Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 21: Doubt

41 0 1
By pknelson1

Chapter 21: Doubt

"The best way out is always through."

~Robert Frost


I found it hard to keep my hands to myself.

Leaning over the sink I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that Wes had called the front desk for. He sat on the bed, staring holes into the side of my head and stoking the fire that was inextinguishable inside me. I shut off the water and wiped my mouth on a towel.

"Seriously Wes, stop," I said and stood in front of him with my hands on my hips.

"You forget, a ghra, that I've seen inside your head -you don't want me to stop." He smirked, drawing me closer with his hands on my hips. I couldn't help it, my hands moved to rest on his shoulders.

"And I've seen inside yours. You're playing a dangerous game," I stated and repressed a shiver as Wes traced his fingers down my spine.

"I know what game I'm playing," Wes whispered as he leaned in and nipped at my ear.

I was putty in his hands and he knew it, smirking even as he kissed me. I couldn't help but drag my fingers through his hair, responding to the kiss. A banging at the door followed by Ronan yelling at us to hurry, jolted us out of the kiss.

"To be continued," Wes murmured pressing his lips to my forehead before going to the door.

"If you're lucky," I couldn't help but add, smiling wickedly.

"I am lucky." Wes winked and opened the door.

"Bridget and Gerald are here with clothes. Come get them with me," Ronan demanded and turned, expecting Wes to follow him.

Wes shook his head, grumbling about Ronan's demand but quickly pecked my cheek then was out the door, making me lock it behind him.

It wasn't like I could go anywhere, I was stuck in a bathrobe, my once beautiful dress sitting in a pile on the floor, muddy and torn. I returned to the bathroom, running my hands through my tangled hair. Giving up I returned to the main room, looking out the window to the street below. People moved past, going on with their daily lives. It was peaceful.

I people watched for a while before looking down towards the entrance to the hotel and watched as Bridget handed Wes some clothes then pulled out her phone. A look of surprise flashed across her features and she walked across the street, answering the call. Bridget glanced around her while speaking into the receiver then nodded and ended the call. Plastering a pleasant look on her face she strode back to the front of the hotel and continued to talk with Wes and Ronan. I lost sight of Wes as he entered back into the hotel but kept watching as Bridget spoke with my grandfather then pointed to a place across the street. He nodded and got back into the SUV they had brought. She glanced around her then walked across the street again and I watched until she turned a corner and I lost sight of her.

The door opened and Wes strode in, carrying a bag of clothes. He sat it on the bed then came over to stand next to me at the window.

"What are you looking at?"

"Bridget." I told him what happened then turned away from the window and looked for some clothes in the bag. I pulled out a sweater and jeans when Wes came back to me.

"I'm sure she is just getting some supplies or something," he said and pulled out some clothes.

"Yeah," I responded then went to the bathroom to change. I quickly got dressed, pulling my hair into a messy bun at the top of my head. Checking my reflection in the mirror I shut off the light and joined Wes sitting on the bed. He was already dressed and waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" He pulled me to my feet and I grabbed the now empty bag. We had thrown away our ruined formal wear, it was too muddied and destroyed to even try and repair.

We left the room and met up with the others in the lobby. I left Wes with his brother and Ronan and joined Grace and Mae who held out a cup of coffee to me.

"Thanks." I smiled and cupped the warm drink in my hand. It was way colder in Ireland than it was in Oregon and I found myself always cold.

"What a night," Grace said, sitting down on one of the couches. Mae and I followed her.

"I definitely wasn't expecting it to go like that," I said, watching as Wes joked with Kyle.

"And your poor dress!" Mae frowned.

I laughed, "That was the least of my worries but I'm still sad we couldn't fix it."

Wes made his way back over to me, Ronan and Kyle trailing behind him. Taking it as a sign that we were ready to go, I stood up and slipped my hand into Wes's and followed him outside to where Gerald was waiting with the car.

"All ready?" He asked and opened the back seat door.

"Yes, sir," Wes answered and I quickly climbed into the heat of the car.

The others followed suit and I looked to the front seat to see Bridget already occupying it. She turned around and smiled warmly at us, nothing making her seem suspicious. I was paranoid. It was Bridget, she was like a second mom to Wes. She wouldn't hurt us. Feeling reassured I buckled my seatbelt and leaned my head on Wes's shoulder, looking out the window.

We drove back the way we came in last night. I watched the scenery for a while but the late night caught up to me and soon my eyelids were drooping. With the gentle motion of the car and Wes's arm safe around my shoulders I fell asleep.

I was sucked into the Corridor and when I emerged, panting and doubled over, I was in a field of grass. It was overcast and the wind smelt of rain. The field was ringed with tall pine trees. A sharp pain in my abdomen had me doubling over, clutching my stomach. My head swirled, and I felt the same gravityless rushing sensation that usually came with travelling. Sweat broke out along my forehead and I panted. I stumbled forward, up the crest of a small hill. I fell to my knees at the top. My strength had left me at the sight that met my eyes.

Bodies were littered below me, mutilated and dead. A scream tore from my lips as I recognized the fallen men as soldiers of the resistance. Something tore in my chest, burning me alive. I clutched at my chest, rolling to my back as the sky finally wept. Coughing, I felt blood drip down my chin. I turned my head and another scream ripped from me. Wes was the lone figure lying on his back, blood oozing from a wound in his chest. My breathing matched his; barely filling my lungs with oxygen. I couldn't move. A force stilled my limbs, locking them and all I could do was scream and scream.

Lightning arched across the sky and thunder boomed. I jolted back into my body and wildly sat up and spun my head to my right, finding Wes right there, hand on my back. Slowly sound returned and I recognized the Wes's voice repeating my name. My heart was pounding and I breathed heavily. Wes's hand on my back was the only thing keeping me from going into a panic attack.

"You're safe, Adelle. You're safe." He was saying, brushing my hair back and turning my face to his. My heart rate slowed as I looked into his eyes.

"I was travelling, Wes. I travelled." My voice was a whisper of horror and disbelief.

"I know, love. I felt it." Wes was brushing his fingers across my cheeks and through my hair, trying to calm me. We were still driving but I felt my grandfather's eyes on me as he looked in the rearview mirror.

"What did you see?" Wes asked tentatively.

"I was in a field, there were pine trees surrounding it. I walked to a hill and below me was all of our soldiers and they were dead. Then it felt like was being stabbed in the stomach and I looked over and you were dying." I finished in a whisper and closed my eyes, trying to get rid of the images.

"Just because you saw it doesn't mean it will come true," Wes said, drawing me into his chest. "The future isn't definite."

I shook my head. "When I travelled the first time I saw us saying the Vows. When we said them yesterday, it was exactly the same."

"That was bound to happen though. That was definite. This is not." Wes tried his best to reassure me but I wouldn't be reassured.

The car fell quiet and I leaned against Wes, feeling our bond wrap around us. Everyone else except Gerald, Wes, and I, had fallen asleep. Ronan had Grace in his arms and Kyle had an arm stretched across the seat, fingers wrapped around Mae's. My back was to the window and although I was exhausted, I was too scared to fall asleep. I needed to get my gift under control.

In one moment it was silent. The next, Gerald was cursing and tires were squealing. I was thrown into the window, smacking my head on the glass. As the car righted itself I sat up only to have Wes throw an arm across my chest as we were t-boned between another car and the cement median. Then it was the sound of crunching metal and screaming. Wes had a hand on my shoulder and the window shattered. The door concaved, my shoulder cracked and I screamed. Pain flooded my body. Hands tugged at my seatbelt and I watched in a haze as two men wrestled open the passenger door and carried Bridget out. The other car was still smashed into ours but it was empty. An engine revved and a different car sped away, leaving us.

I turned my head, wincing as pain lanced down my neck and into my spine. Wes had blood running down the side of his face from a gash on his forehead. His pant leg was wet, the denim a dark crimson color. Something dripped into my eye and I wiped the back of my hand across it. My hand came back sticky with blood. Gerald was slumped over the steering wheel, eyes closed and blood running from his nose and over his lips, slicking the steering wheel. Every time I moved black dots swam in front of my eyes and my body protested. Something was aching in my chest, it was hard to breathe. My knee was numb.

Kyle was yelling and Mae was squirming out of the shattered window, leaving behind hand prints of red. Wes let go of my hand and I whimpered, the second sound to leave my mouth. I was stuck in the seat belt and Wes cursed. Everytime he tugged I tried not to cry out, something was broken but I didn't know what. It finally gave and he pulled me to the window, gritting his teeth, blood dripping from his jaw. I pushed myself up, using the arm that hurt less. Wes got through the window and lifted me out. We were on the grass next to the glass littered road. Breathing hurt, everything hurt. I tried not to move and a tear rolled down my cheek. Wes was helping Kyle and Kyle had this crazed look in his eyes, his focus was on Mae who stared down at her bloodied hands, the sun glinting off the glass shard that had buried themselves in her skin.

Then came Ronan who shoved an unconscious Grace into Wes's arms. Wes set her next to me and returned to help Ronan through the window. The car was smashed against the median and Gerald was still out. Kyle found his phone and quickly called someone at the estate. No one else could be involved. Not with our fast healing.

I stretched out an arm to smooth back Grace's hair but bit down on my lip as my shoulder and collarbone screamed in pain. Wes's head snapped to me and his eyes met my face, worry and fear battling for dominance. He knelt at my side, wincing.

"Wes," I gasped, reaching out my good arm to him. He took my hand and gently moved me into his lap. I shook, my fingers trembling. I was in shock. We all were.

"Someones on their way. We'll be okay," Wes murmured, pressing his lips to my hair. He was reassuring himself.

I didn't question who had done this. We all knew.

"This is enough! I'm done! We are going to war and we are taking down the Cumacht. I will not live in fear." Wes burst, hands tightening on my waist.

Ronan looked up from Grace and nodded, his mind on his unconscious Soulmate.

"What do you suggest we do then, Wes? Just go in there, guns blazing, and burn the whole thing to ashes?" Kyle yelled angrily, throwing out his hands.

"I'm sick of just sitting here! They're your subjects Kyle! Grow up and act like the bloody king you are!" Wes screamed back, setting me aside and standing.
"Quit acting like a child, Weston! I'm doing the best I can! I'm ruling blindly! Our father is dead and I have no one to guide me!"

And Wes deflated, his eyes drifting to his feet. My heart broke as his shoulders seemed to curl inward. Kyle stepped forward, closer to Wes. He bowed his head to Wes's, his hand on his shoulder.

"Wes, you need to trust me. We will end this, soon. But we aren't strong enough yet. I can't ask men to give up their lives to a losing war. When we fight I want us on top. I want us winning. Until then we have to trust each other. You're my brother, my family."

Wes embraced his brother, arms wrapping around him.

"I'm sorry," Wes whispered.

"You are forgiven." Kyle stepped back and pulled his phone from his pocket, looking at the screen then putting it his ear

Wes returned to me and sat down heavily at my side. His pant leg was stiff with blood and he winced when he stretched out his right leg.

"I'm sorry." He took my hand.

"Do not apologize," I murmured, watching him trace his fingers along the veins in my inner wrist.

I felt him trail his fingers up my arm, ghosting over the stinging cuts.

"They're almost healed," He whispered, following the path of his fingers with his lips. I suppressed a shiver, the frigid air cutting through my clothes.

Finally I turned to look at him. At his eyes that seemed to always capture me. I lifted my hand to run my own fingers along his cheek, lightly tracing over the slowly healing cuts.

"Promise me that when this is all over we will still be us," I said, my voice wobbling.

"Forever and always." Wes turned and pressed his lips to the palm of my hand.

I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes and tried not to shiver or think about the pain that pulsed in my arm or the sick feeling sitting in my chest.

"They're here, Wes." Kyle said and I opened my eyes to see another SUV pull up.

As soon as it came to a stop the passenger door flew open. Wes scooped me into his arms as a person with a mane of curly brown hair came bounding towards us, yelling my name at the top of her lungs.

"Abby?" I said, trying to wriggle my way out of Wes's arms. Reluctantly he let me go and I slid to my feet just as Abby collided with me, throwing her arms tight around me, making me flinch in pain.

"Adelle Montgomery, you are the worst friend in the world! But gosh I missed you!" She screamed into my ear and squeezed me tighter, making me see gasp for air and see stars. Wes stepped forward and push Abby away, pulling me to him.

"I missed you too," I said and grabbed her hand with my good one. "I'll fill you in on everything when we get back, but you have to start with how in the world you got here."

Asher Scott stepped up behind Abby and put a hand on her shoulder. Abby jumped but then relaxed, smiling up at Asher.

"No way," I breathed, a smile coming to my face.

"Way." Abby nodded and beamed, looking like she would burst from excitement.

"We need to get going, it's not safe in the open," Asher said, steering Abby towards the car.

Wes pushed me towards the car and after making sure I was in he went back and helped Asher and Kyle get my grandfather out of the smashed car. Gerald was still out but his nose had stopped bleeding and the gashes on his forehead were healing. Ronan had Grace cradled in his arms and was gazing down at her with the fearful and helpless look. Asher and Kyle got Gerald out and carried him to the back of the car. Wes limped over to Ronan and clasped his shoulder, speaking to him. Ronan shook his head but stood, holding Grace tight to his chest.

Asher had laid down the third row seats so the back of the SUV was an open space and Mae was back there helping my grandfather. Ronan and Wes got to the car and Roan climbed into the back with Grace. Kyle jumped in next to me with Wes getting in on my other side. As soon as we started driving, Abby turned around.

"Okay, tell me everything."

"Nope, I need to know how you got here and how you met Asher." I leaned against Wes. I felt a headache coming on and was achy all over.

"Fine." She was a silent for a second. "So about three and a half weeks ago you wouldn't answer your phone so I waited a couple days then went over to your house. The front window was boarded up and a black SUV was sitting in the driveway. So me being dumb I knocked on the front door and Asher answered. I kinda freaked out cause he grabbed me and started hugging me," She threw a look at Asher who just grinned, an adoring look in his eyes. "Then asked who I was and after a lot of explaining he finally believed that I was your best friend. So he told what was going on and then I kind of freaked out again and then he dropped the bomb that we were Soulmates and I maybe ran out of the house and hid in my bed for the next four days until I ended up making myself sick so I dragged my sorry butt back to your house and then the next thing you know we landed here only to find out that you were in a car accident!" She finally stopped and caught her breath.

"Wow," I managed, my mind thinking over everything. "My parents-" I started but Abby cut me off.

"I know everything and I helped get your parents over here so we could hold a small funeral. Your house was cleaned up and my mom thinks your parents were in a car accident and your staying here with family and I'm visiting you."

I was shell shocked. Just when I thought I had somewhat healed from my parents deaths, the wound was reopened and I was drowned by grief.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Abby stretched out a hand and squeezed my fingers. She had brought back a semblance of home. Familiarity. And it was just then when I realized how homesick I actually was. My eyes burned, my lip wobbled and I turned my head into Wes's shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt him run his hand over my hair and down my back. Again and again as I held back tears, tired of crying but unable to stop as my heart got one hit after another.

It was an hour drive back to the estate and half way there Grace had woken up and Ronan had tears of relief streaking his cheeks. The car was quiet except for Grace's soft reassurances to Ronan. Wes had told me that a few years ago Grace was in an accident and she had almost died. It explained Ronan's fierce protectiveness over her and why Grace being unconscious brought him to his knees. The rain from last night had brought snow and strong winds had it sweeping across the road, the once green hills snow covered and glittering.

Finally we made it back to the estate and after everyone got out Wes rushed me into our room, the doctor meeting us there, black bag in hand. Wes sat me down on the bed and informed the doctor of what was wrong, completely ignoring the fact that he could barely put weight on his right leg.

After doing a general scan of my body, Dr. Byre declared me of a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder. My collarbone was trying to heal, the bones fusing slowly but misaligned, meaning it would need to be rebroken and then set. My eyes flashed to Wes's, fear taking hold of my body. My hands went clammy and cold, shaking.

"We can do this in the infirmary, if you would like to meet me down there." He gathered his things then left.

"Wes-" I started.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay. I'll be there the whole time. He'll put you out so you don't feel anything."

I nodded, gripping his hand. "Your leg..."

"Will be okay. It's just a bad sprain. You took the brunt of the impact." He stood and began gathering a few things from around the room. I watched as he grabbed a pair of my leggings, one of his shirts and put them in a bag.

Taking my hand he led me out the door and we walked down to the small infirmary on the other side of the large house. We entered through the double doors and a nurse was quick to lead us to one of the private rooms. With a smile she opened the door then left us in the company of Dr. Byre. He turned to greet us then handed me a hospital gown and directed me to a small bathroom off to the side. I quickly changed into the loose gown and once I entered back into the main room, Dr. Byre had me lay down on the raised table. Wes sat in a chair on my left side, hand wrapped around my own.

"So I'm going to give you an IV to make sure you don't feel any pain and fall asleep."

I turned my head away from the needle he was holding and looked up at Wes. He smiled gently and brought up his other hand to cup my cheek. I bit my lip as I felt the needle pierce my skin and Wes's jaw clenched slightly. After a moment I felt a warm fluid enter my bloodstream and within minutes my vision grew hazy and my eyelids became too heavy. I weakly squeezed Wes's hand then fell asleep.


Dr. Byre finished fixing Adelle and now she slept soundly, drugged with painkillers and heavy sleep aids.

"Weston, your leg is more than sprained," Dr. Byre said and I looked down to where he sat, prodding at my right leg.

"I know, I didn't want Adelle to worry."

"Well your knee is dislocated and shrapnel from the door concaving shredded your calf." The doctor looked regretful as he informed me.

"How long will it take to heal?" I ran a hand down my face, exhaustion weighing on my shoulders.

"Once I set your knee, fish out the metal pieces from your leg, and bandage it all up I say about two days, three at most." He moved and began gathering supplies.

"And Adelle?"

"Only two," He said and turned back to me. "Okay, I'm going to count down from three, at one I'm resetting your knee."

Dr. Byre gripped my ankle and calf then counted down but at two he jerked my leg up and my knee slid back to its original place. I gritted my teeth and breathed out a low scream.

"You said one," I grunted.

"This is less painful." He shrugged then propped my sore leg up on the table. My body tensed in pain as I saw him pull out a large pair of tweezers.

"If I don't get out the metal pieces your skin will heal right over it and it'll be ten times worse to fix."

"Fine, get on with it,"

After a half hour of me jumping and twitching in pain my leg was bandaged back up and I was sitting in a chair next to Adelle's bed. I was just nodding off, my chin falling to my chest, when I was jostled by Kyle's hand on my shoulder.

"We have a problem," He stated.

"Of course we do." I tilted my head back to look at him. "What's the problem?"

"Bridget is gone, they took her."

The image of the two men hauling Bridget out of the car came back to me and I swore, running a frustrated hand through my hair.

"Do we have any leads? Any idea where they took her and why?"

"We have a few ideas but I don't want to talk here, too many ears and I don't want this getting out. Rumors."

"Okay, hand me those crutches and we'll go to your office." I leaned over and brushed my lips across Adelle's forehead. She would be out for the rest of the day and well into the night and I trusted Dr. Byre to keep her safe.

With Kyle's help I got up from the chair and had the crutches under my arms. Slowly we reached his office and I collapsed onto the couch pressed against the wall.

"Alright, talk."

"Well we think she was taken as a ploy to get us to declare war. She's the bartering piece," Kyle said.

"But why Bridget? Why not Mae or Adelle? That would be smarter." I leaned my head against the back of the couch.

"That's where I draw a blank. I have no idea. Other than using her as bait, I see no other option." Kyle blew out a long breath, leaning back in his chair. He seemed older, lines on his face showing stress. His body was thinner; his time with the Cumacht showed.

"What do you suggest we do?" I ventured.

"I have no idea. We aren't ready for war, but we can't leave her." Kyle shook his head and stared at the floor.

"How many men do we have?" I asked.

"About 10,000 to 15,000."

"And the Cumacht?" I braced myself.

"25,000 to 50,000." Kyle slid down further in his chair, running an angry hand through his hair.

"Okay, then we recruit."

"We can't."

"Why?" I was getting agitated.

"Because we are losing men. Each day an average of three men are reported missing. Reports are stretching from Blackrock to Dublin, only in Ireland but I'm getting phone calls from the captain of a company I sent to Great Britain to keep an eye on things over there. He said that there has been Cumacht presence there but nothing overly suspicous."

"Great and I'm just learning of this now?"

"I didn't want to raise a lot of alarm, I had hoped it was only a trivial, everyday thing."

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. With a sigh, Kyle got up and went to answer it. We were met by a grim looking Gerald. His mouth was turned down in a stony expression.

"There's been a death. One of the scouts on the northern border was hit with a long distance arrow that had a note attached."

Kyle stepped back to his desk and grabbed his coat. "When was the body found?"

"Three hours ago. He was found by another scout and he transported the body back here."

I struggled to my feet and pulled my crutches under my arms. Gerald finally noticed me and a look of disapproval masked his features.

"Weston you look like you're about to fall over from exhaustion. Go back to Adelle and we'll come find you once we figure out what's going on."

I shook my head, "No."

With a resigned sigh he just shook his head and motioned for Kyle and I to follow him. We passed the infirmary and continued past the kitchen and to a room off the stables and training area. A small crowd of scouts and the Captain of the Guard was grouped around the body but as we walked into the room, they parted to reveal the body and a young woman hunched over it, crying hysterically. I could already see the signs of Time Travel decay on the body, his veins were darkening, the skin becoming thin and papery.

Kyle moved from my side and put a comforting hand on the woman's back. She stiffened and pulled away from him. She leaned heavily on the table that held her dead soulmate and a look of burning hate shone from her bloodshot eyes.

"You!" She pointed a shaking finger at Kyle. "My soulmate is dead because of you!" She screamed.

"I'm so sorry," Kyle whispered, shaking his head.

"Sorry won't bring him back to me!" She collapsed into heaving sobs on the chest of her dead soulmate and Kyle looked shell shocked and stricken. I wobbled forward, going over to the Captain of the Guard.

"The note?"

"Right here, sir." He handed me the piece of paper.

"He will have a burial fit of the highest guard and I want his soulmate taken care of like she was your own. Thank you." I turned and pulled on Kyle's arm. Gerald took his other side and we walked out of the grief heavy room.

Once we got out of earshot of the room I turned to Kyle.

"This was not your fault. He was a casualty of a war that we had no idea that started. You had no hand in that guard's death."

All he did was nod, a faraway look in his eyes. I looked to Gerald, "Take him to Mae."

After making sure Kyle was taken care off I made my way back to Adelle and once again slumped down in the chair beside her bed. I gripped her hand, being careful of the IV drip and rested my forehead on her shoulder. Exhaustion weighed down my eyelids but once again I was startled into consciousness and I looked up to see Gerald pulling up a chair.

"Do you still have the note?"

I rubbed a hand across my eyes and nodded, pulling out the piece of paper. I smoothed it out between us and lenaed over to read it.

"As of December fifteenth in the year of two thousand fifteen, the Cumacht, under control of Cain Kinghtly, declares war on the Time Travelling Community, under control of Kyle Payne. Be ready."

I looked up at Gerald then read the note again, hoping I read it wrong the first time. But I hadn't and now we were out of time. We were at war with the Cumacht.

Authors Note

Hello my lovely readers!!! So a lot happened in the chapter and poor Wes! The guy can't catch a break!! Things are about to go down in the next coming chapters so be prepared!! This is going to be a short author's note because I just want to get this chapter out to you guys! So moving on to the songs of this chapter we have "Million Years Ago" By Adele, "Breathe Into Me" By Marian Hill, "Lips" By Marian Hill, "This Is Gospel (Piano Version)" By Panic! At the Disco, "My Eyes" By the Lumineers, "Not Today" By Imagine Dragons, and lastly "Scars" By James Bay.


So we only have one Irish word:

. a Ghra = My heart


I think that is all for this chapter but thank you all for sticking with my story for this long and I'm excited but sad to say that Time Again is almost done!! Thank you all so much and please please please comment/ vote/ fan!! Your feedback means everything to me and I would love to hear what you guys think!! Love you all and until next time!!


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