gets flung against the wall, intentionally, I know what to do."

He smirked, "do you not want to hurt me?"

I crossed my arms, "you, my friend, have a huge ego."

He chuckled, "this is true. Come on Gracie, if you hurt me I'll heal. Witches and warlocks heal fairly fast."


"Well we have magic running through our veins. We naturally heal fast. Some faster than others. Like Mason, I heal faster than him because I am the stronger twin. He just doesn't like to admit it."

I once again, hesitantly, faced my palm at Michael and focused. Almost instantly he was flung against a tree. He landed on the ground hard. I heard him groan and I started running to him. I was by his side somehow instantly. I looked down at him and he looked up at him. He smiled even though his lip was bleeding. "You can already teleport too. That's an upper level power. I couldn't do that until a month of learning magic."

I smiled and helped him to his feet. He chanted something in a foreign language and he healed. "I thought you said warlocks and witches heal fast?"

"They do, I just wanted to heal instantly."

I nodded then bit my lip, "What did you mean worse than you?"

He sighed and moved my hair that was flying in my face behind my ear, "You obviously remember all the shit I've done to you right?"

I nodded while crossing my arms. "Well he would do worse. He would literally beat you and use his powers to get you to do this that he wants. While I don't believe in using your powers against your alternum. In fact it's against our laws, but then again Mason has never really followed any laws, human or magic."

I slowly nodded. I honestly was a little frightened. "What if he did get me?"

"I wouldn't let him."

"Michael. Seriously, what if somehow, someday, something happened to you
and he gets me?"

"Then I've prepared you."

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