game on | lucaya

By mayahcrt

33.2K 1.3K 410

a war rages in the corridors of john quincy adams high school. meet maya hart, john quincy adam high school's... More

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912 40 21
By mayahcrt

bananas and boyfriends


It's been a week since the whole whiskey bonbon situation. We all swore not to breathe a word about what happened - it's better that way.

And being the bad friend I am, I never noticed that Riley Matthews was bisexual.

"It doesn't really matter anyway, I only have eyes for Farkle now," she grinned at me when I told her about what she when she was drunk. "Don't act any different from usual, okay? It's not weird or anything, I just know how to appreciate girls too!"

"What? Why didn't you ever tell me?" I ask incredulously.

"I thought you would think it was weird and back off," Riley admits sheepishly. "I really value our friendship, Peaches, and I didn't want a little secret like this to ruin it."

Smiling, I extend my arms out to pull Riley into a hug. "Riles, do you really think that a small thing like your who you prefer would come in the way of our friendship?"

She grins and wraps her arms around me too. "You know, at first, I thought Missy Bradford was quite hot."

I pull away from Riley and punch her in the shoulder. "As much as I support you, Missy Bradford probably has had a ton of plastic surgery performed on her face."

I also managed to address Lucas Friar's charade as a clingy dog.

"Let us never speak of that incident ever again," I had said, to which he nodded solemnly.

"By the way, I'm glad your allergies didn't act up that day I was over at your house, I changed my shampoo," he smiles.

"Oh yeah, um, thanks," I stutter and my face flushes bright red.

And Farkle and his desire to take over the presidential elections.

When I informed him about his little chant, he snorted. "A drunk man speaks a sober mind. I plan to take over America before taking over the rest of the world."

I will never let any of these fools near anything slightly alcoholic ever again.


In school, I received a fluorescent yellow post-it.

Are you a banana because I find you really a-peeling! with a banana with winking face on the right.

Oh God. This is so bad I might go bananas. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.

Anyways, it's very likely that this post-it is from Malcolm Bradford, that cheesy guy. It's been a while since I've gotten one of these.

Suddenly, it gets snatched out of my hand and being read out aloud by Riley.

My face goes bright red as everyone breaks into hushed whispers, occasionally pointing an accusing finger towards me.

Suddenly, someone slings an arm around my shoulder.

"Get off, Hucklebe-" comes my instinctive response. But I turn around and see a different face.

"Hello Maya," he flashes his signature pearly white grin, eyes crinkling around the edges, two dimples forming in his slightly flushed cheeks. "I see that you've seen my post-it note."

"Hello Malcolm," I laugh, "where are you getting your terrible pick-up lines from?"

"Hi Shortstack," Huckleberry appears out of nowhere and slings an arm around my other shoulder, forcefully tugging a little so that Malcolm would let go. "You see, Malcolm gets all of his material from the Internet because he is unimaginative."

"What?" I narrow my eyes in confusion.

"That means, he is definitely not boyfriend material," Lucas states.

"First of all, he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. Second of all, I think it's cute that he actually bothers to look for pick-up lines. And lastly, why do you care if he's boyfriend material or not?" I cock my head to a side and fold my arms.

"I get it! Lucas must be jealous!" Riley exclaims in delight.

My face glows red with embarrassment as the hushed whispers turn to blatant accusations.

"Of Maya, I mean," Riley continues unashamedly. "Lucas must be jealous that Maya got a post-it note from Malcolm, since he himself didn't get one from Malcolm."

I burst into laughter, wheezing with amusements until my sides hurt and I started to tear up. The crowd gathered in the hallway also starts giggling, bringing a hand to try and stifle their laughter. I very honestly would've murdered Riley if she didn't say that second part.

"Wha-" Lucas stutters.

"Oh, I didn't know you were interested in me, Huckleberry, but I'm sorry, I already have somebody else I like," Malcolm goes along with our act and throws a wink in my direction, and for the millionth time, my cheeks go pink.

As the crowd disperses, I can't help but wonder why Huckleberry was acting so possessive just now. Lost in my thoughts, I bump into somebody and fall backwards. But, somebody grabs my right hand and a hand scoops under me to hold me up. I look up and see a smirking Malcolm towering over me. Immediately, I stand up properly.

"Th-thanks," I stutter, embarrassment coursing through my veins.

"What are you doing, Malcolm?" Lucas asks, the tone of his voice considerably darkened.

"Just saving a damsel in distress," Malcolm answers coolly.

"You were obviously taking advantage of Maya," Lucas says and I can see his clenched fists by his sides, the skin against his knuckles going white. What's wrong with Huckleberry today?

"Calm down, Sundance, all Malcolm did was save me. I was going to have a terrible fall and he saved me, alright?" I explain to Lucas, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever," he smacks my hand away and storms into the classroom, Riley running off after him to try and calm him down.

When Riley and Lucas has gone into class, Malcolm grabs my wrist, asking me to wait a moment and tells me that he wants to talk to me.

"Yeah, what is it, Malcolm?"

"Well, um, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" he asks, the tips of his ears gone completely red. The cool-as-a-cucumber Malcolm Bradford from just now has completely disappeared, and now standing in front of me is a nervous blushing mess of shuffling feet and fumbling fingers. Adorable.

You know what? I do have to take my mind off this whole Lucas thing, so maybe Malcolm would act as a good distraction. Anyways, it's not that I don't like him. I mean, he is hot.

"I think I'll accept, Malcolm," I laugh and his face lights up like christmas lights.

"Then, are you free tomorrow night at 7?" he asks, barely able to contain his excitement, his grin growing wider by the second.

"I'll have to check my schedule," I simper and disappear into the classroom.



okay thank you so much for 20k wow i knew i had to update when i saw that [ sorry for never updating guys ] but yes! #bisexualrileymatthews is a thing and maya has acquired herself a boyfriend, nice. and i've thought of an actor to play malcolm bradford. get ready for it... kevin quinn! he's actually quite close to sabrina so that's nice

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