More Apologies

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Hey... Man I don't know what to say... ~G
How about starting with explaining why you haven't written for so long? That'll probably lower their anger. ~D
*sighs* Ok... So for the past few months (I have no darn clue how long its been) I have been SO busy! Like for starters, I've been trying to get a job, which is hard for a lot of people, including me, cause of waiting to get hired. Then, it's trying to learn how to drive when it's your senior year and you could have done this way earlier but your parents decide, "Nah, she don't need it now." Next, I'm not doing so great with a lot of classes, mainly my biggest enemy, MATH!! I detest math to the very bottom of my soul. Yes, I understand that we need math every day in our lives, but still that does not change my opinion!! ~G
You're getting off track here, sunshine... ~D
*blushes* Sorry... Well there's that, so then I'm rushing to get my grades up so I can GRADUATE, I'm still freaking out over what do I want to be after high school, have to be an ADULT, which is something I doubt I'll be good at. ~G
Barely anyone out there is good at it, I promise. ~D
*snorts out a giggle* But yeah... There's more, but I'm definitely sure you may get bored to death if I continue on... Overall, I've been extremely busy... But it doesn't mean that I don't think about this book... Or about you guys. Yes, all of you, all that still read Dark's and mine's book, which technically is YOUR book too! ~G
Hey! Seriously, GoldEn?! You give them credit too?! They're not the ones that busted their brains till it turned to much trying to come up with any of this stuff! ~D
Well, actually, a couple did. And I'm an angel of my word; I will acknowledge all of you whom gave me ideas along the way in my book once it is all finished. But aside from those people, the reason it's YOUR book, my goldEn nuggets of treasure, is because you guys gave me the drive to push myself to keep this up... Your comments, likes, reads, posts on my account's wall; whatever you do in this book or associated by it, that's what makes it yours. I read your comments every time I'm notified, and it makes me smile so much how you all enjoy all of my weird jokes. Like seriously, I wasn't even trying to be funny and most of you just laugh your butts off! :D But anyways, I'm sorry for not taking the time to talk to you guys and letting you know what's going on, or celebrating each milestone of how big this book got, which by the way, I really never thought it would have gotten this far... If you're still reading this, thanks for putting up with me and still sticking with me.. I shall keep accepting any more ideas on what to write on this book, along with songs. Please, though, keep commenting. I could really use some words of encouragement from you guys... ~G
Alright I thinks that's enough... We need to sleep, GoldEn. ~D
Ok. Well. See you, my goldEn nuggets! Stay GOLDEN!! 😘~G

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