Let Her Leave (BWWM) (#Wattys...

By txrie__

138K 6K 1K

This is about a woman named Nubia Princeton. She is married to Eric Princeton. He kinda sucks as a husband. ... More

The Beginning
Is he going to change?
Birthday Party...
Goodbye Pt. II...
Nubia's 28th Birthday Party...
How's Eric?
She Goes Back?!
She Reads the Letter...
Flashback into Eric's Life | Aspen Pt. 2
Eric's First NA Meeting | Aspen Pt. 3
Flashbacks | Eric's Fist AA Meeting
Aspen Pt. 4 | Why do they hate him?
Leaving Aspen | Family Day
AA Family Day | She Moves Back Home?!
Time Apart...
You Deserve It...
Surprises! | Kids?!
2 Months Along| Nubia's Mom| Relapse| Eric's Parents
Eric's Parents Know | Nubia Talks to Giselle...
Eric Talks to Giselle | They Come Back...
Hurricane Matthew
Us Against The World...
New Life...
Labor and Delivery
Nubia, Eric, and the twins...
The End.

She's Pregnant!!

2.3K 140 8
By txrie__

"Well it's actually two things. I got promoted to Head Nurse."

"Nubi that's great. What's the second thing?"

"I might be pregnant."


"Yeah. I have two tests in my purse right now."

Eric wiped his eyes and had a big smile on his face, "Can you take them now?"

"Yeah. It's a good thing I drunk two bottles of water before I left work."

Nubia took the two tests out of her bag and opened them.

Eric got out of bed and followed Nubia to the bathroom.

"Eric I don't need an audience."

"I know, but can I just stay in here?"


After Nubia peed on both sticks, she wiped, pulled her panties and pants up and washed her hands.

"Okay the box said wait 3 minutes and it has 2 sticks for positive and 1 for negative."

Eric just stood there for the first 2 minutes staring at both sticks.

"Eric it won't help just staring at the sticks."

"You're right."

He went to sit down on the bed with her.

"So what happens if you're pregnant?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what happens when you're pregnant? What do we buy? Can we even afford to buy all the stuff we need for a baby?"

"Calm down. We will cross those bridges when we get to them. For now, we need to make sure I'm pregnant."

After 1 minute passed, the timer went off and they both got up to look.

"I'm pregnant."

Nubia covered her mouth and cried tears of joy.

Eric cried too. This is what he has been waiting for. For them to have a baby together.

Eric whispered, "I'm so happy."

"Me too."


2 Days Later...

Nubia and Eric were driving to the doctors to get a pregnancy test to be positive she was pregnant.

"So are the doctors test more accurate?"

"Yeah. Then they are going to give me prenatals to take."

After an hour, they got the test back saying it was positive and they gave her prenatals to take.

Eric was so happy; he had a permanent smile on his face.

"Okay let's go eat."


They went to Picadilly, got the food they wanted, and sat down.

"So Eric what do you want? A girl or a boy?"

"Just as long as the baby is healthy and you're happy, I don't care."

Nubia just smiled and Eric's heart fluttered.



"Are you gonna talk to Giselle?"

"No she texted me and said she didn't want to be friends with someone as dumb as me. She also said that me coming back is gonna bite me in the ass one day."


"It's okay though. I still wish we could be cordial with each other."

"She'll come around soon."


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