Songs Of Love ~ One Direction...

By Dirdctioner

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(Name) has recently become the song writer of the popular boy band, One Direction. As she writes songs, she s... More

Chapter 1 - The Direction to a New Life
Chapter 2 - Baking Contest
Chapter 3 - Getting The Job
Chapter 4 - First day
Chapter 6 - Movie Night
Chapter 7 - Truth Or Dare
Chapter 8 - The Bridge
Chapter 9 - Help
Chapter 10 - Hospital
Chapter 11 - The Ex
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - Fake Family
Chapter 14 - Miss Holfrey
Chapter 15 - Beat
Chapter 16 - Crush
Chapter 17 - Hugs
Chapter 18 - Natural Disaster
Chapter 19 - Directioner
Chapter 20 - Club
A/N - After One Year!! ;-;
Chapter 21 - Zayn Explains

Chapter 5 - Thomas

4.3K 137 236
By Dirdctioner

After the tenth time recording "What Makes You Beautiful", They finally got it perfect. One Direction and (Name) were sitting on a black sofa, getting to know (Name) a bit more.

"What's your greatest fear?" Liam asked her. She thought for a moment.

"Probably to lose the one's I care about. What about you?" (Name) asked.

"The most evil thing on earth... Spoons," Liam said seriously. (Name) gave him a small smile. Liam smiled back.

"My turn! What's your favorite animal?" Harry asked. "Mine is a cat."

(Name) thought about the question, "I don't know. Cats are cool, I guess. But I don't know if they are my favorite."

"Favorite food?" Niall asked her. "I love food. Any and all."

(Name) laughed slightly, "My favorite is (Favorite Food). Especially when Faith cooks it!"

"I can't think of any more questions," Zayn said, and Louis nodded.

(Name)'s phone started to ring. She picked it up and saw it was Thomas. "Do you mind?" She asked pointing to her phone. They shook their head no. She smiled and put the phone to her ear.

"Hey, (Name)!" Thomas greeted (Name) happily.

She smiled, "Hey, Thomas! Are you there yet?" One Direction tensed up at the sound of a boys name. Lucky for them, (Name) didn't notice.

"I'm at your house, but no one's here," Thomas told her.

"What? Faith should be there to let you in," (Name) said through the phone.

"Faith put a note on the door adressed to you. It says that she went out with someone named Jason," Thomas told her.

(Name) sighed, "Of course she did. Can I call you back? I need to do something. It'll be quick. Great, bye!" She said and quickly hung up.

"Who's Thomas?" Niall asked (Name). The other boys nodded.

"Thomas is an old friend of mine. He's visiting for a while. Do you mind if he comes here and waits for Faith to come and get him?" (Name) asked politely.

Harry couldn't say no to her. It would hurt to much, "Sure. There is nothing wrong with someone waiting for a ride here." The other boys looked at Harry surprised.

"Great! I'll text Thomas to come here!" (Name) said happily. One Direction saw her smile and suddenly didn't care that Thomas was going to be here.

(Name) sent the text to Thomas and put her phone in her lap. "Now, I have an idea for a new song that I wanted your opinion on," She told the boys.

"What is it?" Liam asked curiously. Everyone turned their attention to (Name).

"Basically, I was thinking of an apology. Like, you want to prove to someone that you do love them, even if you haven't shown it in the past," (Name) tried to explain.

Louis smiled, "I love that idea. Like it's gotta be them." (Name) smiled at his comment. Gotta be you, she thought. A potential title if I do say so myself.

*30 minutes later*

(Name) patiently waited for Thomas to show up outside. If he didn't show up in two minutes, she'll have to get back to work.

As she waited, she tried to think of a beat for the new song. She already had a bit of the chorous, but that's it.

"Hey," Niall said from behind her. "We were wondering if you would wanna hang out tonight. Ya know, watch a movie and order a pizza."

Niall was now next to her. (Name) smiled at him, "Sure. We could do it at my place, if you guys want."

Niall smiled and gave her a small nod, "Great. How about after work?"

Before she could answer, a man with light brown hair and dark blue eyes got out of their car and walked towards them. He wore a black t-shirt and blue jeens. He had white Nike tenneshoe

"Hey, (Name). Who's this?" He asked pointing to Niall. This must be Thomas.

(Name) smiled at Thomas, "Niall, Thomas. Thomas, Niall."

Niall gave him a smile, "Nice to meet you, Thomas."

Thomas smiled back, "You, too, Niall." Thomas and Niall shook hands.

"Well, I have to get back to work. Niall, can you please show Thomas around? Please?" (Name) begged Niall. He gave her a nod and a smile. "Thanks!"

(Name) hurried inside. "(Name)! You said you wanted my help with the new song?" Louis asked when he saw her.

She nodded, "Yeah! I don't know what the beat should be, yet."

Louis and (Name) walked into a small office with clean paper, a computer, a cup of  sharpened pencils, and an empty waste basket. "Who's office is this?" (Name) asked.

"This is all yours, (Name)," Louis told her. Her face lit up. She walked inside in awe. She sat down in her new chair. Louis smiled at her as he walked over to her.

*Niall and Thomas' Point Of View*

Niall and Thomas walked stopped in front of a door. "This is the sound booth," Niall told Thomas.

"I don't care," Thomas said rudely. "All I care about in this dump is (Name). So, do yourself a favor and keep away from her." Thomas warned him as he walked away, towards the lobby.

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