Send me to sleep: Dan X reader

By mooster100025

94.7K 3.4K 4.4K

The sequel to 'wake me up: Dan X reader'. I suggest you read the first one if you haven't already as things w... More

Two years later
Jump into the fog
Jump into the fog: Part 2
Not like this
We're a secret
We're no secret
The way things used to be
I'm yours
Soz, I can't update for a while.
Your story, your decision.
10th January 2018
Joined in holy matrimony
Alone together
Upload schedule
In der zunkumft
They Don't know About us.
My heart did the same.
The house
We owe it to them
Open and Vulnerable
Dil and Tabitha
I made a big mistake.
I'm going to Promise...
Heart beats fast
Break me
You can get through this...
This dream we've been living
Already Home
It was home
A moon without stars
If I say no I'm lying
More than we bargained for
Iden and Willow
Let me bleed


1.7K 62 104
By mooster100025

February 10th

*Phil's POV*

I'm slowly adjusting to this, Dan and Y/N visit often and I think Timmy and I are forming an unbreakable friendship. The other day he fell over onto my lap and he nuzzled into my face, he's adorable.

Cat left last week, that was hard.

(Flash back, at teh airport, at teh 3rd February)

"Do you really have to go? I'll be lonely." I whined with a little frown.

"Yes Phil, I'm sorry but videos won't film themselves." She had her hands on her hips, god she's beautiful.

I found myself staring at her, she laughed, I blushed and looked at the ground in shame and embarrassment.

She walked a little closer and lifted my face to hers. We kissed gently before she strode away and left me standing in shock.

(Deh present, time)

We talk every day and skype whenever possible. I miss her so much. I didn't have the chance to ask her to be my girlfriend though, I don't want to ask her over the phone because it needs to be special.

*Your POV, first person*

I padded down the stairs and drew back the curtains in the lounge, Timmy, startled, jumped off the window sill. Walking into the kitchen I fed Timmy and got out the ingredients to make pancakes. Dan began to stir upstairs, a yawn enacted from our room. The frost began to subside and the green blades of grass collected drops of glassy, fresh dew.

"Morning babe." Dan yawned whilst embracing me from behind, his hands lingered over my stomach.

Excitement bubbled up inside me.

Tonight we're having some friends over for dinner, Phil's going to stay over too.

The sound of sizzling fat filled the room, the smell of the bacon radiated from the kitchen.

Dan yawned again, he shuffled towards the dinning table and his laptop. He began to scroll and type away in his happy little bubble.

I plated up the pancakes and bacon and sat with Dan, we ate and tweeted and tumbled together.

At 12pm the doorbell rang.

Zoe, Alfie, Joe and Caspar all pilled in. We hugged, laughed and caught up. In the lounge joe and Caspar sat with Timmy, entranced by his deep, emerald eyes. Zoe and Alfie showed each other instagram posts whilst me and Dan just huddled in the corner in our own world. We got lost in each others eyes.

Then Phil, Pj and Chris arrived. Pj sat with us while Phil and Chris awkwardly sat together and exchanged odd looks before distracting themselves with their phones.

"Phil and Chris? Yeah, it's weird. In the car they just sat there, in silence. It was very awkward." Pj explained.

"I can't tell whether or not something happened. Did they, have a thing?" I ask.

"Not that I know of. But then again, they've always been weird around each other, not like this though." Dan said.

"Chris has been really down too, ever since you two went to Japan." Pj pitched in.

You nodded along.

"Something's going on between them, I think something always has been." Dan said.

Your eyes widened at the thought.

Timmy pawed at Dan's knees, he really loved him. Dan cooed over him and placed him on his lap. Stroking him, Dan calmed down and his heart beat slowed to a content speed.

Pj was really giddy around Timmy, he would play with him and pet him and take pictures of him.

"You should get a cat." I said.

"Really? Sophie likes cats too." He shrugs as if surprised that we noticed his love for animals.

"Well I can't believe I managed life without Timothy! He just so.... ARGH! CUTE!" Dan laughed.

I rested my head on Dan's shoulder and stroked Timmy's soft fur.

As the pizzas were devoured silence fell upon the room. X factor hummed in the back ground.

"um, guys. I need to tell you something," I began, all eyes fell upon me," we're having a baby."

"We are?" Dan said wide eyed.

"Yeah!" I cried.

He gasped and hugged me tightly, we all started crying.

Phil stood up and hugged me. His warm breath upon my neck.

"Congratulations guys." He cried.

"I'm so excited!" Zoe said wafting her hands in excitement.

Everyone whistled and clapped, for the rest of the evening we discussed names, clothes, bedrooms and firsts.

We reflected on old times and good memories.

The night was peaceful and calm, no negativity. Only happiness and excitement shared with one another.

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