Speed ♡ | a.f.i

By Randomness20

3.4K 152 1.6K

In which his pureness was everything that drew her in like a magnet. Ashton fudging Irwin. + This is one of... More

Speed ♡
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136 4 112
By Randomness20

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"Benny stop being a little pain in the ass." A blonde girl that looked around my age told her little brother. We were currently in the airport waiting on the chairs sense our flight had been delayed. I was sitting in between Aiden and Ashton. It was weird because Aiden would touch my thigh on purpose and Ashton would just stare at me.

"She's kinda hot." Aiden says pointing at the blonde girl. I roll my eyes at that.

She was wearing a green flowy dress with some sandles while i was wearing a grey tight cropped sweater with a white skirt.

"What do you think?" Aiden asks Ash.
"Just an itty bitty little bit hot." Ashton says staring at me. I get up and go to one of the close by stands that has food. I grabbed three twix's and two skittles. As i was paying i could hear Aiden's and Ashton's conversation.
"You see that." I hear Aiden says.
"Katherina?" Ashton asks him.
"I was the first one that tapped that." I could basically see the smirk on Aiden's face even though my back was facing them.

"Men are pigs." A boy next to me says.
I looked at him. He had baby blue eyes, a blonde quiff, and a lip piercing. He was very tall. "But you're a man?" I say smiling. "I'm different... if you'd like to come find out why heres my number." He says handing me a piece of paper. "Katherin?" I look behind him and see that Calum was there. "Hi Calum."

"Wait a second you two know each other?" The blonde boy asks us. "Yeah she uh gave me a-" Calum says but i punch him on the stomach. "Advice." I say smirking."What kind of advice?" A black and white haired boy asks as he eats his pizza behind Calum.
"Professional girl advice." I say to him.
"The tall giraffe is Luke and the pizza eating boy with the crazy hair is Michael." Calum tells me.

"Katherina we have to go." Ashton says as he puts his arm around my waist.

What the fuck...

They did look like gods but i didn't see myself underneath them like i usually would've and i didn't know why.

"Call me." Luke and Calum say at the same time. "Bye guys." I say.

Ashton was now pulling me really roughly while carrying his and my luggage. "You're hurting me." I say smirking.

"Shut up."

"Okay... daddy." I say as i kiss his cheek. "Stop." He says as his grip tightens around my waist as we walked.

We were now on the plane. My seat was next to Ashton for the next twelve hours.

"I've never been on a plane." Ashton says. "Well you're here now." I tell him.

"What if it crashes... what if theres a bomb in here?"

"Shut up." I say as i place my lips on his.

"Okay." He says

"Okay." I say.

"I like the fault in our stars."

"So do i... now shut up." I say as i put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Suddenly i feel him kiss my head, causing me to feel all weird inside.

I wake up and see that Ashton was sleeping on my head. He looked so peacful. His hair was a mess but that made him look more... beautiful?

I lean in and place a soft kiss on his lips, i then get up and make my way towards the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror to see that my hair looked like a birds nest. "What the hell." I say to myself. I bend over the sink and i put some water on my face and suddenly i feel a hand on my butt. "W-what the fuck." I say as i turn and see Ashton. "I like your hair like that better." He says as he slams me onto the wall. "What are you doing in here?" I ask, my eyes widening. "I don't know... i can't control myself anymore." He says as he pins my hands above my head.


"Because i want you so fucking badly... just you." He says into my ear causing me to get goosebumps all over my body. "Please fuck me really hard until i can't walk anymore." I tell him in a whisper. "You want that?" He says as he slowly trails his lips slightly over my neck. "Yes... oh god yes." I moan out.

"Can you two hurry up?" A little girl says looking at us causing me to push Ashton off. "It's all yours." I tell her as me and Ashton walk out of there.

We get back to our seats without a word.

I was now stuck on this plane all horny and bothered thanks to Ashton fucking Irwin.

(; HI THERE....

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