Last Voyages

By TheBlondeAdventurer

157K 7.4K 3.6K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
I got challenged!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 16

3.5K 173 42
By TheBlondeAdventurer

"Light shines best against the dark. And the brightest lights cast the darkest shadows. So let's face it, I can't exist without you." -Harry

Bella's POV:

I held Layla tightly in my arms, stroking her hair as she slept on my chest. She fell asleep about thirty minutes ago after crying for so long about Harry getting taken away. When I finally told her that I had pleaded for his life and it was spared, she was finally able to calm down.

Phillipa told me what she actually did, and it blew my mind. I never would've thought she would orchestrate this type of scheme just to get Harry and I on better terms with one another.

I honestly didn't expect to act so rashly about it either. My own actions surprised me as well. As soon as I saw Harry go out of sight I became frantic. Layla was crying so much and it was all I could do just to get Wesly to let go of me and hold her tightly. 

I was basically begging Phillipa to not kill Harry. I was down on my knees begging her, face pressed against the ground in the lowest bow I'd ever given to anyone, and I didn't remember crying, but somewhere in that time period I apparently began to sob, because a short while after I began to beg I couldn't breathe and all I could feel was the wetness of my cheeks.

Now that I think about my actions, it's almost shameful to me. I was so quick to just throw myself down at someone's feet in order to beg for Harry's life...even after all he did to me. I don't know if that's pathetic on my part or if it just shows my strength.

Harry was taking this hard as well. Seeing him cry like that was something I could hardly bear. He was broken before me, just sobbing and holding himself together as if he were going to just shatter at any given moment. 

I wonder if this really changed him?

Either way, I'd get my answer soon enough. He's going to be joining us for dinner. It's going to be a little awkward, but I don't know what else to do. 

He may end up taking my offer of information for the band of rogues I found out about and just leave in a heartbeat. Although another part of me wishes so desperately that he would stay and that we could actually begin to start over from this. I don't know how it was possible, but after this...I believe anything is possible.


I look up at the sound of my name, seeing Shayla giving me a small smile. "You were really thinking. Sorry to interrupt your train of thought, but Phillipa is requesting us." she says and I blink a few times, processing her words before I nod, a smile forcing it's way on my face.

"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask and she scratches the back of her neck nervously. "Well...dinner." she says and my eyes widen.

"What?" I ask confused and she nods. "Well, we did get here around noon, since it takes awhile to get from the shore to the palace. And then hours went by with this fiasco,'s already past six." she explains and I put a hand on my forehead, careful not to wake Layla.

"That's right." I say tiredly, not realizing how much has happened in such a short amount of time. It all happened so quickly that I hadn't thought much time had gone by, but when Shayla laid it out for me it made me feel exhausted. 

"Layla?" I murmur, gently stirring my sleeping child, seeing her squint her eyes as she began to stir, slowly moving on my lap as her sleepy eyes looked up at me. "It's time for dinner sweetheart. We're all going to go eat." I say and she slowly nods her head, blinking a few times to process what I actually said.

"Is Daddy okay?" She asks and I slowly smile. "Of course. He'll be with us tonight." I answer and a sluggish smile comes to her face. "Good." she says and I hug her tight, setting her on her feet before I stood up, taking her hand in mine as I faced Shayla.

"Let's go." I say and she nods, turning to lead me towards the dining hall. We walked side by side, Layla in between us, slowly but surely waking up with each step she took. Of course Harry was okay...he didn't get hung. Although that didn't necessarily mean that he was okay. But for Layla's sake, he was okay and that's all she needed to know.

Honestly seeing Harry was going to be a little awkward. I had no idea what he was going to do about the information I told him. It was really all I could think about now that I knew he wasn't going to die. Was he going to stay here with us or was he going to leave?

Shaking my head to clear my mind, I take in a deep breath, letting it out as we reach the dining room. I open up the door for Layla, letting her go in first as I drop her hand, letting her run towards Edward and Elizabeth to sit by her cousins. 

Closing the door behind me, I slowly made my way over towards the table, where Queen Phillipa was sitting down, calmly sipping her tea as she stared at me. There was a small part of me that was slightly angry at her, but another part that wanted to thank her over and over again for what she did.

"I see you've calmed down. Layla too." she says with a small smirk and I let out a sigh, going over to her and sitting in the chair to her left, pushing myself in so that I was close to the table. "Yes." I say and she smiles.

"Good." she says and I frown slightly. "Harry will be joining us shortly." she continues and I give her a firm nod.

Layla looks over at her Aunt before smiling, seeming very happy to hear that Harry was coming soon. "What's taking him so long?" I ask curiously and Phillipa chuckles. "He had a small appointment before he was allowed to come here." she says with a grin and I raise an eyebrow confused. 

Appointment? What kind of appointment could he possibly have?

As if to answer my question, the doors opened and I looked over, seeing two guards walking through, Wesly in front of them, and behind the three escorts came Harry.

My eyes widened in shock at the sight of Harry. 

He was now clean, no dirt or grime anywhere or blood stains on his arms. He was dressed in actual clothes now...and his hair was cut.

Instead of his hair nearly being as long as mine, it was now to the nape of his neck, and it was actually somewhat tame compared to what it was before. It was a huge shock for me to see him like this so suddenly because I was almost growing accustomed to seeing him with his long hair, and now that it was all gone I didn't know how to handle it.

"Daddy!" Layla exclaims, jumping up from her chair and going over to Harry, hugging his legs without a second thought, as if he had never threatened to hurt her at all. He was stiff when she hugged him, but he slowly reached down a hand and patted her head, blinking a few times as he stared down at the child.

She looked up at him in surprise, not really expecting to get such a reaction from him. Honestly neither was I. I thought he would just push her off like he has been doing. "Hi." he says in a low voice and I sigh.

One step at a time, I suppose.

I stand up from my chair, unsure of what I was going to say or do, but I walked over towards Harry, rubbing my arm as I did. 

"Your hair looks...nice." I say uncomfortably, hoping he would take it as a compliment instead of just an awkward greeting, and he just scoffed. "Yeah right. Bastards cut it all off before I could even say anything." he growled and I smirk, seeing him pouting like a five year old. Seeing him like this really made it seem like nothing has changed...but then I'm back in reality and I know that everything has.

"Well you shouldn't complain. And don't use that language around Layla." I warn him and he opens his mouth to rebuke me, but he stops, letting out a huff as he looks down at Layla. "I guess you're right." he mutters and a smile comes to my face. 

"Thank you." I whisper and he just looks at me, nodding slowly before looking past me. I follow his gaze, seeing him looking at Phillipa, who had a small smile on her face. 

"Go ahead Layla." she says and I furrow my eyebrows down in confusion, looking from Phillipa down to my daughter, who had a huge grin on her face.

"Momma, since you and Daddy are talking again, you two need to really get back together!" she says and I take a step back startled, getting a clear look at my daughter as Harry just stared at her blankly, stepping back as well. "What?" he asks and she giggles.

"Since you've begun to make up, you should go ahead and go all out! You two should go on an adventure!" she exclaims and my eyes widen. "An adventure?" I ask and she nods. "You used to go together all the time, right Mommy? You and Daddy can do it again!" she says happily and I stare at her baffled.

"Layla, that's moving a bit too soon." I say exasperated and Harry just shakes his head. "I have a lot to think about and do, Layla. I can't just leave right now." he says, the words making me pause as I stare at him. He ignores the look I give him, but happiness swells in my heart from what he said.

"And besides I can't leave you." I say and Phillipa laughs. "I have a feeling you have people who would watch your devious little daughter." she says and I look at her confused. 

"Devious?" I ask and a smirk comes to Phillipa's face. "Your daughter is a very good actress, Bella." she says and I furrow my eyebrows down in confusion. "What do you mean?" I ask and Phillipa laughs, looking back at Layla.

"It was true that it was my plan to take Harry hostage to get you two to talk again, but without a little birdie telling me he was back I never would've gotten the chance to do it. She really is a lovely child, wanting to get her parents back together so fervently." she says and my mouth falls open.

Both Harry and I stare down at Layla, who was just smiling broadly at me. "I know I can be taken care of here safely. Plus I have Gramma. You two need to go on an adventure!" she says happily and Harry lets out a chuckle and I put a hand on my forehead.

"Played by our daughter yet again..." he mutters and I let out a small sigh, shaking my head. "I give up." I say, thoroughly impressed with the little scheme Phillipa and Layla set up. 

"You won't have to worry about anything. It'll be like a trial run. I'll have a ship prepared at the harbor as well as a small crew that has been put under orders to listen to the both of you, and you'll go away for a week or so, just to see if you can actually do this again." Phillipa says with a smile and my hand falls from my head, looking from her to Layla, who was literally beaming with happiness.

I looked over at Harry, trying to gauge his reaction, but he was just shaking his head. "You really are something, Phillipa." he mutters before letting out a sigh, looking over at me. "What do you say?" he asks and shock enters me at his willingness to do this with me. 

"Are you sure?" I ask and he shrugs. "Might as well try. If not then I'll just be on my way." he says a little distantly and I swallow, nodding my head. This wasn't going to be easy. I knew that. But if it was going to keep Harry and I together...

Then it was worth the try.

I forced a smile on my face, nodding my head again, this time more fervently and sure of myself. I turn to Harry, giving him a grin. If this failed, he'd be out of my life for good. But how can I say no when this is my only chance to get him back?

"Let's try it."

BOOOM. Sorry for not updating guys! I'm the literal worst. But I've been so swamped with college work and just work in general that I've had no time to do anything. But today I caught a break and my boss (bless her soul) said I didn't have to work today, hence the reason I am updating haha. 

I really hope you enjoy the chapter! I promise I'll try to update soon!!! Please let me know what you think about this, what you think is going to happen, and most importantly....


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