Ezio Auditore Has A Secret *...

By hey895

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[Book 2 in the Secret series] Life, let's us live. Love, let's us feel. Family, let's us learn. Regret, poiso... More

Chapter 2: Back Again
Chapter 3: Defeated
Chapter 4: Welcome Back . . . Or Not
Chapter 5: Starting Over
Chapter 6: The Past
Chapter 7: Open Wounds
Chapter 8: Letting It All Out
Chapter 9: Pistol
Chapter 10: Carnevale
Chapter 11: Ballo
Chapter 12: Bartolomeo
Chapter 13: Attack
Chapter 14: Alone
Chapter 15: Answers
Chapter 16: The Prophet
Chapter 17: A Prophets Arrival
Chapter 18: The Future Revealed
Chapter 19: The Orsi Brothers
Chapter 20: Gone From My Grasp
Chapter 21: Battles
Chapter 22: The Apple, Found
Chapter 23: Liberated
Chapter 24: Afraid
Chapter 25: Death's Embrace Is More Welcoming Than You Think It Is
Chapter 26: First Civilization
Author's Note: Q&A

Chapter 1: Saving Subject 17

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By hey895

Chapter 1: Saving Subject 17

  Breathe in and out. I had to remind myself several times before it became hopeless. I was lying down flat on my stomach waiting for Lucy to come out of the elevator. I’m in Abstergo HQ now. Saving Subject 17 for god knows why. All I know is that he is important for this operation and if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have been able to go back and be my ancestor Harees. Apparently, we’re related too! BY A THOUSAND YEARS! I don’t even know why I even agreed to this.

  I lifted my head just a bit so I can look out the window. I looked over to the elevator and it’s crowed with security. I examined them and noticed that they are carrying weapons. If Lucy and so-called Subject 17 are fighting with just fist, they are going to need help. I slowly put my head back down and rest it on the seat. I was probably there for another five minutes before I heard a door open and the guards going crazy.

  I sighed and jumped up from lying down and opened the door. I shut the door and stopped. I have no fucking clue what to do! I looked over to Lucy and she is fighting the guards like there is no tomorrow. I look over to the group of guards around another person. I was assuming that was Subject 17. He too, had no fucking clue what he was supposed to be doing and what he was doing.  I looked to the ground and saw two guards knock-out. I run over to one of them and take their beating stick.

  I grab it and hold it tight. I run over to the group of guards and do a sneak attack. I put the stick in front of one guy’s neck and held the other end with my free hand. I pulled him close to me so that the pressure will stop his breathing. He struggled for a moment before he stopped. I let go of one end of the stick and the body flopped down in front of me. I looked down to the guard that was passed out in front of me. I almost killed a man! I couldn’t think about that now because three guards were coming my way. I put my arm up while trying to remember how my ancestor did a counter attack.

  I get in the place that I think my ancestor was in and look at the three guards. I turn around them slowly when one decided to strike. They tried to get the stick out of my hands but I jump back and hit their hand causing the stick to fly out of their hands. I let out a breath. So far so good. I felt like I should turn around, so I did. I saw one of the guards getting ready to attack. They hit my arm causing me to lose my stick. I hold my forearm for a second before another stick was flying at my head. I jumped to the side and then grabbed their arm and knee it and quickly grabbed the stick and moved away, pulling the stick with me.

  Now, only one of them had a stick and the other two were using their fist. One of them decided that now would be a good time to try to punch me in the face. I ducked and took the stick and swung it at his arm. I took a quick step behind him and kicked him in the back. He went on his knees and then I took the stick and hit his back again. He hit the floor and never got up again. Two left. I can do this!

  The one with the stick tried to take a swing at me. I leaned back so it missed and then got down on my feet in a crouching place. I put both of my hands on the ground and stuck my leg out. I swung around and then the guard fell down on his ass. I got up and took my stick and hit him in the stomach. I look up to the last one. He looked a bit frightened but he knew he couldn't go anywhere. I went back to the starting stance and then looked at him. We started to do circles around each other. I started to get fed up.

"Sad to see a man get beaten by a woman, eh?"

  As I soon as I said that. He came charging at me. I moved out-of-the-way and just in time and took my stick and hit the back of his legs and then snapped the stick across his face. I heard a crack and then he was passed out. I looked over to Lucy then over to Subject 17. He was a guy. Great! Because that's what I needed! For Subject 17 to be a guy! He looked over to me and then looked over to Lucy. I walk over to Lucy and so did Subject 17. I am assuming that she had this planned for a while now. She started to walk towards her car and opened the back seat door for me. I sighed and got in. She moved to the trunk and opened it.

"Get in."

"You’re joking?”

“It’s for your own protection.”

“Oh man.”

“We’re almost there . . .”

  Lucy got in the front seat and started the car. The car started to move after a few seconds. We stopped at the gate and then went off. As soon as I knew that we were a bit a ways from Abstergo, I pulled down the seat and saw Subject 17.


  He turned around so that he was facing me.


“You’re Subject 17.”

“Yeah, and you are . . . ?”

“Subject 16.5. I was supposed to be Subject 17 but they had already given you that name.”

“Why did they not name you Subject 18?”

“They found me before they found you.”


  There was silence between us. Lucy was driving us to god knows where and have no clue how long it would take. I looked around and then back to him before he spoke up.

“What’s your name? Other than Subject 16.5.”

“Vega. Vega Zane.” I paused  “Yours?”

“Desmond Miles.”

“Ah, the infamous Desmond Miles.”

“What do you mean by ‘infamous’?”

“I’ve heard your name go around a lot between the time I got out of the Animus, to here.”

  He huffed and then turned to lie flat on his back. I wanted to know what ancestor he just was. If we were related, it could very well be one of the people I had met. I wonder who. I noticed he has the same light brown eyes as Altaïr. Maybe he was Darim or Sef. It could very well be that. I sighed and then turned to lie on my back. I looked up to the front seat and saw Lucy concentrating on the road. I looked back over to Desmond again.

“Who is your ancestor?”


“Who is your ancestor?”

  I was taken aback by his question a bit. I looked up to the top of the car and then to Desmond.

“Harees Bint-La’Ahad.”

  Desmond looked a bit shocked by my answer. I looked over to him confused. He saw that I was confused and answered my question.

“Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad.”

“So wait, does that mean . . .”

“Yes, Altaïr is the one who you are both related to.” Lucy answered for both of us “That is why you both needed to be in sync. Vega, you needed Desmond to be Altaïr so you could go back and be Harees. It makes sense considering that your ancestor is the daughter of Altaïr. If Desmond didn’t go back and fix Altaïr’s forgotten memories, yours would’ve been messed up. You would’ve been twenty, one minute and then forty the next.”

  I nodded my head and then we went over a bump. I jump and then I hear a thud. I looked over to Desmond and he has a hand to his head. He looked past me to the driver’s seat and gave it a cold stare. He turned back to face the top of the trunk. After that, we didn’t speak the rest of the way.

  When the car stopped and shut down, I moved the blanket from me and then went into a sitting position. I looked around the car and then got out. Lucy was opening the trunk when I was getting out.

“Thanks for that. It was great . . . being shoved in the trunk, bouncing around. Loved it.”

“This way.”

  I could tell Lucy wasn’t in the mood so, I kept my mouth shut. Lucy started walking and so did Desmond. I stayed behind, this was something they had to discuss without me interfering.

“So . . .gonna tell me what’s going on now?”

“There was a reason for the escape, Desmond.”


“We need your help.”

“For what? Another treasure hunt through time?”

“You too?” I asked


“Abstero’s gonna replace their Apple Of Eden. The map your ancestor found guarantees it. The other Assassins . . . they’ll do what they can, where they can. But . . .”

“What . . . what is it?”

  We started to walk up a railing to the storage area. The railing will lead us to another floor. That’s probably where Rebecca and Shaun are.

“We’re losing this war, Desmond. The Templars are too powerful. And every day more of us die . . .”

“I still don’t see how I fit into things . . .”

“We’re going to train both of you – turn you two into one of us.”

“What?! No, no . . . you’ve seen me in action – I’m no good at this. And even if I was . . . it would take months – years, even.”

  We got to the top and then we stopped. Lucy turned to Desmond.

“No. Not with the Animus. Not with the bleeding effect.”

“But I’m just one guy . . .”

“Sometimes that’s all you need.”

  They started to walk again but I leaned against the wall. I put a hand to my forehead. These headaches aren’t going away and they are getting worst. I closed my eyes for a second. It felt like I was going to black out. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t in the hallway; it looked like I was in . . . Italy. No, that can’t be right! I saw an Assassin in a training ring with a man. Fighting, practicing their skills. I closed my eyes and then opened them. The headache was gone and I was back in the storage area. Lucy looked at me and then I quickly got off the wall and started to walk towards her. Desmond looked at me for a second and then turned to face the other way.

“So that’s why you found him . . . my ancestor. What was his name? Ezio?”

  My eyes went wide.

“If you can follow in his footsteps, you’ll learn everything he did – just like he did. Years of training absorbed in a matter of days.”

“Ezio . . .” I whispered to myself

“Yeah, you heard of him before?”

I chuckled a bit before I answered, “More like saw him.”

  Lucy looked a bit concerned. I looked back over to her and started to go up the steps. Lucy stopped and turned to face me.

“What do you mean?”

“I keep having visions of him and a woman –or at least I think it’s Ezio and a woman.”

“The bleeding effect . . .”

  There was silence before Desmond got back on his little question rant. I honestly learned that if you want answers you sneak around and listen in on conversations. It’s better to do that, than to get half answers.

“You broke me out of Abstergo and brought me here just to make me an Assassin?”

  We stopped again and Lucy turned around to face Desmond.

“Look, there’s more to it than that, but it’ll have to wait. Trust me, okay?”

  Desmond paused a second before answering.

“Alright. I’m in. Tell me what you need.”

“Really? You’re sure?”

  Excitement was in Lucy’s voice but there was also doubt.

“I thought you’d be happy about this.”

“Sorry . . . I’m just a little surprised. I spent the ride over here figuring out how I was going to convince you to do this . . .”

“Save it. After what those Templar bastards put me through, I’m ready, willing, and able.”

  Lucy hugged Desmond as I walked past them. I was about to say ‘get a room’ but something in me stopped me. I was about to open up the door when Lucy spoke up.

“Thank you.”

  I opened the door and walked in. It’s a better set up than what they had last time. I looked around and then saw the bed. I ran over to the bed and then sat down. I looked at the bedside table and opened the drawers. I got out my journal. I had to write what I was seeing. These visions, they have to mean something. I know it!

“Lucy! You made it!” Rebecca said, excitement in her voice

  They hugged and then Lucy. Shaun walked over to them both and then spoke up.

“Welcome back.”

  He looked over to Desmond and then spoke up, “Ah, so this is the infamous Subject 17 . . . Desmond Miles was it?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m sorry . . . where are my manners? I’m Shaun Hastings – this is Rebecca Crane.”

“Nice to meet you, Desmond.”

  I started to write the visions as I remembered them. They only lasted a few seconds but still. I had to write it down. Shaun interrupted my train of thought when he spoke up.

“Right, well it’s been lovely chatting, but if you don’t mind, Desmond, it’s best we get straight to work. Time is precious. Doubly so these days.”

“We’ve got everything set up and ready, Lucy. Just say the word and we’ll get going.” Rebecca said to Lucy

“Here, I brought you something. A parting gift from Abstergo.”

  Lucy pulled out what looked like a ginormous memory card you would put in a computer.

“Whoa! The memory core! This is amazing! With their data, things are gonna go a lot faster! I’ll get on merging the code . . .”

  I watched as Lucy walked over to her desk and Desmond just standing there, not knowing what to do. I know that feeling. He started to slowly walk around the place, checking it out. I rolled my eyes and then went back to writing. Once I finished, Desmond walked over to Rebecca and then sat down in the Animus. He went thought the process and then the screen went over his eyes. I looked around and then stood up. I walked towards Lucy.

“What do you think my visions mean?”

“I’m not sure. I’m going to do a DNA check to see if you and Desmond might have anymore related ancestors. It won’t hurt to try. As for your visions, it’s part of the bleeding effect. We’re going to have to see if Ezio runs into a female Assassin before we can bring in the other Animus and have the both of you going in the Animus together.”

  I nodded my head. That was all I could do, that was all I knew how to do in my situation. Ask simple questions, nod and stay silent. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to go in the Animus again, but, I have a feeling, I will have to soon. I don’t know if it will be today, tomorrow or even a week from now, but I have a feeling, I will be going inside the Animus again.

  Ugh, fuck me.


It's back! Yay! I'm very excited to write this one. I think it maybe that I enjoyed Ezio's story a bit more then Altaïr's. I like both but I think I enjoyed Ezio's a bit more. 

Maybe because the first game I finished in the Assassin's Creed series was Assassin's Creed II. I don't know! :P

Anyways, let me know what you think and yes, this is a continuation to the first Assassin's Creed fanfic I wrote. 

If you haven't, go check that one out as it is a continuation to this one. I recommend you go and read it because this book references the first book.


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