His World

By melcruz0319

815K 20.9K 5.4K

***WARNING*** ----SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENT----- My name is Laylie Francis Volevoy, and this is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 4

33.2K 1K 179
By melcruz0319


"LAYLIE! LAYLIE! Where the hell are you, you stupid bitch!" I hear my mother screaming like a complete psychopath.

At this point, I ran to my bedroom and placed my small table in front of the door. What the hell is that going to do?  I quickly pull on a pair of old grey sweatpants and a black oversized t-shirt and then I slip on my shoes. My heart is thumping through my chest and my breathing is ragged. I can hear her stumbling probably drunk out of her mind as usual. When she is like this it gets really bad. My hair is still damp and my eyes are wide as I hear her bang on my door.

"You fucking whore come on out here! Mommy just wants to talk." I start to feel sick. I really can't take another beating tonight. I truly don't think I can survive, I'll probably get internal bleeding or something like that. I look around my room frantically. 


I do the most irrational thing and without thinking I open my tiny window and jump outside. I land on my side and the impact would not have seemed as bad if my ribs were not already bruised. It feels as if the air has been knocked straight from my lungs. I crawl away and quickly get up. By now the rain has cooled down and it is just drizzling. But oh my gosh it is freezing, my heavy breathing proves my point once I notice the small puffs of smoke coming from my mouth due to the coldness. I look back into the window and see her barge into the bedroom.

"why the fuck are you out there you freak! I swear once I get my hands on you, you will be begging for your damn death!" her words scare me and send a shiver up my spine. I then quickly turn on my heel and run.

I don't know exactly how long I have been running but it seems like for hours. All the while tears run down my cheeks and I am now soaked head to toe by the rain. So much for my shower.

I then slow down and just start walking. If I stay outside any longer I think I may just get hypothermia. I can feel my inner self-shiver, my breathing is deep and ragged. I wrap my arms around my self-trying to get some warmth but fail miserably. I look up and see I ran all the way to our town plaza full of shops and cafes. I keep walking until I spot the diner Eat and Love. I can see the open sign still on and spot in the window the scrumptious pastries and desserts they have just baked. I lightly jog to the door and open it. Once I enter the bell rings and I am immediately greeted with horrified stares.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

I keep my arms wrapped around myself with my head down and begin walking to the corners booth. My once light brown hair is now soaked to a dark brown color and I can feel my sweater dragging me down.

I lean back and let out a large breath of air pushing my hair back. Soon I begin to hear the whispers of people and no doubt it's about me.

Great. I didn't even bother grabbing my phone so now I'm stuck. I probably could have called Nace and she would have run to my rescue. As usual.

Placing my elbows on the table, I bury my face in my hands. What the hell am I supposed to do now? It's not like I can just go back home now unless I want to receive my death on a silver platter.

My head is pounding and I think I may just be getting colder sitting in these wet clothes.

I glance up and see that most of the people are back to their regular conversations. They all are laughing and seem to have no worry in the world. They have no idea what I had just threw and probably never will.

'Shirley Temple' throws her head back in a fit of laughter and I can't help but envy this stranger. What I'd do to switch lives with her.

"Is there something I could get you, sweetheart?"

My gaze shifts over to a petite woman with slight strands of grey hair and the look of exhaustion clear on her face. Yet she still manages to plaster a smile.

I slowly bring my hands into my pockets and no surprise they are empty.

"Uh no I'm fine, thank you," I say looking up at her smiling weakly.

She gives me a sympathetic look " hm well okay then" she then smiles and walks away.

I am actually extremely thirsty but I don't want to call her back here. I honestly have no idea what to do at this point. My thoughts are racing and I can't seem to catch one.

It's at these points I wish my father was here. Here to tell his little girl what to do. Here to save his little girl from this nightmare. Here to comfort her and tell her everything will be fine in the end, and that all this pain will be over soon.

But no. He left that little girl behind a long time ago. The pain will never go away. It will never be fine. And you will never be here to comfort me the way I wish you would.

My eyes shift over to the opening door. And right away I recognize the tall tanned boy walking in. Oh god, why now?

I keep my head down trying to avoid him from noticing me but then I see a pair of loafers appear next to me on the floor.


"hey Laylie, pleasant seeing you here," Derrick says in the utmost creepiest tone ever. God, can this night get any worse?

I slowly lift my head and hold it up with the palm of my hand.

"Yeah, I was just around," I say in a shaky voice avoiding eye contact. Without asking he makes himself comfortable in the seat across from me. Umm, I guess you can sit?

"I wish you would have told me you were free, we could have gone out together," he leans a tad closer on the table, I then lean back. "I mean the night is still young and all, wanna head somewhere, maybe my place?" he asks with a smirk and I could gag. Oh god you see he always does this. However, his proposal does sound like what I need right now. He may be the only person, at least at this moment, to help me out. Man, this may be the lowest it gets. Just kidding. What am I saying? I've been to hell and back.

I let out a deep sigh and look right at Derrick, "sure."

His eyes go wide for just a second and he leans back and plasters a devilish smirk on his face.

"Great, let's get going, the rain is starting to lighten up" Derrick then proceeds to stand up and gestures for me to follow him.

I am really going to regret this.

I force myself out of the booth and begin to follow him out of the diner. The ding of the door follows after our exit. The pouring rain outside has now turned into a mist but it is still freezing. I immediately wrap my arms around myself trying to contain the heat.

We walk over to his black Audi and he unlocks the door. I open it and sit on the freezing leather seats. A puff of smoke escapes my lips and I begin to shiver, Derrick then enters the car and pays little attention to my state of hypothermia.

He then blasts the heat and I sigh in relief. God this guy literally only cares for himself. I still don't understand his freakish fascination with me, but I do hope that once he hangs out with me he will be bored and move on.

Derrick speeds out of the parking lot and heads towards I'm guessing his apartment. I have never even met this guy's parents or even known him for long, but now I am going to his apartment. Its the only safe haven available at this point.

The drive is short and we arrive in less than 10 minutes.

Derrick pulls into the parking lot and now the rain has stopped but it has now grown dark.

"Come on, let's go up," he says opening his door and walking towards the entrance. Man, I guess chivalry is dead. Whatever.

I open the door and slightly jog up behind him.

These apartments are extremely nice. To the point that even the lobby looks like a mansion itself. I look around and see a man standing behind the counter smiling at us and I smile back.

"Well, are you coming or do I have to make you come," Derrick says with a smirk.

I hadn't of noticed I stopped in the middle of the lobby admiring everything.

I jog to the elevator where he is holding it and slide right in. This kid is literally so rude like who the hell do you think you are rushing me.

Being in this tiny elevator is suffocating me and the awkward silence is not helping either.

"So... What do you suppose we do?" I say breaking the silence.

"Well, I do have a few ideas... It'll be fun" he says slowly in a way that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

All I say is okay.

Maybe he'll let me borrow his phone to call Nace. Yeah, I'll probably do that once in his place and leave right away.

We step out of the elevator and enter his apartment. No surprise, it takes up most of the whole floor.

Why would anyone need this much space just for themselves? Like honestly, does he have some sort of mini basketball team living with him?

I jerk as I feel a hand placed on the small of my back.

"I'll make us something to drink," Derrick says while I move away from his hand.

"Okay thanks," I say letting out a fake smile.

He then swiftly walks into the open kitchen. The swirls of the marble table tie in with the whole elegant look and modern style.

You know. Derrick is pretty attractive. If it wasn't for his rude, conceited, arrogant, and creepy personality, he could be boyfriend material. Ah, what a waste.

I slightly chuckle at this thought. 

"What's so funny?" He suddenly asks.

"Oh nothing," I say crossing my arms and walking around. I notice pictures of him when he was younger. Him and baseball, and all the rest of his sports. One with him and some fancy big dude with dark brown and grey hair and piercing green eyes catch my attention. Hm. I suppose this may be his father, but the resemblance between the two is little.

"Here you are." I feel his hand on my back once again. I swear this kid touches me one more time I may just kill.

I take the cup and sit down on the white leather couch. Taking a sniff of the drink, I nearly gag. What the hell? Did he just make me a mixture of every kind of vodka?

I lick my lips and hold the cup on my lap.

Derrick leans against a table and stares at me intensely while drinking the acid. I'm starting not to feel really uncomfortable and shift in my seat.

"Sooo... How's your day been?" I ask while staring at a painting hung up above the fireplace.

"I mean, it could've been better. That douche Ace just had to ruin it" he says while clenching his jaw.

"Ace?" I question maybe he meant Asher and the fight during lunch, " you mean Asher?"

"Yeah whatever, him, the same thing" not really but okay.

"Why were you guys arguing anyway at lunch?" I ask and suddenly regret it seeing his eyes turning dangerously darker and his breathing now ragged.


Heyyy guys so thank you soooooo much for reading, you have no idea what this means to me!!!! So I have heard back from some that they still want to hear from Asher so I have decided that I will not completely block out his sexy head.

Anyway don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think. This is a judge free site !!! well at least for my book. Anyway vote, comment, share... you know what to do. Bye

Oh and next update will probs be Sunday ✌🏼️✌🏼

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