x reader Harry Potter Oneshots

By wonkydonkey

428K 7.7K 5.1K

*ON HOLD!! READ MOST RECENT CHAPTER FOR MORE INFORMATION!!* Xreader harry potter one shots! I apologise in ad... More

Fred Weasley x reader
Draco x reader
Harry x reader
Draco x reader
Oliver wood x reader
Draco x Reader
George x reader
Fred x Reader
Neville x reader
Luna x reader
Draco x reader
Thank you!!!
Sirius x reader
Hermione x reader
Thank you and A/N please read
Ron x reader
Percy x reader
Ron x reader
James Potter x reader
Charlie Weasley x reader
I got tagged!
George x reader
Oliver Wood x reader
Fred x reader
Draco x reader
I'm sorry.

Teddy Lupin x reader

12.4K 221 139
By wonkydonkey

This part is dedicated to kim_the_best, I hope that you all enjoy, and please leave a comment on who you want me to do next.
Thank you! Xxx

(In this story, Dumbledore and Snape still work at the school, all positions are the same as if they never died and it was all like normal)

I rung the doorbell for the Potters household. Teddy, me, James, Albus and Lily were all having a sleepover together, it was going to be my first time sleeping over with them.

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and held tightly onto my wand, excited for the sleepover.

Mrs. Potter opened the door and smiled when she saw me.

"Good afternoon Mrs Potter! How are you today?" I asked her as I walked into the house.

"I am great thanks! And I already told you to call me Ginny! Mrs. Potter sounds so old and formal! The others are all upstairs in Lilly's room, call for me if you need anything!" She said, before walking into the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I call after her, before i ran up the stairs.

I went down the corridor and walked into Lilly's room.

When I walked in, they immediately stopped talking, I looked at them all suspiciously.

I turned and saw Teddy, he was bright red in the face, so I pretended not to notice.

"Hey guys!" I said, deciding to not question the events beforehand.

"Hey y/n!" Lily said, patting the spot next to her, motioning for me to sit there. I walked over to her and plopped my bag on the floor, and sat in front of it.

Albus and James kept looking between me and Teddy, and when they saw that I noticed what they were doing, they both burst out laughing.

I looked at Teddy, and I saw him glaring at them both, but when he saw me looking he went bright red.

"Did I miss something?" I whispered to Lily, looking at the others suspiciously. She just shrugged, giving me a grin. So that meant that I wasn't getting anything out of her then.

I sighed, hopefully I will find out later.

Soon we were all talking normally again, laughing and joking around.

"Remember the time that you got stuck up the tree y/n? And that Albus ended up getting a teacher to get you down!" James said, laughing.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, remembering what happened perfectly well.

"It was all your fault James! If you weren't chasing me, I wouldn't have climbed up there!" I said to him, glaring.

"But I was only chasing you because you refused to tell me who you liked!" He said, putting his hands up.

"And you never will find out!" I said, poking my tongue out at him.

"Wait, what happened?" Said Teddy, he wasn't there when this all happened.

"Well, I was minding my business in the common room when James comes along and starts bugging me! So I ran and he followed me, and the next thing I knew, I was hugging a tree branch, screaming at James to stop laughing, get off his butt and help me down! But Albus was walking not too far away and just heard screaming, so he went and told the nearest teacher he could find!" I explained. James burst out laughing, and Albus went bright red.

"I thought someone was in trouble!" He said, holding his hands up.

James smirked at me. "Well, Finish the story then!" I glared at him, I could see him trying to not laugh.

"As I said, Albus went to the nearest teacher he could find! But, he actually ran into a few teachers all together. He found....." I started, glaring at James for making me say this.

I looked at Teddy who was grinning.

"He found Professor Dumbledore, professor McGonagall, and..... and Professor Snape!" I said, absolutely mortified with what happened.

James burst out laughing, earning a glare from me, Lily glared at him too, but I could tell that she was trying really hard to not laugh. I heard a noise and I looked at Teddy who had his hand over his mouth and was bright red in the face.

"It's not that funny!" I said to them all, grumbling.

"Come on! What happened next?!?!!" Teddy said, excitement sparking in his eyes.

"Well, the teachers came running out with Albus in front of them. They came to the tree to see James stood in front of the tree, hunched over laughing, and me up the tree, hanging on for dear life!" I said to him, smiling a bit, knowing how stupid it must have looked.

"The teachers refused to use a magic spell for something that could be done like how the muggles would have done it!" I closed my eyes, trying to block the picture from my mind.

"Don't worry Teddy! We haven't gotten to the best part yet!" James said, laying on his stomach, holding his head up with his hands, grinning at me.

"Stop being such a Cheshire cat! It's creepy!" I said to him, poking my tongue out at him.

Lily walked into the room with popcorn. I didn't even know that she left!

"Lily!" I said, glaring at her.

"What? Things are about to get interesting so I need popcorn!" She said, grinning at me while sharing it with the others.

"Traitor!" I mumbled.

"Hey! Stop being such a drama queen and on with the show!" She said, grinning.

"Well, James was absolutely useless in the situation, because whenever he would calm down, he would look up at me again and start laughing all over again! Albus looked constipated because he didn't want to laugh and be rude! And I could see that Professor Dumbledore found it funny! So, because they wouldn't use magic and Dumbledore and McGonagall are both practically ancient, Snape was given the job of helping me down. He stood under the tree and held his arms out for me to jump into!" I said, I could tell that I was bright red in the face.

"Y/n, and now tell us what you thought was the right thing to do in the situation!" James said, grinning at me.

"Tell the stupid story yourself, seeing as you know it so well!" I said to him, hiding my face in my hands.

"Dinners ready!" We all heard a shout from downstairs. I sighed in relief, glad that I wouldn't have to finish my story.

"Great! Mum and dad would love to hear the rest of this story!" James said, grinning.

We all went downstairs and started to eat dinner.

"Well, may I continue your story y/n?" James said, grinning again. I swear, he grins so much that his cheek muscles must hurt so bad!

"You are going to tell it whether I let you or not!" I said, just looking at the food on my plate.

"Well then! Where were we? Ah yes! So Snape was stood underneath the tree and told her to jump, and oh! What a sight! Y/n looked as if she could have died right there! I believe that he'd exact words were 'I'd rather stay stuck in this tree forever than have your help!' and Snape looked shocked, because little y/n here is always polite and quiet around teachers! So, y/n saw that she had no other option than to jump into the black lake which the tree overhung! But, as Lily knows, y/n can't swim an inch. So, I being so heroic, jumped in and saved her!" James finished his story, I looked around the table and saw everyone trying to hold in their laughter.

"Hey! It was better than getting Snape's help!" I said, finishing my food.

Soon, everyone was done and we were all sent to bed. Ginny and Harry magicked up a blanket den for us and said goodnight to us.

We all went in and picked a spot each, we were laying in a line:
Albus, James, Teddy, Me, Lily

We all got into our PJ's and got into our sleeping bags. We all said goodnight before going to sleep. The only reason that we weren't staying up was because Harry and Ginny had promised to take us all to Diagonally if we went to bed, so we decided that we would.


I woke up in the night, sweating all over with tears running down my cbeeks. I had had another nightmare. I know that it may sound silly, but I sometimes get them, but forget what they were even about when I wake up.

I sat up and looked around, seeing that it was really dark, but I could still see though. I looked at all of the others, hoping that I hadn't woken any of them up.

They all seemed to be peaceful asleep, apart from Teddy who had sat up next to me.

"Hey! Are you okay? I heard you mumbling in your sleep and you sounded quite distressed!" Teddy said, worry lacing his tone.

"It's nothing! Dont worry! I am sorry that I woke you up!" I said to him, my voice sounding thick, making it obvious that I had been crying.

"It's all going to be okay!" He whispered, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around it and whimpered quietly into his shirt.

He stroked my hair, shushing me gently until I had calmed down. When I had calmed down we lay back down, but this time I lay in his arms.

I snuggled into the warmth of his body, breathing in his scent. My head rested on his chest, my arms around his neck. His one arm around my waist and the other one around my neck.

"Thank you Teddy!" I whispered to him, falling asleep.

"Anytime y/n! Anytime!" He whispered back, kissing my forehead, luckily not seeing the blush that dusted my cheeks.


A really long one for you guys! I hope that you don't mind! Oh well,too late now though!

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