Heart & Soul Forever (Book 3...

By NickNemiDemi

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PART 3 OF FOREVER SERIES: Demi Lovato & Nick Jonas have had a relationship like no other, as friends & as lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 10

8.8K 138 27
By NickNemiDemi


Almost a month after we got back together, Demi & I were hanging out at her apartment one evening. We hadn't spent a whole lot of time apart, since getting back together. We spent every night together, either at her place or mine. We were busy during the days, her working on promos for her new album & me working on our album with Paul & Phil. It was Thursday evening & the following week was my birthday. I didn't have birthday plans yet, but my brothers were on me about it. Birthdays were a big deal in my family. We always did something, even if it was just dinner with the family. As we got older, my parents didn't celebrate with us every year, but they called or we did something the next time they saw us.  

It was after 9 & Demi & I had been watching CSI & touching each other, while making out, when there was a knock on Demi's door. She went to answer it & came back with Marissa. Demi returned to her spot on the couch next to me & Marissa sat across from her on a chair, staring at us. 

"I'm stealing you Saturday night." Marissa said, looking at Demi. 

Demi laughed. "Um okay. For what?" 

"Friends night." Marissa smiled then looked at me. "NO boyfriends." she said, sharply.  

Demi looked at me with her forehead wrinkled. She reached for my hand. "Why can't Nick come?" She turned back to Marissa. 

Marissa sighed, leaning back in the chair. "I was talking to Joe today." 

"My brother?" I asked, surprised. 

Marissa nodded. "He is taking you out for your birthday Saturday night." 

"Since when are you & Joe so chummy?" Demi asked. 

"We have gotten close since your joint birthday party. I talk to Blanda all the time, too." 

Demi frowned. "Hmm. Well, I want to go with them, Saturday." 

Marissa shook her head, sticking her lower lip out. "It's a guy thing. You can't go." 

Demi chuckled, nervously. "Why can't I go? Is he taking him to see strippers or something?" 

Marissa looked up at the ceiling, biting her lip. "I think so." 

Demi crossed her arms & sat back on the couch in a huff. I laughed at her. "Joe hasn't said anything to me." I put my arm around her & rubbed her shoulder, gently. 

"Joe & I think you have been spending too much time together & need some time apart." Marissa said in a cautious voice, squinting her eyes a little. 

Demi smacked her thighs. "What? We don't need time apart. We spend enough time apart. That is ridiculous." 

Marissa shrugged. "Joe's idea. He said to keep you occupied Saturday night. You won't be spending the night together." 

Demi looked at me, her eyes sad. "Is this okay with you?" 

I shrugged. "It's one night, baby." 

"It's strippers." Demi whined. 

I smiled as I leaned in & kissed her cheek. "And we're not allowed to touch." 

Her head snapped to look at me. "And if you were...." Her face twisted into a look of disgust. 

"Nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you." I kissed her pouting mouth. 

Marissa clapped. "Now we have to plan something fun for us to do. We're inviting Matthew & Michael & Steph & Chelle & anyone else who wants to come." 

"I don't drink or like to party. How much fun can we have?" 

"Let's go see a male revue." Marissa grinned, leaning forward. 

Demi smiled. A little too big for my comfort. "Hmm. That could be fun." 

I cleared my throat. "I'm not sure I like this." 

Marissa & Demi both busted out laughing. "It's like the night before your wedding." Marissa snickered. 

Demi & I looked at each other & I smiled. "Now when we do get married, how will we celebrate our bachelorhood?" I asked her. 

She shrugged her shoulders, giggling. "We'll figure out something. Besides, we aren't getting married anytime soon." 

"No?" I leaned away from her, eyebrows upward.  

"Well you haven't asked me yet, soooooo...." 

I nodded. "You're right. I haven't asked. Maybe one of the males at the revue will propose." I winked at her. 

"Maybe." she teased.  

That night, I was in bed, about to fall asleep, when Demi sighed, loudly, beside me. She was lying on her side, facing me, her head resting on my arm as I laid on my back. "Nick?" Demi whispered. "Are you awake?" 

"Mmm Hmmm." was my response. 

"I really don't want you to go see strippers." Her fingers, gently, rubbed my stomach. 

I sighed, laughing & rolled over to face her, putting my hand on her waist. "You really think you need to be worried?" I mumbled, my eyes closed. 

"It's not that I'm worried that you would cheat on me or something. I know you wouldn't. I just don't want them to touch you. You're mine."  

I laughed a little louder, not opening my eyes. "And you're adorable." 

"Nick. I am serious." Her tone was severe, so I opened my eyes. The room was dark, but light coming through her window lit up her face a little. 

"Baby, I'm an actor. I'm going to have people touching me at some point. It's unavoidable." I smiled at her before kissing her lips & closing my eyes again. 

Sighing loudly, Demi rolled onto her back, making my hand land on her stomach. Her hand went over mine & she stroked it softly. "I don't know why I feel this way. I hate that I have these irrational thoughts sometimes." She grumbled. 

I kissed her shoulder. "It's okay, love." 

"It's not okay. I know that I can't expect that you won't ever be touched by another woman ever in your life. You're a heartthrob for God's sake, a rock star, an actor & a celebrity. You're being touched by random women every day." She was rambling now. "But the thought of you seeing strippers makes me sick." 

I couldn't help but to smile. "Why?"  

"I can't explain it. I have no idea. It just does. I hear nasty things about those kind of places. They're seedy & sleazy" She sighed again. I opened my eyes again to see her turn her head toward me. "I guess I'm very territorial. I don't want you in a place like that." She was smiling & looked adorable. I kissed her mouth, soft at first, then more passionate. 

"Joe has a more reputable place for us to go to, so there's nothing to worry about. As for the touching, I promise you, I won't do anything that you wouldn't do to those guys."  

Demi laughed, softly, then was straddling me before I could say anything else. "Let me show you what I won't do to those guys." she said in a sexy voice. She kissed my chest, working her way down my stomach, while her hands pulled my boxers down. I moaned from anticipation as she licked & kissed my erection before putting it all the way in her mouth. It didn't take long to let go completely & I writhed on the bed as she lapped up all of my juices. Demi laid her body on top of me, leaning her cheek on my shoulder & letting out a quiet sigh. 

"Marking my territory." she whispered & I laughed. 

"You can mark it any time you want." My fingers from one hand stroked her hair, while my other hand gently rubbed her arm. "I am yours, baby. Forever, remember? Heart & soul forever." I murmured before dozing off.

Saturday arrived & Marissa & Joe kept their vow to separate me & Demi for a while. Joe picked me up from my place in the evening, but Marissa had whisked Demi off that morning for girly stuff. Joe & I met a bunch of our friends at a popular restaurant in L.A. Some of the guys I hadn't seen in a while, so it was nice to hang out with them again. I did miss my friends & now that we're all getting older & getting wives or starting families, it was hard to get together. 

We had a great time at dinner & afterwards we headed to the gentlemen's club for the stars. It was in a nicer part of town & was beefed up with security. In fact, the security was so good, they didn't allow paparazzi within ten feet of the place. The entrance was secluded & private, so it was hard to get photos. 

Joe had rented a private room & we had ten girls all entertaining all twelve of us. Joe explained to the girls that I was the birthday boy & deserved special attention. I wish he hadn't done that because the girls didn't leave me alone. I was given drink after drink until I felt like I would pass out. I had four girls on me at once, from what I remembered. One was on my lap, grinding, while two were on either side of me, running their fingers over my head & blowing in my ear. The fourth one was massaging my neck & shoulders when she could get to them. Joe was laughing & snapping photos & I felt helpless. 

At one point, I pushed the girls off of me, telling them I needed a break. They moved onto the other guys for a bit, thankfully. Joe was sitting next to me on the sofa, smiling. "Having fun?" He asked. 

"Yea. Good times. I think I need to get home. I am really drunk." I didn't sound like I was making sense but Joe understood me. 

He leaned toward me. "Demi isn't at your place."  

"I know. I need my bed. I am drunk dude. My head is spinning." I didn't like this feeling. I had been drunk before, but this was way too much. I felt like I wouldn't be able to control myself with anything. I almost felt like I couldn't function. My vision was blurry & my face felt numb. 

"You need to have fun." Joe insisted. 

I nodded, slowly. A fifth girl came over & lifted my head to look at her. She looked good from what I could tell. She was blond & had huge boobs. Her hands were all over my face & in my hair & I couldn't even push her off of me. I felt her climb onto my lap & I know I was aroused but I don't think I was hard. I felt so funny. This was different than being drunk. I was starting to think I ingested something other than alcohol. I felt like I was on something. I never had been before, but from what I have read or listened to how people described being on drugs, I felt like this is what it would feel like. This girl was rubbing her half naked self on my crotch & I wasn't hard. I knew I loved Demi, but Jesus, I was still an almost 23 year old guy. Something was wrong. I could feel it, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was almost to the point where I couldn't speak.  

I tried to focus my eyes. It took a lot of energy, but finally I did. I smiled up at the girl. I think I was smiling because I was finally focusing & not necessarily at her. I saw Joe next to me, looking up at her. He was smiling at her. I knew that for sure. The stripper started kissing my face & neck. Joe was laughing. This girls hands started stroking my chest & then her hands gripped my shoulders & she leaned back, pushing herself into my crotch. After a few moments of grinding herself onto my member, she stood a little, putting her breasts in my face. She wrapped her arms around my head & brought it to her chest, nearly smothering me. I laughed thinking this would be a hilarious way to die. I envisioned the headline, "Nick Jonas smothered to death in a strippers size double F tits." She sat back down on my lap, moving her hips in a circular motion over my zipper. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face over the blond stripper's shoulder. Was I dreaming? Was I really seeing Demi right now? I didn't think I was dreaming because she looked mad. The music wasn't too loud, but loud enough that I couldn't hear voices a few feet from me. I saw Marissa standing next to Demi, her mouth hanging open. Joe had stood up & was facing Demi, a few inches from her. They were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Demi's face was angry & it looked like she was yelling at him. Joe had his head cocked to one side & from this angle it looked like he was smirking.  

I felt the stripper's lips on mine. Why was she kissing me? They weren't allowed to do that. Was it because it's my birthday & I got special treatment? I heard Demi's voice, "Kissing him? Really, Joe?" she was screaming.  

The blond stripper had her hands on either side of my face & was now shaking her chest in front of me, blocking my view of Demi. It was only for a second or so before the blond stripper was pulled off of me & thrown onto the floor & then Demi was standing over me, glaring. 

I looked up at Demi, or at least it looked like Demi. My eyes weren't focused anymore. I could hear her talking. "Nick, your hands were all over her ass. And you let her kiss you?" I didn't remember my hands on her ass. I can't control my hands so I had no idea where they were. I couldn't stop her from kissing me. I don't remember kissing her back. I started laughing because I couldn't help it. I wasn't sure what was funny, but my chuckles were coming out & Demi got even more mad. "Is this funny?" she screamed at me. My head fell to my chest, feeling like it was suddenly made of cement. Demi sat next to me, trying to get me to look at her. "Nick!" she held my chin in her fingers & lifted my face. I don't know what she saw, but she freaked out. "Nick! Oh my God, Joe, look at him. He's sweating like a pig. His pupils are two different sizes." Demi's voice was panicked. "He can barely hold his head up. How many drinks did he have? When did he eat last? Has he checked his sugar lately? Did someone give him something?" Demi was holding my head & I could feel Joe beside me. My eyes were closed. I couldn't open them. I tried & failed. The music & voices around me started to sound funny, like I was in a tunnel or a tube. It felt like my body was shaking from being cold. "Joe, call 911. He's shaking & not opening his eyes." Demi sounded hysterical. 

Joe's voice was fearful. "I need an ambulance. My brother is drunk & diabetic & he's incoherent." I wasn't incoherent, I just can't communicate to you. I felt like I was in a dream.

I heard Demi's sobs as she held my head against her. "Please God, please let him be okay." I felt Demi's lips on my forehead. "Nick, I love you. Do you hear me?" I wanted to tell her I heard her, but I couldn't speak. I tried to nod my head & nothing happened. "I love you, so much. You need to hang in there. We're going to get you to the hospital. They're going to help you." Demi was crying so hard, I could barely make out her words. I felt light slaps on my cheek. With every smack I felt a surge of energy & I opened my eyes, slightly, to see Demi's face, tear stained, staring down at me. "Nick! Joe, his eyes are open. Nick, can you hear me?" I gave Demi a faint smile. I heard Demi scream my name just before everything went black.

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