The Stalker #wattys2016

By sexy_beast12

565K 16.6K 3.5K

"M-Michael?" I stuttered He smirked then chuckled at me. "You didn't think I would find you? Did you?" He s... More

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Then Let Me Go
You are home
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Vos amos
He never really loved me
New book


28K 878 238
By sexy_beast12

(Michaels house)


I got off my bed and stomped over to where I threw my phone.


Don't cry beautiful, I miss you too.


Don't ignore me beautiful


I suggest you answer your fucking phone. Now!

To Unknown:

Fuck. Off.

I turned off my phone and laid down on my bed again. I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

End of Recap-

(They're are a lot of pictures in the chapter.)

"Gracie?" My mom asked as she walked in and shook me a little.

"Hmmmm." I groaned.

She chuckled, "Gracie, you have to get up. We're going over to the Anderson's in five minutes."

I looked up at her and groaned again, "mom do I have to go?"

"Yes, end of discussion. Why don't you want to go so badly?"

(Teresa Tomei)

"I just don't."

She squinted her eyes at me and studied my face. She sighed, "alright be down stairs in a couple of minutes please."

I nodded. After she left I grabbed my phone and turned it on. I have twenty missed calls and five new text messages. I groaned when I saw that they were all from Michael. I didn't want Michaels contact in my phone so I just left it as Unknown.


Ohhhhh, feisty, I like it, but tsk tsk tsk you can't talk to me like that.


Gracie, I'm warning you. Answer your phone.

Answer me NOW! Or I am coming over.

That's it! I'm coming over!


You look so beautiful when you sleep, but that doesn't mean you're not going to go unpunished for turning off your phone on me baby girl.

I gasped. I covered my mouth with my left hand while my right hand dropped my phone onto the floor.

Tears were falling down my cheeks and I wiped them away. I put my hands in my hair and pulled it roughly. I felt like screaming, yelling, kicking, punching, anything that would get my fear and angry out. My phone started ringing and I looked down on the floor. Unknown it read. I rolled my eyes and wiped my nose then my cheeks. I bent down and picked it up. I bit my lip and hesitantly swiped it to the right to answer his call.

"You took a picture of me? While I was sleeping?!"

He chuckled, "Oh baby girl, you're so cute," he cleared his throat, "I have a surprise for you when you come home." He said completely dodging my question.

I raised and eyebrow, "come home?"

"Yes, come. home. Now, back to your surpri-"

"Goodbye Michael."

"No no no no, Gracie! Wai-"

He didn't have time to finish before I hung up on him. I have only known him for a day and I want to kill him. I mean seriously, he's says that I have met him before, but I don't remember that.


Remember baby you're coming over, you're gonna have to be on your best behavior and we're going to have a talk about how you've been disobeying and disrespecting me.

To Unknown:

You also have to remember since I'm coming over to your house, reluctantly, I might add, you also have to be on YOUR best behavior, puttana uomo.


Ahhh, Italian. I have always loved Italian women.

I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. How did he know that was Italian so quickly? And how did he know that I was Italian? I mean just because I said he was a man whore in Italian doesn't mean that I am. I mean I could've looked it up online.

I put on my grey converse and leather jacket and walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I saw my parents by the door waiting for me.


"No." I mumbled.

"What'd you say?" My dad asked.
(Ruben Cortada)

"Nothing, yes I am ready."

We walked out of the house and down the walk way. We took a right and walked down the side walk to Michaels house. I felt like someone was watching me and I looked up. Michael was looking at me from a window. I shivered and looked away letting the wind blow my hair in front of me to cover my face. My father knocked on their door and we heard footsteps approaching the door.

A women who had Michaels eye color, but strawberry blonde hair came up and smiled warmly at us.

(Gillian Anderson)

Along with a man who looked almost identical to Michael, his eyes more of a blue then green.

(Patrick Dempsey)

"Mara, Chris. It's nice to see you again, is this Gracie?" They turned their attention to me smiling even bigger. "Im Elizabeth and this is my husband Michael. Our son Michael Jr. should be in his room, I'll call him down in a couple of minutes."

I returned their smile, "it's nice meeting you."

"He has talked about you ever since he's gotten home. He said you were the first friend that he made." Michael said.

My breath hitched. Friend? He's more of a stalker than a friend. I just smiled weakly and nodded slightly, but they didn't miss it.

"Please come in." Elizabeth said as she and her husband moved out of the way for us to come in.

We walked in started following them down their hall into the Living room. "Please have a seat, I'll go get the food and call Michael down."

"Do you need any help?" My mother asked.

She smiled, "please."

"Michael! The guests have arrived can you come down here please."

"Yep." I heard the sounds of feet going down the stairs and him walking into the living room. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on me. I looked up to him hoping he wouldn't try anything tonight. He smirked then winked at me. I looked up to our fathers and saw that they were talking about football. He walked over to me, "hey Gracie. I wanted to show you that surprise. And thanks for becoming my friend today."

"Uhm, you didn't have to do that. Can you show me later."

"Nonsense, Gracie go along." My father said.

"Okay." I whispered through clenched teeth.

Michael Jr. smiled at me and then grabbed my hand. We walked out of the living room and I tried to squirm out of his grasp, only to have it tighten. We walked up the stairs to his room and he pulled me in. He went behind me and shut his door then locked it. I gulped and fidgeted with my fingers. I looked back slowly and saw him biting his lip. He was looking at my backside and I turned my whole body around, so he cold no longer stare at it. His eyes shot up to mine and his eyes showed many things, a little bit of anger, mischievousness, but the thing that stood out the most was lust. He took slow and intimidating steps towards me and I stood my ground.

He smirked at my actions and licked his lips. "You're so stubborn." He chuckled and grabbed my shoulders roughly then pushed my up against the wall. Not to hard so our parents couldn't hear.

"You've been ignoring me baby." He whispered seductively. He brought his head to my neck and I tried to get away from him. He sighed and gripped my wrists and violently slammed them on the wall. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Because you're phsychotic!" I whisper yelled.

He smiled and shook his head then looked down.

"Oh Gracie... Gracie... Gracie..." He looked back up to me, his eyes were narrowed and darker.

"You're right I am psychotic, but I'm your psychotic future husband."

I scoffed, "you're not my future husband. I would never ever pick you to be-"

He smashed his lips to mine. It was rough, demanding, and possessive. When he realized I wasn't going to kiss back he bit down on my lip, causing me to whimper. He let go of my lip and moved back to look at me. Regret was written all over his face, but that quickly vanished. "Kiss. Back." He demanded in anger.


"That's it!" His body was shaking, his face was red, and his nose was flaring. He grabbed me and flung me on the bed. My body bounced on the bed when I landed and then finally stopped. He looked at me hungrily. "I'm going to make you mine now."

I glared at him, "don't.You.Dare."

He chuckled, "oh baby girl, you're not the boss of me."

He took of his shirt and started to get on the bed to get on top of me. I rolled to the right and got on my feet. He obviously wasn't expecting that, he snapped his head over to me and sighed in exasperation. He started to get off the bed to stand up and I unlocked the door and opened the door. I quickly looked back and saw him about a foot away from grabbing me. I turned around and bolted out of the bedroom. I silently jogged down the stairs the best I could and speed walked to the living room. I saw his and my parents sitting down laughing about something. I felt someone breathing on my neck and decided to walk by my parents.

"Oh Gracie dear please have a seat." She pointed to the love seat to my left.

I nodded and mumbled a thank you. Michael walked in and took a seat next to me. To close for comfort. Our parents went back to talking about the Anderson's new house, then I felt Michaels hand on the lower part of my back. He began to rub it and I moved away from him. He moved closer to me and I moved farther away. He moved closer again and I moved away again until my side touched the arm of the love seat.

"Shit." I mumbled.

Michael looked over to our parents and then back to me. He moved in so he was next to my ear, "your skin is so soft baby girl."

I shivered and not in a good way.


"Oh, that's the timer, supper is ready!" Elizabeth exclaimed and smiled.

Thank god! I thought.

I heard Michael sigh and felt his breath on my neck, "you're sitting next to me." He grabbed my thigh roughly, daring me to challenge him. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. "You're not the boss of me, since I'm not the boss of you."

He smirked, "the only time I would ever let you be the boss of me is in the bedroom..." He kissed my neck and whispered, "baby girl."

I scrunched up my nose and got up quickly. He smacked my ass and I froze. I looked forward and saw that they were in the dining room, just sitting down. I turned around and grabbed his arm. I pulled him up so he was standing and twisted it. He groaned in pain and went down. I began to pull it back so it was about to dislocate. "If you move, it WILL dislocate. If you touch me like that again. I WILL dislocate it? Understand puttana uomo?"

"Ye-p." He said through grunts of pain. I let him go and started walking off into the dining room.

I sat down next to my dad and heard a chair sliding across the floor. I looked to my left and saw Michael Jr. sitting down. He looked at me innocently then smiled. Michael sat at the head of the table with Elizabeth to his left and Michael to his right. My mom was to Elizabeth left and my dad was at the other side of the head of the table. After ten minutes of eating quietly and listening to the adults conversation I felt a hand slide in between my legs. I sighed and looked over to see Michael biting his lip. I tried to move his hand, but it was to strong. He began to move upwards closer to my area. I kept trying and trying to move it, but his hand wouldn't budge. His hand was one inch from touching me there before I covered it with my hand. "Stop." I mouthed to him.

"No." He mouthed back.

He dropped his fork and bent down to get it. His other hand that was in between my legs gripped the hand that was covering my area and moved it without effort. He picked up his fork and sat back up. Before I could stop him he slid his hand to my area and began rubbing it. I gasped and my whole body stiffened. I gripped the table and shut my legs tightly so he couldn't rub any more. He gripped my knee with his free hand and pulled my leg away. He was so damn strong! He fastened his pace. I was biting my lip to suppress a moan.. I looked down so my hair was in my face and closed my eyes. I let out a shaky breath. I put my hand on his and weakly tried to move his hand, but it felt to good. I was close I could feel it, and I wanted it, I began rocking my hips to his rhythm, not enough for our parents to notice though. I wanted it to happen so bad, but I quickly brought myself back to reality. I gripped his wrist tightly and moved it away the best I could. When I felt that his whole hand was gone I quickly shut my legs so he couldn't have any access. He sighed and picked up his spoon. He rested his elbow on the table and began eating the soup. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and pushed my food away. No longer having an appetite.

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