Phoebe Jackson

By NectaretAmbrosia

10.1K 440 51


The beginnig
The birthday party
The memory of Juliet Sapphire Grace
The birthday party 2
Mr. Lownstein
The dance comepetition
It begins...
The prophecy
Waking up
My second outburst
Saved by Alex
We talk
Sword fighting lesson
The stranger
Getting ready
The party
The photo album
Are we twins again?
I see him again
The talk with Zeus
My heart breakes again
I use a curse word
The necklace
The game of love
Fight at the sword area
The beach party
We say goodbye
Water 2
Air 2
Tartarus 2
I can see again
The benders
Dad gets me an army
The people
Battle with Amber
The battle
The battle 2
Queen Phoebe
My big dream
World journey
Back home
Getting ready
Christmas party
New year
New Year 2
Back to school
Momma knows best
Date with Adam
All the girls like James
The break-up
Love again
James and Phoebe
Adam is an asshole
Jacks return
He loves me and only me
The first time...sort of
Everything is ruined
Christmas with Madison
Christmas presents
New year with the benders
I hope on you
Sore loser
My end project
The choir preformance
Getting ready for prom
Graduation day
The last dance competition
Dance surprise
Last night
Time for college
The house
Lily and Lucas story
Lucas and Lily story 2
Lucas and Lily story part 3
Licas and Lily story 4
Lucas and Lily story 5
Lucas and Lily story 6
Lucas and Lily story 7
Lucas and Lily story 8
Memories 2
Memories 3
Memories 4
Memories 5
Memories 6
The future
The future 2
The future 3
The future 4
Future 5
Elijah 1
Elijah 2
Elijah 3
Elijah 4
Elijah 5
Elijah 6
Caleb 1
Autors note
Caleb 2
Caleb 3
Caleb 4
Clara 1
Clara 2

Christmas party part 2

71 3 0
By NectaretAmbrosia

Phoebe pov
I went back inside and mom hugged me tight. "What was wrong, sweetheart?" She asked me and I looked around all my friends were here. I looked at James and he looked away. I frowned, why would he do that? "Just an flashback." I told her and she hugged me tighter. She looked at the jacket and giggled. I shook my head and walked away. I walked to James and  he just ignored me, I threw the Jacket on his head and still. Why is he doing this?? Juliet was frowning at us and I just shrugged, he leaves me alone and that is what I wanted. I sat down on the cough and was bored by everything. There was a huge flash and Jack stood there. James was about to attack, but Jack stopped him. "Don't! I'm here as a friend!" He jelled and James froze and frowned. Jack walked to me. "Gideon needs you at the palace." Jack said. "Why?" I asked him. "Somebody made a crime and you don't wanna know who." He told me and I frowned. I looked at the rest. "Guys, I'll be back." I told them. "You only get her an hour."James told Jack, Jack rolled his eyes. I threw a pillow at James his head and disappeared through a portal. I was in the crowning room and people cheered when they saw me. I walked to my throne. I saw Gideon and he had red eyes and his face stood hurt. There was a chained girl in front of him and he didn't dare looking at her. I came closer and realized it was...Pricilla?! "Pricilla?!" I asked confused, Gideon noticed me and attacked me with a hug. I hugged him back. He lead me to our thrones and we sat down. "What's going on?" I asked him, he looked down. A man in a suit came to my side. "This woman, called Pricilla Long Bottom, has shared the bed than someone other than our king Gideon. There engaged, so that means she's his and she broke that. So that's a crime. The law says death at this case, but our grateful king has a big heart and bans her out of the empire of the Benders." The mad told the audience, who clapped. I gave Gideon a big hug and I fell a tear drop on my shoulder. Pricilla tried to attack me, but Gideon pushed her away from me. "Don't touch her!" He jelled at her and pulled me close to him. People began to scream that we should kill her. "Take her away!" Gideon told the guards. "It's your own fault! If you would have sex with me we would still be together! But you didn't want to, you say to keep it for marriage! But I know better, you're in love with her! In love!" Pricilla jelled and she came free from the guards and run to me. I gave her on punch and she laid on the ground, unconscious. People cheered for me and I laughed, it was pretty cool. The people started to leave and Gideon sat on his throne depressed. "Hey, I know the perfect recipe for a broken heart! Wanna come?" I asked him and he smiled at me. We went through a portal to the party. "A party is gonna help me?" Gideon asked me and I laughed. I took his hand and lead him to the kitchen, my friends followed me. I took some ice cream and have it to him. He looked at it and frowned but he still attacked. I was playing with his hair as he ate. He seemed to calm down. "What's wrong with him?" Juliet asked me. "Broken heart." I said and Gideon was attacked by Juliet, Charlotte and Taylor, hugging him. "You should party, that helps." Juliet said and took the ice cream away. I took his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. First he didn't want to but I got him lose. We were dancing like two idiots and he was smiling again. He spun me around and threw me in the air. A slow dance came up and we danced together. He spun me around and I spun back to his arms and I just enjoyed it. James was glaring at him and I couldn't care less. After the song it was again time for the dance. Alex said that Gideon could take his place, because he was hungry. I started with Gideon and we were giggling the whole time. He was tickling me and I was laughing, we didn't danced a lot. At the end of the song we did dance and our eyes locked, we giggled at the moment. The song stopped and James took me from him. I gave him one last wink. "Goodbye my love!" I joked in a British accent. "My darling!" He joked in a British accent. We giggled and I kept my eyes on him. I was dancing with James, but still. James sighed irritated and took my chin and brought my face to his. I stopped giggling and froze. "It's very inappropriate to give no attention to your dance partner." He joked and I rolled my eyes. He rested his hand on my cheek and I was holding my breath, waiting for the song to end. And it finally did, I walked to Grayson but James pulled me back in my arms. "Hey!" Grayson complained. "That's against the rules!" Korra said, she was dancing with Andrew. "My house, my rules!" James snapped at them. My eyes went to Gideon and Juliet, they were dancing around the room and he spun her around and caught her in his arms. I felt jealous, they looked so good together. James spun me around and caught me in his arms, I raised my eyebrows and he winked. He leaned me back in his arms and pulled me back up. He threw me in the air and caught me. I came down laughing and our eyes locked. He spun me around and pulled me back in his arms tight. "You smell delicious!" He told me and I smiled. "Thanks!" I said, the song was over and Gideon took me away from James, I giggled at him. "My darling, I missed you!" He told me in the same accent. "My love, my heart beats again now I'm with you!" I joked in the accent, we laughed. We danced like crazy again and the song was over. I walked to Andrew, but James caught me and dragged me to his room. "Don't go wild!" Juliet jelled at us, Korra glared and I was blushing. He opened his door and I went in. His room changed into a teenager room, the last time I was here was when I was 13. I saw a photo on his night stand, I remembered it. I walked to it and saw us when we were 13. We stood at cabin 3, smiling like idiots. My arm was around his torso and his arm around my shoulder. I smiled at the photo and turned around to bump into James. "Sorry." I said. "I don't mind." He said smirking, I slapped his shoulder playfully. "Why did you take me here?" I asked him, looking around. "I wanted to talk." He said. "About?" I asked looking at his books. "Us." He said and that got my attention. I sat next to him on the bed. "I thought that you would go for Gideon. You two looked so in love at the war. He was there for you and I thought I let you down. And I really did after those words to Korra." He said and stood up. "Why did I even say those words." He mumbled and his hand went through his hair. "Me and Gideon, don't have feelings for each other. And you could've asked me about it, before taking concoctions." I told him, he looked at me sad. "You know, you were my number one guy. But now I really don't know anymore. I'm being all nervous around you and you have the nerve to look dead gorgeous." I said and he laughed. "I could say the same." He told me dead serious and I blushed. "You look at me and my hearts beats faster and I get butterflies in my stomach. But then it all goes away, when I realize you're just a heartbreaker and I stupidly fell for you." I told him and he looked down hurt. "Don't you ever wonder that little Phoebe and little James would be angry at us for ruining our entire friendship?" I asked him and he chuckled.   "All the time, but they would realize that puberty is a cause." He told me. "How could we be the biggest friends ever and now be so far apart from each other?" I asked him. "I know you're standing there, but you're not really." I said. I moved to him and took his hands and looked into his eyes. "You're James Grace, the man, most popular guy on school, you have the most beautiful girl as your girlfriend and everybody wants to be you. So what do you see in me. I'm just Phoebe. I'm just not the girl for a relationship with you. I need someone less perfect. Someone as goofy as me and makes me me. I don't want to spend time to a guy, who only plays me around." I told him and he frowned. "Like you aren't perfect! You're a freaking queen! You're the most powerful person on earth! And you say that I'm too perfect for you?!" He asked me angry. "Indeed, being a queen doesn't make you perfect." I told him. "Look, I'm gonna confess something. I'm sick of both you and Jack. You both played me around and fought over me and I'm tired of that. I'm not an object." I told him and he laid his hand on my cheek. "I think it better if I see other people." I told him and he tensed. "Don't you dare!" He warned me and I stepped away from him. I run downstairs with him following me. "PHOEBE ZOË JACKSON! You stop right there!" He jelled at me, everybody came looking. I turned around angry. I pushed him. "How long did you think this was gonna last?! I'm not gonna wait for you my entire life?! I rather have somebody that doesn't let me WAIT!" I jelled at him, he went with his hand through his hair. "Drama..." Leo said, we both glared at him. "So you're just gonna look at other boys then?!" He asked me angry and I sighed irritated. "That what's MOVING ON called!" I jelled at him, he clenched his fist and then laughed I frowned. "Come on, Phoebe. Let's be honest, you're not the type that would date." He told me and I was furious. "Bad move..." Leo said. "I could GET ANY BOY I WANT!" I jelled at him and he shook his head laughing. "Yeah right." He said laughing. I was about to jump on him and kick his ass. But Gideon caught me. "Calm." He told me and I did. We were standing next to the food table and there was some soda. I took a bottle and went to James. "This is such a waste, you really look good today." I told him and poured the soda over his head, everybody gasped.  Gideon pulled me away from James, who was fuming. "I'm walking her home." Gideon said and we run outside with James chasing us. We were running, but James was too close. "Gideon, hold into me." I told him and he hugged me. A portal appeared and we went through it. We were in my living room and I jumped on the cough, letting out an angry sigh. Gideon laughed and sat next to me. "We both had a bad night." He told me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, do you know who I wanna see the most now?" I asked him. "Dylan?" He asked me and I nodded. "Well, let's get him over." Gideon said and I hugged him tight. We told Dylan to come over and he appeared with Anna. He gave me a bone crushing hug. "How was your journey?" He asked me and I told him. "Awesome, I wanna do that to." He said and I smiled at him. "Okay, now an important question. Founds some boys?" Anna asked me giggling and I giggled too. "No, some that were good had no teeth or were gay, had a stupid personality." I told her and she grimaced. Dylan and Gideon were laughing at me, I threw a pillow at their head. The doors went open and I saw my family coming in. "Dylan!" Andrew exclaimed and they bro hugged. "Happy Christmas, Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Jackson." Dylan said and he kissed moms palm and gave dad a handshake. "Such a gentleman!" Mom said and glared at dad. "Oh, guys. This are Taylor and Grayson. Some friends I made when I went on the journey." I told them. They greeted each other. We all sat in the living room, talking. "Did Phoebe invite you to the New Year party?" Mom asked Dylan, Anna and Gideon. "Yes, she did." Anna told her and my mom smiled at her. "Don't worry we 'old people' have another party." Dad said and we laughed. "No, but it is gonna be fun. But just keep an eye on Phoebe, she may or may not throw soda on somebody." Andrew said and I smirked. "On who?" Dylan asked laughing. "James." Gideon said and Dylan laughed harder. Mom slapped dad because he was laughing so hard. "What? Come on, wise girl. You have to say that was quite of funny." He told her and mom smiled. "Yeah." She said. After a while Dylan, Anna and Gideon went home and I went to bed...

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