Songs Of Love ~ One Direction...

By Dirdctioner

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(Name) has recently become the song writer of the popular boy band, One Direction. As she writes songs, she s... More

Chapter 1 - The Direction to a New Life
Chapter 2 - Baking Contest
Chapter 3 - Getting The Job
Chapter 4 - First day
Chapter 5 - Thomas
Chapter 7 - Truth Or Dare
Chapter 8 - The Bridge
Chapter 9 - Help
Chapter 10 - Hospital
Chapter 11 - The Ex
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - Fake Family
Chapter 14 - Miss Holfrey
Chapter 15 - Beat
Chapter 16 - Crush
Chapter 17 - Hugs
Chapter 18 - Natural Disaster
Chapter 19 - Directioner
Chapter 20 - Club
A/N - After One Year!! ;-;
Chapter 21 - Zayn Explains

Chapter 6 - Movie Night

4.2K 141 226
By Dirdctioner

(Name) stared at the sheet of paper on her desk. Louis started to hum a tune. "What song is that?" (Name) after a minute of inspiration.

Louis gave her a small shrug, "It's not a song. I just made it up as I went." (Name) smiled at his answer. She started jot down the notes. Louis gave a small chuckle.

Niall walked inside the office with a confused look on his face. "Hey, Niall! Where's Thomas?" (Name) asked.

"He didn't want a tour..." He mumbled as he contemplated what Thomas said.

(Name) stood up from her chair with a sigh, "I know that look..." She mumbled. She walked over to Niall, "Can you show me where he went?"

He nodded and led her through the calm hallways into the lobby. There, Harry and Thomas were talking. (Name) thanked Niall quickly, then marched over to him.

"Thomas!" She called out a little angry. Thomas turned his attention to (Name). "What on earth did you think you were doing? Did you really think I wouldn't notice that my new friends are a little freaked out because of your big mouth?" She snapped at him.

Harry slowly walked away. Thomas gave her an apologetic look, "I just don't want you to be hurt again. I'm sorry, (Name)."

(Name) sighed, "I know you are, Thomas. But you're to overprotective! Besides, we haven't even known eachother that long."

"Okay, okay! It won't happen again. But if one of them start to date you, they can't break your heart. Or I'll break them," Thomas said.

(Name) smiled, "Deal!"

*Time Skip To (Name)'s House*

(Name) rushed to the microwave to grab the popcorn. She put it in a bowl and placed it down on the coffe-table in the living room.

"What's going on in here?" Faith asked as she entered the living room.

(Name) smiled, "The guys are coming over for a movie night. Can you hand me the blanket?"

Faith handed (Name) the white blanket, "Cool! Do you mind if I join you?"

"Sure! Thomas is also joining us. He went to get some Nandos." (Name) informed her.

The door bell went off and (Name) smiled, "That's probably them." She quickly walked to the door and opened it. "Hey! Come in, come in!"

One Direction walked into the house with smiles on their faces. "Nice house," Zayn complimented.

Faith smiled, "Thanks. What movie are we watching?" (Name) smiled at the question.

"My favorite movie! (Favorite Movie)," (Name) squealed excitedly. The guys all smiled at the movie name.

Thomas walked in with Nandos in his arms. Niall's face lit up, "Nandos!" He said happily. (Name) nodded with a smile.

After everyone got their Nandos, (Name) put in the movie. It was great for about 30 minutes where (Name) fell asleep on Liam's shoulder. Once the movie was over, everyone was asleep besides Faith.

Liam had his head on (Name)'s and Harry had his head on her shouler. The others were on the floor.

*In The Morning*

(Name) slowly opened her eyes. It was about six in the morning. She felt something on her head and shoulder. She noticed it was Liam and Harry earning a light blush on her cheeks. She carefully lifted Liam's head and moved it to the other side, then repeated it with Harry.

She quitely stood and made her way out of the room without waking anyone. Faith walked through the hallway and into the living room, doing something on her phone.

(Name) smiled at her, "Hey, Faith." Faith turned her phone off and smiled at her friend.

(Name)'s phone vibrated. She picked it up and went onto twitter. A picture of her, Liam, and Harry sleeping was posted by Faith.

"Faith!" (Name) snapped at her friend. Faith shrugged and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"You need to get all of them up," Faith said as she got out a pan.

(Name) sighed, "Fine..." She walked into her room and grabbed an air horn. She walked into the living room, "Wake up," She said quietly. She smiled and used the air horn.

Everyone's eyes shot open and sat up. "I'm up! I'm up!" Louis screamed causing (Name) to laugh.

Zayn went into the kitchen half asleep and annoyed. Harry tried to fall back asleep, giving (Name) an idea. She walked over to the couch and whispered in his ear, "Wake up or I'll use the air horn right by your ear."

"You wouldn't dare..." He mumbled.

(Name) smirked, "I wouldn't bet your heart on it." She put the air horn by his ear, "Wake up, Hazza."

His eyes shot open and he scooted off the couch. (Name) smiled and blew the air horn, "Now, stay up!"

Everyone gave her an annoyed look as she walked into the kitchen. Zayn rolled his eyes and went onto twitter. His face went a little red, "Why are you being shipped with all of us?"

(Name)'s face dropped, "I'm what?" Zayn showed her the top tags. The top five were ship names with her and one of the guys. "Oh. My. God..."

(Name) picked her phone up from the kitchen counter and opened twitter. She read a comment from a random person out loud, "This little bitch looks like a donkey when she sleeps. You expect me to believe anyone would ever love her?" She couldn't help but laugh.

Zayn gave her a questioning look, "Why are you laughing? I thought you would be furious."

"I'm sorry," She let out a small laugh, "I'm just picturing a five year old stomping their feet and throwing a tantrum."

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