Of Immortals and Men | COMPLE...

By _Sirius

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A tragic love story, about a werewolf who lost everything and a girl with no place amongst the humans, set in... More

Introduction to My World of Immortals
Prologue The Black Night
Chapter 1 The Legend of the Wolf
Chapter 2 Unbound
Chapter 3 A Cry for Pride
Chapter 4 Escape
Chapter 5 Under the Night Sky
Chapter 6 Tragic Pasts
Chapter 7 The Stirring
Chapter 8 Alpha
Chapter 9 To Be Human
Chapter 10 Big Brother's Watching
Chapter 11 Remnants
Chapter 12 My Sanctuary
Chapter 13 A Game of Chess; Dance of the Wild Melody part 1
Chapter 14 The Queen's Capture; Dance of the Wild Melody part 2
Chapter 15 Checkmate; Dance of the Wild Melody Final
Chapter 16 Revelations
Chapter 17 Blackbirds
Chapter 18 The Rarest Thing in the World
Chapter 19 Redemption of the Emancipated
Chapter 20 Without You I Would Be Nothing
Chapter 21 In Between
Chapter 22 So Long...
Chapter 23 And It All Goes On
Chapter 24 Goodbye and Hello
Chapter 25 Conviviality
Chapter 26 What's My Age Again?
Chapter 27 Alone Together
Chapter 28 The Rising Tide
Chapter 29 Feel Alive
Chapter 30 Don't Let Her Go
Chapter 31 She Lives in a Fairy-tale; They were Goddesses part 1
Chapter 32 She Lost Herself; They were Goddesses part 2
Chapter 33 The Choices She Made; They were Goddesses part 3
Chapter 34 A Goddess's Resolve; They were Goddesses part 4
Chapter 35 Never Let Me Go; They were Goddesses Final
Chapter 36 Fade into Darkness
Chapter 37 A Clouded Mind
Chapter 38 That's How the Story Goes
Chapter 39 St. Peter's List
Chapter 40 Pain Demands to be Felt
Chapter 41 He's just a Student
Chapter 42 Lost Innocence
Chapter 43 The Pact and the Prejudiced
Chapter 44 By Your Side
Chapter 45 Love and War
Chapter 46 Decisions
Chapter 47 A Million Tears
Chapter 48 Hearts that Hurt
Chapter 49 Screams that Sound the Same
Chapter 50 Stay With Me
Chapter 51 Graduation
Chapter 52 Like a Paper Cut (part 1)
Chapter 53 Red Thread, Paper Cut (part 2)
Chapter 54 The Echo of Power
Chapter 55 They of the Storm; The Second Black Night part 1
Chapter 56 Immortals; The Second Black Night part 2
Chapter 57 The Burning of a Thousand Miles; The Second Black Night part 3
Chapter 58 Invincible; The Second Black Night part 4
Chapter 59 A Fire in a Lonely Town; The Second Black Night Final
Chapter 60 Resolve
Chapter 61 The New Divide

Epilogue Life's Like This

155 9 0
By _Sirius


Life's Like This

"The hardest part of ending is starting again."

With a heave of breath, he continued to focus on the road ahead. It had been two long years since Mia and Exsavior disappeared into the sky-two long years since his beloved Isabel died, and now David finally found himself smiling in the mirror.

No matter how much he tried, it was difficult-picking up the pieces and going at things alone. It was almost impossible to move forwards and get passed everything that happened.

Pressing on the breaks of his new car, a Honda Civic Ferio that was navy blue, he fumbled with his hands to take out his cell phone that vibrated violently within his pants pockets.

"Hey what's up?" he greeted casually, knowing well who it was.

"Don't hey what's up me like nothing new happened! Out with it now!" Lynn yelled over the phone, making David sneer as he pushed on the gas pedal when the light turned green.

After everything, Lynn and Locke became really close, so much that the public probably considered them married. They were also David's rock-Lynn became like his older sister. She looked out for him and made sure that he was ok when his mother was recovering.

Had it not been for Lynn, David would have probably lost it. She even helped him move and find a new place, but it was all for his mother, since a human home was no longer necessary for him.

"Alright, geez, don't bite my head off," David said, smiling into his phone. He paused, and thought about the reason for his happiness. "He's fine, doesn't remember anything after killing Ezekias."

"Are you sure? He isn't affected by anything?" Lynn continued to question.

"No, as far as we know, he just has amnesia, but overall it's Exsavior." And when David said that, he heard Lynn sigh.

There was a short silence, but neither one hung up as David parked the car in the lot of Glendale Hospital.

When the war ended, the cover up that Lynn and Saffron pulled was huge. Oakhurst was completely destroyed, hundreds dead and they managed to pin it on terrorists as usual. To further explain it, they made it look like the city was purged and bombed.

Looking out through his windshield, David hesitated as he searched for the courage to speak his mind. "He doesn't remember anything about Mia, Lynn," he tried, knowing well that the subject was difficult for her to hear.

There was silence, and after a good few seconds, Lynn sighed again. "She must have wiped his memory then, or someone did. Whatever the case, it doesn't matter anymore. There's nothing we can do."

"But Lynn-"

"David, its fine. I've long given up. It's been two long years and I've understood something. She was never meant to be in this world to begin with," and when that was said, David's eyes dimmed.

He turned his car off and stepped outside. "Ok, remember I'm here if you need me."

"I  know, thank you; see you soon and say hi to your mom for me," Lynn said.

"You too, and say hi to that idiot for me, tell him that he owes me a rematch at chess," and when that was said, they both bid there farewells and David hid his phone back in his pockets.

He checked himself in the side view mirror of his car to make sure if he looked decent before heading inside the building. A lot had changed since back then, David was now twenty years old and he felt more mature and stronger.

Even his aspect had changed. His usual spiky hair that he would comb backwards at times was now longer. On the back of his head, his locks were scruffy, covering most of his neck as his bangs did the same for his eyes.

He was not a particular fan of the messy look, but when he let himself go, it became second nature. Nonetheless, it seemed as if his new looks managed to turn more heads than what he anticipated, so the change was well received at least.

Walking up to the receptionist at the front desk of the hospital, David flashed her a smile. His bright blue eyes forced the woman to blush as he spoke.

"How is she doing?" he asked.

"Lily is recovering well, she's looking forward to seeing you today," the lady said as she fumbled with the signage papers.

David chuckled, put his signature down on the forms and quickly made his way up to the second floor where her room was. He was so enthused to tell her about the good news that he almost burst through the door.

"Mom!" he exclaimed, startling Lily as she looked up from her hospital bed.

Every now and then, Lily would fall prey to the virus, but now that it was almost completely out of her system, she could focus on recovering. It was bad enough that she needed to learn how to live with a prosthetic arm.

"David honey, what's wrong?" she asked, lifting the bionic-looking arm to touch her chest out of fear.

No matter what the action was, she would always try to use that arm than the other. Lily felt as if it would benefit her health somehow.

"I have great news!" David started as he sat in the chair next to her small table where a framed picture stood.

"Don't tell me you've learned more of those dangerous werewolf tricks," Lily scolded, eyeing her son with a glare.

"Nope, Exsavior is back! I found him!" he said, almost beaming now as he watched his mother become bewildered. It did not take long for her to gasp and realize what he was saying.

"Oh dear," she voiced, tearing up at the thought of Exsavior as David embraced her. She then let the sobs flow freely within his arms.

"I thought he was dead," she cried.

"I know mom, but he is dad's nephew after all. He won't go down that easily." Sometime after everything that happened, David decided to come forth and be completely honest with his mother.

There was no avoiding it, even if he wanted to keep her in the dark. Lily had witnessed it all, so David had no choice but to tell her. The best part was that his mother took it well. She suspected something was off, but never did she imagine it was something so bizarre.

Nevertheless, after she finally understood the truth about Exsavior and Rigel, she was happy-more than David had ever seen her.

"Oh, I want to see him," Lily said, clasping her hands together as David smiled.

"Don't worry." He stood abruptly, accidentally knocking the picture down.

"Ah shit," stopping his speech to pick up the frame, he instantly regretted it.

His eyes clashed with the gang-his friends, his comrades, his family. It was the picture of their graduation, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not bring himself to look at Isabel.

"Honey, are you alright," Lily called out, seeing how her son froze up.

David scoffed, hiding his tears as he put the picture back where it once stood.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking. Anyways," he started, pushing back the sad memories. "I signed you out, so we're dropping by the Sierra Reserve so you can say hi!"

With glee, Lily beamed as she hugged her son.

It was true, so much had changed to a point where the new Alpha for the Sierra Reserve was David.

After Exsavior disappeared, David grew stronger, and the wolves of the Sierra Reserve by command of Toushiro sought him out.

Apparently, the boy was too young to be Alpha-that and he did not feel up to the task which in turn made David the perfect candidate. The Sierra wolves all came to him, and with much push and shove from Lynn, David was appointed the temporary title of the Sierra Reserve Alpha.

It was a hard decision, but at the time, they were all lost. Haldus was gone, Nembus and Jasmine with him and that left their people without their strongest leaders. David sympathized, so much that he became like Toushiro's older brother.

Assisting Lily with her stride, David gave his mother some privacy as she dressed herself. Once she was done, they left the room and headed towards his car as they drove off towards the Sierra Reserve.

"So now I guess Exsavior will resume his title as Alpha," David said out loud as Lily smiled at him.

"I'm sure if you tell him, he'll let you continue to lead the people of Sierra," Lily chimed in, but the words only made David chuckle.

"Mom, I never wanted to be Alpha to begin with. It's not like it's an easy job," he joked, making Lily laugh with him.

The rest of the road to the Sierra Reserve was enjoyed in mirth and tales about their memories with Exsavior. Truth was, the Roans missed the stray lycan, and they were ecstatic to have him back.


Two large tombs stood in silence. Their solemn aspect infected him with sadness-it was as if he watched the magnificence of those that were once alive become still.

They were at peace.

With a quiet stride, Exsavior sat himself before the trees. He did not think it would be so difficult to actually see the graves of them.

A sigh escaped his throat, as he tuned in on the birds that chirped happily away within the deep forest of the Sierra Reserve.

"Hello, Haldus-sama, Jasmine," he began, the tears threatening his stern demeanor.

A couple of days had passed since he arrived, and the only thing Exsavior could do was listen and watch everyone. It was odd readjusting to the changes even though it felt to him like the war was just yesterday. Once again, time had slipped him by, overwhelming him with a new life.

"I guess, I'm here to say thank you," unable to contain his tears, Exsavior seethed. He was still angry at everything, at how life continued to laugh at him.

With a slam of his fist to the solid ground, Exsavior let one sob out as he put his forehead to the ground. "And to say I'm sorry, sorry for not being strong enough," he cried, letting out all the pain that he would not show his loved ones.

Then there was a shuffle, a couple of footsteps caught his attention. He slowly lifted his gaze up, uncaring of what anyone thought of him.

With wide eyes, he saw her, completely shocked and taken aback.

"Alex-Alexandria?" he whispered, the name of sister feeling heavy on his lips.

She was beautiful in every aspect, long golden hair that touched the grassy ground, porcelain skin and bright blue eyes. Her attire was just like he remembered, that of a flower maiden. She wore a poncho of his tribe and a short skirt that revealed her powerful legs.

In silence, Alexandria smiled and hugged Exsavior as he pressed his head to her abdomen. The lycan cried, letting out his emotions, and Alexandria simply shut her eyes and shushed him.

"It's ok little brother, its ok."

They stayed like that in each other's embrace, and once Exsavior felt strong enough, the questions began to formulate. He broke away and stood to eye her curiously.

"You're-you're really here...," he said hesitantly, making Alexandria nod in glee.

Exsavior was going ask further, but someone stopped him.

"So, the rumors are true, our prodigal son has returned," and just like that, Exsavior turned in surprise.

He recognized the voice, the sound forcing him to smirk as he wiped away the stray tears.

"Locke, you're looking well," he taunted, eying the trickster in his new attire.

Locke was sat on a wheelchair, a real one, sporting sunglasses and a high ponytail. Overall, he seemed well even with his missing arm.

"Ha, looks like you grew a sense of humor during your absence. Come on kid, everyone's waiting for you," with that said, Exsavior nodded and made a sprint to pass Locke.

He shifted his stare slightly, "Alex," but instantly froze.

She was gone.

"Exsavior, who are you talking to?" Locke questioned, making the lycan sigh. He looked up at the skies, his eyes dimming, but still managed to form a small smile.

'You were worried about me, sis, you always were the protective type.'

"Nothing, I just thought someone else was here," and after that was said, Exsavior continued on his way with Locke following behind.

The trickster smiled to himself, knowing well what Exsavior meant, as he felt proud of the illusions that he managed to create.

"I still got it."

"What? Did you say something Locke?" Exsavior called back to him.

"No, it's nothing." After that was said and done, the two Immortals both arrived at a spot that Exsavior found familiar.

It was the center where Jasmine danced her ritual a couple of years back. Because of this, Exsavior came to a halt-his eyes falling on all of the citizens of the Sierra Reserve. In addition, the people at the center of the group were the ones he recognized.

The Alpha lycan beamed in great joy, when he saw them all.

Lynn was older, her braided red hair long gone and now cut short. She wore a suit and her usual glasses that did nothing to hide her defiant green eyes, but the weirdest thing was the child that held her hand. He was small, almost barely able to walk, and he had blonde scruffy hair and grey bored-looking eyes, which made it difficult to say if he was Locke's child.

To Lynn's left was his brother, David, and the lycan was grinning so wildly that Exsavior could feel the raw excitement.

"Exsavior!" Before anyone else could approach him, Lily, whose aspect was the most different to the Alpha, cried out and ran to him. She was older, the creases of time adorning her soft and gentle face.

When Exsavior felt her embrace, he noticed that her arm was not the same.

"Lily, you're, you're safe...," he said hesitantly with lament coating his voice.

Smiling, Lily kissed his cheek and cupped his face in her hands. "I owe it all to you, my son."

"Ungh, alright already stop shoving! We're here dammit!" Then the tender moment was interrupted when a loud voice caught their attention.

Exsavior redirected his stare from Lily as she let him go. He saw two Immortals that he thought he would never see again, standing side by side.

Conan was dressed in the Sierra Reserve attire, denoting his integration to the pack, as he crossed his arms over his chest and stared elsewhere. To his side was Rose, the witch that Exsavior fought with all his might. She stood wearing a long Victorian black dress, her hair, tied in a neat old fashioned bun that defied her trademark style, was no longer the ethereal pink color but black.

Before anything could be said, a smaller person poked at Conan's back. "Say what you came to say, moron!" he yelled and Exsavior could not help but laugh.

"Toushiro, don't be so harsh," David chimed in, as Exsavior approached those who were once his enemies.

"I sent these two on a scouting trip a day before you popped up. There back now, and I guess, now's the time to introduce you to our Consultant Witch and Toushiro's lackey," David said in light spirits, making Conan growl.

"Hey, I'm no lackey! I'm the Sierra Reserve's most prized scout!" Conan worded, putting his bare chest out to boast.

Everyone laughed at the sight, but Exsavior eyed Rose. She walked up to him and before any words left the lycan's lips, the witch bowed her head slightly.

"Sir Alpha Exsavior, I wish to apologize for what I have caused you in the past. I hope we can be allies from now on," she said, her voice stern and unwavering.

Exsavior smiled at the gesture as he nodded and accepted her words. He lifted his hand to offer her a truce, and she took it.

"I would not have any other way," and when that was said, Conan too grumbled his apology but somehow it just made everyone smile and laugh.

"Conan, you're such a doofus!" Toushiro mocked, causing the lycan to give chase to the little boy.

"Auntie Lynn, I wanna go home!"

"Wyatt, hush now, once the ceremony is done I'll take you back home," Lynn, addressing the small child that accompanied her, scolded the boy as Exsavior turned his attention to them.

"That's actually Wyatt, the Paladin," David said, when he saw Exsavior's stare of curiosity.

"What? How is he so small?"

"After Ezekias did what he did, Chaos was constrained to a point that it left Wyatt's body for a while," Lynn began to explain, making Lily sigh.

"You kids and your hocus pocus Harry Potter things. I don't think I'll ever understand," she said sternly.

"Mom, c'mon, you're not even trying!"

With a chuckle, Locke continued Lynn's explanation. "Chaos is actually a very powerful patron, and only Wyatt can subdue him. When he was constrained, Wyatt's body died but reincarnated to house the remnants of Chaos, as he grows, so does the patron."

"So this is actually Wyatt?" Exsavior questioned, making Locke nod.

"Alright, alright, so when are we gonna get on with it. I still have more scouting to do!" Interrupting their conversation, Conan shouted his angst as David made pretend to give it thought.

"I think we're missing one person."

"For what exactly?" Exsavior asked.

To this, David beamed deviously, but he did not get to answer the question, for the said person made his entrance.

Otherworldly bats swarmed them, causing the gang to squirm about as the creatures grouped together to materialize a certain familiar vampire.

"Terry?" Exsavior shouted in complete awe.

"Hey bud, been a while huh?" The young boy with round glasses beamed at the lycan. His attire was so off-putting it did not even look like the Terry Exsavior once knew.

He wore leather all around, with a brown trench coat and a couple of ostentatious necklaces that dangled on his neck.

"How? What? When did this-" Exsavior tried, but everyone just laughed.

"Exsavior, Terry inherited Dante's blood after Ezekias killed the royal vampire. He fought exceptionally well during the war," Locke explained, making the Alpha lycan sigh as he massaged his nose.

"Guess you got what you wanted in the end," he said, recalling the young boy from school.

The words made Terry smile sheepishly as he chuckled.

"Well, that's everyone. Now it's time," and before anymore interruptions could be made, David made his announcement. The words caused all of the Sierra Reserve denizens to approach them.

One of the Reserve members daringly moved forwards as he walked up to David. Everyone then stood to surround Exsavior, and the Alpha lycan, confused by their actions, could not help but shift his stare to all of them.

He was at the center of their circle, and he saw one of the Sierra Reserve people hand David a large fleece kimono coat. It was brown in color, bearing runes of the clan of Haldus and no sleeves. Exsavior then caught his breath when David grinned, the lycan approached him and stretched out his arms to hand him the coat as he knelt before Exsavior.

"David, what are you-" but the question never finished, for David spoke.

"Sir Alpha Exsavior Sirius, I Alpha David Roan, wish to pass on my status as Leader of the Sierra Reserve to you. Please guide us with your strength and we will be your shield," and when the words were said, Exsavior could not help but be at a loss for words.

He looked around, and saw all their smiling faces as the denizens of the Sierra Reserve repeated David's last words.

They wished him to be their leader-they wanted him; they needed him.

With solemn eyes but a smile on his lips all the same, Exsavior put one hand on the fleece coat, and gave them a stern look.

"I will guide you all with everything that I am!" Lifting the coat up into the air, Exsavior shouted his response, making all of those who watched cheer and clap.

It was a joyous occasion, a happy ending to their difficult life.

She believed this, and she knew he well deserved it even if she could not be a part of his life any longer.

Mia let the tears fall as she watched from a far. The orb of light dying out before her eyes when her time had come.

"Are you ready my child?" the voice of Seraphim Anabelle called out to her. "I have granted you your last wish, now it is time." And when those words were said, Mia nodded as she stood from her prison cell.

'They're alive, and that's all that matters,' her mind repeated the phrase over and over again as the high Seraph enveloped her in a bright light.

Mia reappeared before a group of angels, many that she recognized but none that would say anything towards her.

She then saw the holy blades-two large halberds sustained in place by stone statues. They towered before her, and as one of the angels neared Mia, she was forced to stand under them.

The angel captain then knelt down and spread her wings, causing the judge of her trial to voice their command.

"Bring down the blades." It sounded so absolute, and it made Mia let out one sob in fear as she felt the power fall onto her.

In one swift motion, her wings were separated from her body as all that were present could only see the withering glossy white feathers that disappeared into the air.

'I knew this day would come; I knew. But I have no regrets.'

Her heart poured out to Exsavior, and Mia could only hope that even if they would never meet again, Exsavior could live his life happily.

Never feeling sadness, or loneliness...

But the angel could never know how the Alpha Lycan, who remained well in the World of the Living, would look up to the skies every once in a while.

He would howl to the moon as he held firmly in his hand a bracelet with the words of love indented in them.

His love ignored by his consciousness, but his heart unwilling to forget.


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