Supernatural Imagines

By FanFicWarrior

6.6K 125 5

Just your typical supernatural preferences and reader inserts. I'll take requests, and I'll post any you have... More

Saved and Save
Who gets the Bed (Dean)
Nightmare (Sam)
New Pet (Castiel)
Vamp Attack (Dean)
Save Me (Sam)
Part Angel (Castiel)
Torture (Dean)
Flashback (Sam)
Black Eyed Bitch (Sam)
Characters (Dean)
Not Good Enough (Sam)
Loved From Afar (Michael)
Stalker (Cas)
Flirt (Dean)
Sammy Dies (Sam)
Ex (Dean)
Fighting Demons (Cas)
Cage Keeper (Adam)
Never Have I Ever (Dean)
Catcalled (Cas)
Unrequited Love (Sam)
Back From Hell (Dean)
Back in Time
Secret Admirer (Gabriel)
Saved by the Dean (Dean)
Braids (Sam)
Wings of Protection (Cas)
God's Sister
Tattoo (Sam)
Telling It How It Is (Dean)

Not So Different (Sam)

104 2 0
By FanFicWarrior

Once you stepped out of the taxi you looked at your father's junkyard. It had been nearly five years since you had last seen your father, and you had no idea why you were back, you just had a feeling you had to see him.

Walking down the dirt path you passed by a bunch of run down cars, well that was until you saw a beautiful looking black Chevy Impala, and for some reason the car seemed to be familiar but you couldn't pin point it.

Finally you saw the house you grew up in. It was just as sad looking as you remembered. Ever since your mother had died the house had started to go to shambles. You always resented your father for making you grow up hunting monsters, that was until a couple of days ago.

Walking up the steps you sighed and raised your fist, and with one last breath you knocked. Your feet tapped on the porch until the door swung open, but instead of seeing your father, you saw a tall muscular handsome shaggy haired man. Just like the impala, his eyes seemed familiar.

"Hello?" He said breaking you from you daze.

"Uh, yes, is Bobby Singer here?" You asked not breaking from his gaze

"Are you a hunter?" He asked.

"Not exactly." You admitted.

"Sam who is it?!" You perked up hearing you father's voice. He appeared behind Sam, and as soon as he met your eyes he froze. "Y/N." He said in whisper.

With a smile, you shrugged. "Hi, Dad." He pushed past Sam and pulled you into a hug, and you could feel him shaking like he was crying. He stroked your back, and not letting go.

Finally another man showed up in your sight, and he was tall just not nearly as tall as the Sam, and he was just as attractive as Sam. "Bobby who is it?"

Your Dad pulled back and tears were brimming his eyes as he stroked your cheek. "Sam, Dean, meet Y/N, my daughter." He said.

"Wait Y/N/N?" Dean said.

"Sam and Dean Winchester?" You said remembering the names now. That's when you started remembering back to when you were little and you playing with little Sammy while Dean watched over you. But the men in front of you looked nothing like they did back then.

Bobby pulled you into the house, and you looked around to see it a mess. Books were everywhere, weapons scattered, and it looked like it hadn't been dusted in years. "You can definitely tell this is a Hunter's house." You said as the door shut behind you.

"No offense, Y/N, but..." You turned to see your Dad holding a shot glass of water.

"I'm not a demon." You said, but you knew he wouldn't let up, so you took the shot glass and downed it and handed it back. "Satisfied?" But in his other hand he held a silver blade. "I'm not a skin changer either." But you took the knife and cut a thin line on your arm. "We good now?"

Your Dad took the knife and pulled you into another hug. "Why are you here?" You started to shake because you started to remember what brought you here in the first place. Your Dad pulled back and looked into your scared face. "Sweetheart, what is it?"

"Daddy," You said in a near whisper. "Something's after me, I think it's demons."


As soon as you told your Dad that he instantly pulled you downstairs, into the basement, and he put you in some sort of bunker that was impregnable by any monster, even demons.

"You can't go alone?" You said as your Dad finished asking you questions. "They'll kill you!"

"He's not going alone, sweetheart." Dean said. However, your Dad glared at Dean, probably for calling you sweetheart. "Sorry, Bobby."

"I'm coming too." Sam said.

"No, you're staying here with Y/N." Dean said. "We can't trust you around any demons."

"I said I'm fine Dean."

"I don't need a babysitter." You sassed.

"Stay here with my daughter, even in that Bunker, whatever this is, it's big, and I don't think the Bunker can stop it." Your Dad said. "Now, if the demons do end up coming here, I expect you to use whatever you have to, to protect my daughter."

Sam looked over at you, and he could tell from your eyes how scared you actually were. He remembered that stare whenever you were little, and he always did whatever he had to make you feel better.

"Yeah, of course." Sam said.


You sat on the bed in the Bunker as Sam sat on the chair by the door. "You really grew tall." You said breaking the awkward silence. "It's funny seeing how you're bigger than Dean, when it was always the other way around."

"And you haven't grown much at all." Sam smiled at you, glad that you had something. "Not that I mean you still look like a little girl, I mean you grew where it matters." Sam paused and he looked horror over what he had just said. "Not that I'm looking or anything."

You just laughed, he was still just as awkward as you remembered. "So when was the last time we saw each other?" You asked. 

"I think it's been close to 15 years." Sam said. "We were 7, and Dean was watching over us while Bobby and my Dad went hunting a group of vampires." 

You thought back and the memories came flooding back. "That's right, Dean took us to the park because I started crying, and when we got there, a group of older boys started picking on me, and they pushed me over, and you and Dean beat them up for me, and then afterwards, you patched up my bloody knees." Sam smiled his beautiful puppy eyes. "I guess much doesn't change, I'm still needed you and Dean to take care of my bullies." 

"That's not true. Don't you remember when we stayed at that haunted motel, and you were to one who figured it out and burned the thing that had tied it to this world, and you were only 6 at the time." Sam said. 

"That's because I was the only one tiny enough to fit through the vents to get to the room." You smiled. As much as you resented your father for making you grow up that way, you did have some great memories. 

"What have you been up to? When Dean and I first got back in contact with Bobby, I asked about you, and Bobby just changed the topic, like it was a sore topic." 

"Once I turned 18 I left." You admitted. "I didn't want to hunt anymore. I didn't want to live this life, always hunting and running. So I went to college, and got a job as a waitress, and I tried to forget about my childhood." 

"Sounds a lot like what I did." 

"You stopped hunting?" 

"Yeah, went to Stanford, and I was going go to Law School, that was until my girlfriend got killed by the same demon that killed my mom." You could hear the hurt in his voice. "So I set out with Dean to catch the demon." 

"I'm sorry." You said. 

"So why are these demons hunting you?" Sam asked. 

"I'm not sure. About five days ago, I was at my waitressing job, and a group of odd looking people came in, and when I went over to take their orders, I accidentally dropped the salt, and it touched one of them, and they hissed, that's when I knew they were demons. So I did the only thing I could, I ran." Sam looked at you curious. "But they followed, soon they caught up with me and knocked me out." 

"You didn't tell Bobby this." 

"I didn't want him to freak." You said. "When I finally woke up I was tied down, and all the demons surrounded me. Then they started asking me about my childhood, and saying how I had something they wanted. And when I couldn't answer they tortured me." You lifted up your shirt to reveal burn marks all along your stomach. "After about a day of that, they left to meet with some higher demon, just leaving one in charge, and I was able to remember the exorcising chant, and I escaped, and came straight here." 

"So you have no clue what they wanted?" Sam asked. 

"None. But they were pretty instant." You shrugged. "I really hope they're okay." 

"They're fine, your Dad is the best hunter I know, and Dean has been hunting his whole life." Sam said.

"And you?" You asked. "If the demons somehow get passed them, what can you do to stop them, my dad seemed pretty insistent that you have some sort of demon smiting power." 

Sam sighed, and turned. "It complicated." He said. "Let's just say, when I was a baby I was given something that made me able to kill demons with my mind, but I need something from them first." 

"Blood." You breathed out almost shocked to hear what he was saying. 

"Yeah," Sam said looking at you just as shocked. "How did you know?" 

"Because the demons mentioned something like that to me, only it was about my childhood. They said a higher demon did something to me, and all I needed to access it was to drink demon's blood." 

Sam then when into a long story about how you guys were fed demon's blood as children, and now you guys were cursed with these powers. "So have you noticed any powers?" He asked. "They were suppose to have started about three months ago."

You tired to think, and then it hit you. "I hear voices." You said. "At first I thought I was going insane, but then I realized I was reading people's thoughts. It only happens when I'm concentrating." 

"Are you reading my thoughts?" Sam asked. 

"It's not working on you, but I wouldn't have read your thoughts anyway, cause I don't like doing it. Do you know how terrible it is to read what people are thinking about you? To hear the terrible things that cross people's minds. It's awful. What about you?" 

"I have premonitions." He said. "I guess that's better than reading people's minds." 


We sat in silence, neither of us wanting to say anything, but then you couldn't take it anymore. "Please don't tell my Dad." You said. "I don't want him looking at me differently." 

"It's not your fault." 

"I know, but I'm still sick." The look on Sam's face made you ease up. "Sorry, but what do the demon's want with me?" 

"They are making an army, with other's like us." He said. "But I don't know why they went after you personally, but there has to be a reason why, and we're gonna find out." 

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