The Eye of the Snake [Draco M...

Failed_and_Forgotten द्वारा

9.6K 347 24

[COMPLETED] A Mudblood at first glance, Missy set foot on her journey in hogwarts along with her two best fri... अधिक

oo1: Gnomes Will Take Your Tongue
oo2: Prefect
oo3: Hogwarts Express
oo4: The Slytherin Mudblood
oo5: Something's Up
oo6: Belief of Fear
oo7: Broom Closet Misery
oo8: Flying Books
oo9: A Nightmare in the Closet
o1o: Quidditch Mishaps
o11: Don't Make Me Go To Sleep
o12: Haunting of the Past
o13: Sitting Here Like I Knew I Shouldn't
o15: The Start of a New Story
o16: Bludger to the Side, Fist to the Face
o17: Dumbledore's Army and the Slytherin Prefect
o18: Don't Count the Miles
o19: Pug Faced Parkinson
o2o: Already Falling
o21: Don't Call This Love
o22: Start the Car and take Me Home
o23: The Rafters of St. Peter's School
o24: Melissa Skylar Stephenson
o25: The Iceleve Sisters
o26: Christmas Treasures
o27: Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
o28: Beautiful Torture
o29: Head of Records
o3o: Arms
o31: Blacked Out Files
o32: So Long As You're Mine
o33: She Wolf
o34: Horrors of Halloweens Past
o35: Forever and Almost Always
o36: My Mother's Breath
o37: Yellow Eyed Dragon
o38: Odyssey
o39: A Mother's Love
o4o: In The Aftermath
o41: Momma Bear
o42: Tell Me And I'll Kill Her
o43: Sound Resolution
o44: The Catalyst
o45: Until the Bitter End
o46: Fading into the Veil [FINAL]

o14: The Most Cunning Witch of Them All

236 8 2
Failed_and_Forgotten द्वारा

I'm so sorry for those who've been waiting for this.. >___________<


Her freshly polished bare feet hit the ground hard, echoing in the hallway. The eyes of Melissa were open sleepily, though she saw nothing in front of her. Her arms swung sluggishly aside her, matching the steps she took. As she brushed the side of her black silk night gown it swayed gently. Chills ran up her legs as her feet touched the cold marble staircases until she reached the seventh floor. She stood in front of a wall, looking up and down it for something though she didn’t know what. There was a slam of a door and Melissa woke up and screamed, not knowing where she was.

“Did you hear that?” someone whispered. Melissa didn’t wait around to see who it was and ran back down to the dungeons—her heart pounding with fear—as the portraits yelled feverishly at her for waking them. She stepped into the common room and took a deep breath, her body shaking slightly. The couch was free and Melissa sat down slowly and put her face into her hands, a headache over powering her mind.

“Bloody hell,” she murmured to herself, holding her head tightly. She lay on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. Once more she fell asleep on the couch of the common room, curled up in a ball in the corner of it. It seemed like only minutes until someone shook her a tad roughly. Melissa moaned and blinked her eyes open to see Draco.

“Is there something wrong with the girls’ dormitories?”

“Pansy is there, for one,” Melissa said and yawned, sitting up slowly. Draco shook his head and left the common room with his gang of followers. Melissa walked into the dormitories and changed into her school uniform.

“There you are,” Cassie said as she slipped on her robes. “Where were you last night?”

“Couldn’t sleep,” Melissa lied quickly, not wanting to alarm Cassie once more and have another unwelcomed meeting with the headmaster. They walked out into the common room to see a rather official looking document on the bulletin board of the common room. Melissa read it quickly and a confused look grew on her face as she read each word.

“Since when is she High Inquisitor?” Melissa asked Cassie.

“Don’t you read the Prophet?”

“No, it’s depressing.” Melissa said shaking her head.

“Penbrooke!” Lucy Niks, a fourth year student, called. “Does this mean Transfiguration club will not be on this year?” she asked downtrodden.

“I’m sure Professor McGonagall won’t let that happen.” Melissa said reassuringly.

“But she hasn’t even announced the first meeting.” Lucy exclaimed.

“I’ll talk to her today, alright.” Melissa said with an unconvincing smile. “Now get to class,” she said with a quick smile and Lucy left, mumbling bitterly about the whole situation. Cassie looked at Melissa, her nostrils flared as though something beneath it smelled horrid.

“What?” Melissa snapped.

“I forgot you’re in Transfiguration club.” She said in disgust. Melissa sneered at her and strode out of the common room, Cassie soon at her heels. They caught a quick breakfast with Ayanna and Luna before heading to their classes for that day. Once more, the professors gave them an obscene amount of homework—not seeming to realize they had other classes that assigned homework as well.

Melissa, Cassie, and Ayanna waited outside of the potions classroom. Draco leaning cooly against the wall next to Melissa, waving around some signed piece of paper with a cutesy signature on it. Professor Umbridge had approved the Slytherin Quidditch to play and he was blabbing his mouth about how he didn’t know if Gryffindor would get approved. His father had some weight at the Ministry and it was easy for Draco to get them approved. Then he had a go at Ron’s father and after a comment about the mental ward at St. Mungoes, Neville went mental and charged at Malfoy. Within the second Melissa was in front of Draco with her wand at pointed at Neville—Cassie and Ayanna saying her name in fear—and Harry was struggling to keep him back. Crabbe and Goyle soon stepped in front Draco, who pulled Melissa back to him quickly, holding her tightly.

“Don’t do that again,” he hissed furiously. In potions class Draco pulled Melissa beside him, glaring aggressively at Neville and Harry—Goyle stayed with them and Crabbe went over to Cassie and Ayanna, whom were none too happy about the sudden switch.

The rest of the class that Melissa had with the Gryffindors, Draco stayed unusually close to her, Crabbe and Goyle standing close by her sides. By the end of classes for the day Melissa had to sneak away from the two oafs while Draco trotted off to talk to Professor Snape.

“Ice cream,” Melissa exclaimed and pointed down the hallway. The two goons looked and Melissa took off in the other directions heading straight for the Great Hall. As she turned a corner she stopped abruptly only barely stopping herself from running into Professor McGonagall.

“I’m sorry, Professor,” she said quickly.

“I was just looking for you, Ms. Penbrooke. Come with me,” she said and walked off. Melissa looked around the hallway, slightly confused, and took off after the professor.

“Ma’am, may I ask where we are going?” she asked politely, shoving her papers into her black bag.

“I need your help getting Transfiguration club approved by the new High Inquisitor.” She said looking as though it pained her to say the title Professor Umbridge had been given.

“And how am I supposed to help, exactly?” she asked curiously, looking at the Professor.

“Penbrooke, you are one of the most cunning people I have ever met at this school. I believe you’ve managed to get out of every detention you’ve been given here.” Professor McGonagall said with a huff.

“All except yours, professor,” said Melissa with a tacky smile. McGonagall let a proud smirk appear on her face before arriving at Professor Umbridge’s office, the smile fading rapidly. She looked down at Melissa, who took a deep breath and knocked daintily on the door.

“Come in,” a high-pitched overly sweet voice said. Melissa put a bright smile on her face and opened the door, McGonagall following in behind her.

“Hello Professor Umbridge,” she said sweetly. “How are you this evening?” she asked politely, a look of interest on her face and her eyes quickly scanned the room.

“I am quite fine. Yourself?” she asked, gesturing for her to take a seat in the fluffy pink chair in front of the desk.

“Oh, I’m lovely, thank you for asking,” Melissa said and sat up straight as a ruler, crossing her leg properly. Umbridge smiled happily and giggled in delight just a tad at how Melissa was behaving.

“And what can I do for you, Ms. Penbrooke?” she asked.

“There is a Transfiguration Club at Hogwarts and I was made aware that we needed to get the group approved by you, the High Inquisitor.” Melissa said and saw Umbridge look up with a smirk in her eyes at McGonagall. However, McGonagall stood proudly not making a movement.

“And may I say, I think it’s amazing that the Ministry is making Hogwarts such a priority. This school has really bettered since Ministry has put you here, Professor Umbridge. I feel as though I’m finally learning what I need to know.” Melissa said, still smiling happily. Umbridge’s eyes lit up with pleasure as the words came out of Melissa’s mouth.

“Professor McGonagall, may I have a moment alone with Ms. Penbrooke?” Umbridge asked, though everyone in the room knew it wasn’t a question. McGonagall looked down at Melissa—who kept her eyes on Umbridge—and left the room reluctantly.

“Now, dear, does this club teach appropriate material?” Umbridge asked with a look of the upmost concern.

“Oh of course!” Melissa exclaimed. “I would not associate myself with a club that taught inappropriate material. I would be beside myself.” She said, acting worked up about the thought of inappropriate material, when in reality it was what she lived for.

“We will comply with any terms and condition the Ministry has for the club and if anything seems to be heading that direction I will inform at once, you have my word.” Melissa mused, placing her hand over her heart when giving her word. Umbridge smirked in glee sitting back in her throne-like chair. She leaned forward, taking a piece of paper out of her desk and signing it quickly.

“There you go, Ms. Penbrooke,” Umbridge said and handed her the piece of paper. Melissa smiled happily and politely took the paper from her.

“And if anything that happens makes you feel uncomfortable,” Umbridge began to say.

“I will come straight to you, Ma’am.” Melissa said as she stood up. “Thank you so much,” Melissa said in fake sincerity. “Hogwarts is lucky to have such a fair High Inquisitor.” She said and left the office, smiling back at Umbridge. Professor McGonagall was waiting impatiently at the end of the hallway, her arms crossed.

“Well, what happened?” she asked upon seeing Melissa. She held up the paper and handed it to the professor.

“You’re welcome,” said Melissa as she did a bit of a bow and headed to the Great Hall. She walked over to Lucy and told her McGonagall would be posting when the meetings would be taking place before taking a seat with Cassie and Ayanna, a proud smile on her face.

“What’re you so happy about?” Cassie asked.

“I just got Transfiguration club approved.” She said brightly as she placed a piece of chicken on her plate and a spoon full of mashed potatoes.

“Well done, Missy,” Ayanna said with a smile and Cassie rolled her eyes.

“Oh stop being so ruddy bitter, Cassie,” Melissa snapped, irritated with her attitude. Cassie sighed and put a huge fake smile on her face, causing Melissa and Ayanna to laugh. The bench moved slightly and Melissa turned her head to see Draco. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to her friends, still rather upset with him.

“Aye Melissa,” Derek said as he walked by. Melissa flashed him a smile. Draco sneered at him and glared at Melissa.

“So you and Houston,” Parkinson said from beside Crabbe, smirking happily.

“No, there’s no and or Houston,” Melissa snapped her Pansy’s face drooped to a sneer, bitterly grumbling under her breath.

“You still upset?” Draco asked her quietly.

“You called me a mudblood, Malfoy.” Melissa said and looked at him like he was stupid. “Yes, I‘m still bloody mad.” She snapped and shook her head, shaking her head at the boy.

“And what do you care anyway?” she said quietly, turning her attention back to him.

“I don’t,” he said nonchalantly.

“Alright, then don’t ask stupid questions.” Melissa snapped and started to talk to Cassie and Ayanna again. She felt as though someone were staring at her and looked over her shoulder to see Derek smiling at her while talking to his friends. Melissa turned back around and smirked deviously.

“I don’t like that look.” Ayanna said quickly. “Please don’t do that look, or whatever it is you’re thinking of doing.” She pleaded.

“I end up getting hexed or almost dying whenever you have that look.” Cassie whined.

“Fine,” Melissa said and crossed her arms in defeat. After a couple moments of moping she went back to eating, smiling at Derek every now and again specially to annoy Draco. His ear slowly began to turn red, his fists clenching tightly.

“Would you like him to sit here?” he finally snapped in annoyance.

“That’d actually be great.” Melissa said and then smirked at him, tauntingly. At the end of dinner Draco stormed off, Crabbe and Goyle having trouble keeping up with him.

“Missy-one Draco-zero,” she said happily and walked out of the Great Hall with Cassie and Ayanna.

“Well technically doesn’t he have one as well, because of Hogsmeade?” Ayanna inquired and Melissa’s smiled dropped.

“No, ‘cause I wasn’t keeping score then,” said Melissa and stuck her tongue out childishly.


A/N: I'm really sorry for not updating for like.... ages already. >.< Been very busy these past few weeks. Oh.. I've started a new story, If anyone even bothers with it. It's a next generation Fan-fic, featuring Harry Potter's eldest son, James and oliver Wood's daughter (if he had any XD) ; The Chaser and the Keeper.

Keep spread the HP love~ ciao.

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