My Bloody Romance (Darkiplier...

By mygoldEntreasures

114K 3K 3.5K

I've been reading a lot of fanfics about Dark, and I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on all the fun... More

Whispers in the Dark
99 Red Balloons
Madness in Me
Little Talks (of Monsters and Men)
Die in a Fire
I Put a Spell on You
I See Things Nobody Else Sees
Another Way Out
Sims 4
Emily Wants To Play Yandere Simulator
Love Confirmed
ANother break
Googleiplier Saves the Day!! (And Destroys the World While He's At It) Part 1
The Blue (and Red) Button: Part 2
So, Who's Really In Control?...
Crybaby In Between Heathens
More Apologies
I'm sorry

****Instructions & Warnings***

2.1K 47 24
By mygoldEntreasures

(Before anything: yes, I drew the picture above. And yes, I know you wanted this part to be an X Reader, but this is important!!! Enjoy!)

*GoldEn slowly flutters her eyes open, waking up to the morning rays coming from her windows and warmly caressing her face. She slowly gets up and places her hands behind her, looking around her room in a confused look, wondering how did she manage to end up in her bed, and where did Dark gad gone off to. As her mind wakes up more, she suddenly realizes a slight weight on her neck. She placed a hand on her chest and grasps the heart necklace. Closes her eyes in remembrance.*
Right... The Box. This is the key to the box that contains Dark's humanity that is now in my brain...... Apparently. I just wish Wilford would've told me how to use it. *yawns* *stretches. Rubs her eyes. Looks at her bedside table and notices a fresh new purple notebook and pen neatly placed on it. Reaches over, takes it and opens to the 1st page. 1st page has a letter from Dark. Reads out loud*:
"My Dear,
        I hope that you have slept well, I give you this new notebook, seeing that you really enjoy writing, especially that specific fanfic of me and the reader, and seeing that you needed a new one. If you are wondering where I am; I had to drop you off 1st, cause I needed to go attend to some businesses with a certain pink mustached hypocrite that we very much all know. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come back tonight and help you with your book, so try your hardest to act like me, ok? Though knowing you, it will come as a challenge. But you can handle it, am I right?....
Do notify me if you see any signs of Emily. She could still be lurking around.....
As you humans say, I wish you luck (no, not really 😈). And I'll see you 3:00 am tomorrow.
~Darkiplier" *
Oh ok then... Better start writing!..... ~G
*Just then, bright pink cursive writing appears magically before GoldEn's eyes on the next page*
Oh! Must be from Wilford! ~G
*reads out loud*:
"Instructions and Warnings for the Box:

• Must make sure that you are completely alone. THIS IS UTTERLY IMPORTANT, DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!!!!!!
• Once you are sure that you are all alone, get a timer and set the time to 3 minutes only. Not any more, not any less.
• Once the timer is set, start it.
• After you started the timer, close your eyes, bow your head, take hold of the charm on your neck, and start to think of humanity, mainly love. Remember this though: any thoughts of humanity (or love) can vary to how Dark reacts to it.
• Stop all actions and let go of the charm when the timer stops. THIS IS EVEN MORE IMPORTANT!!!!! DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT BY ANY MEANS SKIP THIS STEP!!!!!
• Only do this procedure once. You may do it again when the effects wear off completely.

• There may be side effects, so stay alert and on your toes for anything.
• DO NOT LET DARK HAVE TOO MUCH HUMANITY!!!!! It is uncertain what could happen if he receives too much. Possible theories are:
— Turns to human clone of Mark.
— Dies.
— Throws the balance of all Iplier's personalities and who we are/how we were made by not being the evil/bad demon of the family.
• DO NOT let Dark know anything about this. If he were to learn the truth, possible theories that could happen to you are:
— He will kill us both.
— Will split your head open to retrieve the box and let you die slowly while locking me up in a dark dungeon in Hell for all eternity.
— Turns you to be his slave.
— Turns you completely evil.
— Takes you to Hell alive and torments you for all eternity."

*is in disbelief*~G

"..... And if such things were to happen...... If you feel afraid..... Or just simply need a friend.... Just call out my name, an I shall be there ASAP.
    I "pinkie" promise 😊.
                      ~Wilford Warfstache"
*is done reading*
My, that's uhm...... I don't have the words........ I think it's best if I do it now. I must 1st inform my readers some of this new info, though..... ~G
~le time skip brought to you by Tiny Box Grim! ~
(Go read the message on my profile!!!)
..... And..... Send. *click* Phew. It is done. Let's do this. *Follows the instructions word by word. When done, logs off of Wattpad, the computer, and then rips the page of the information that Wilford gave her and locks it up in her pink treasure chest where she keeps all her jewelry and valuables safe. Sits down after that and gives off a worried sigh* There.... Hope that worked..... And that I DIDN'T MESS UP!!!!!! 😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😣😳 ~G
Yes. It is done...... We're fudged. 🍫🍫
But thank you guys so much for all the support. You are all so very wonderful! Also thank you for all of you guys fun comments!! They always crack me up while others are just so awesome or sweet. I love you all so dearly. And lastly, thank you so much for 33.1K reads! See you in the next part, my goldEn treasures!! Stay GoldEn! 💛 *blows kiss* *winks*

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